i use roots organic because it has always worked best for me. even in the bottled nutrient days early on. i just stick to what works when it works how i want it to.. it gives flowers a great taste, and roots seem to be healthier than other soils ive tried.. plus i get roots organic for 14 dollars a large bag. good price for good soil. i think watering a little bit more is not a bad thing, keeps your roots breathing good and healthy.
the mix is working great for me right now in 100+ degree weather outside.. but i turn the light on at 9pm and run til 9am.. so that keeps temps under control.. during the day room can reach 80-90 degrees.. depending on how hot outside.. 110ish will get the room to near 90 around 5pm.. usually its drop to mid 80;s by the time light kicks on at 9.. and by midnight its down to 75-80.. at sunrise its mid 70's tops in the room... i have 2 big fans blowing upward underneath the plants to blow cool air on the plants, and blow the heat up and away from the plants that is coming from the light. i dont like running during this summer heat but just dont really have a choice. product doesnt seem to last long enough to stop.
but back to roots organic.. mine never has any bug problems, maybe its just a northern california thing (i think thats were subcool resides).. i am in central california.. (is that your guess??

) i dont have any pests for that matter, no mites, no gnats, no aphids.. just a daddy long leg here and there. i dont use harmful pesticides, when i had mites i fought them during the winter when temps were in 60's and their lifecycle was longer.. and i hit em every 3-4 days thru the whole cycle with azamax and sns-217 combo foliar spray.. then i treated the clones when i cut em... i beat mites safe and naturally.. been clean over a year now. now i just spray em when they go into flower with azamax once, not that i need to, but i just do it for good measure as a preventative.
my opinion on guys at the grow shop are they dont know shit.. ive had to educate them i dont know how many times (just to bring some value to myself to lock in my discount) and even then i hate going there. 99% of the people in grow shops know jack shit.. the 1% that do are very valuable though, but very far and few in between.. look for the ones that talk you out of buying a product.. if someone is telling you that you need this and that and you are using 20 things now, its probably not a good thing to listen to their advice cuz they are probably just moving their products.. there was a shop here that is now closed unfortunately where ive gone in ready to buy an expensive product and been talked out of it because it just wasnt necessary. that is a good shop that forever had my loyalty. most products overlap and its just becomes redundant and unnecessary. weed doesnt need anything special.. just a few base things, and thats it.
n-p-k.. your macro nutrients..
your micro nutrients (azomite has almost everything)
bacteria diversity and fungus diversity (kelp is great, i introduce mycorrhizal because it works for me)
and humic/fulvic acids/enzymes to break everything down and make it into a usable form for the plant..
then something to feed your bacteria and keep your soil life thriving (sucanat/molasses)