Share your most fucked up plant - regardless of problem <


Well-Known Member
This was a plant in my early days of growing using CFL's mixed with sunshine

This plant was the runt of the liter, thus was always given the lowest priority and was neglected but the other two became male hence the runt quickly became the queen and was granted the highest priority.

It was a small plant (19 grams harvest) and had a few health issues but was quite tasty with really dense buds

View attachment 3434247
NUGS look pretty nice though.
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Aw crap , am scared for my plant now :/ ...... My first grow I attempted was a normal bedroom light in a small cubboard with a PC fan and a bag seed in a cup of backyard dirt, I woulda been around 14 :P and never heard of a thing called "research" yet ... My next grow was store baught soil , bag seed ,outdoors , no nutes or ph , majore mite issues , I actually got to harvest tho , it was some of the worst shit I've seen lotsa seed and little thc -_- ...... Theseeee days I've got most my stuff dialled am growing 00 feminized seeds in a top feed dwc ,600w , check my temps and ph every day , feeding h&g hydro nutes and I got 1 hell of an eye for little mites (yet to appear these days ) but o well nearly 10 year from my first attempt but I'm happy with my progress :)