Crab pot.... Vino... We might be from the same area... I'm in my 30's so in my opinion I think I'm just becoming an adult, you realize you know absolutely nothing about life regardless of how all figured out you had the whole "real world" thing from 14 till about 30 or so then I kinda woke the fuck up and realized I was sadly misinformed with my assumptions of the "real world"... actually I'll be 35 this coming week... not really looking towards the one year older part.. I still feel like a 20 year old thats slightly more responsible I guess, slightly... I never had kids so I never really had to worry about becoming a responsible adult for anyone but myself and the women I was involved with at the time... Its a little easier when there isnt a little whitey78 Jr. there where just leaving, or not doing the right thing is not an option... I'm not a slacker by any means, I dont wanna be anyhow, I work my ass off day and night for not a whole lot, and I'm a skilled tradesperson, no kinda jack of all trades, master of none.. Not me brah.. I'm good at what I do... I do have teenage siblings... so I guess I'm like a second father to them... However, even at this age a hard night out takes 3 hard days + or - to feel almost kinda right... almost.. kinda... I dont really do the "hard night" out anymore but I will sauce it up a little once in a while when I go out to eat or something but I try not to go out to drink only, I much rather puff the ganj... But I do like margaritas, sounds a bit bitchish but after 2 or 3 of those where you replace the triple sec with grand marnier (90 proof)... whooo... they aint so bitchy anymore, nothing is after that... along with a few puffs... Things become ahhh-iiight after that, lol...
You know what I say about adjusting the PH-ing of any liquids... So theres your answer right there... This entire run that I did, the 4 AOS girls never once had the PH of anything checked (aside the soil) never mind adjusted, as well as the cheese quakes that are just starting to get their bud sets going on, nada... never... I check the PH of the soil once they root in the final pots which is 2-3 weeks after final transplant..... then before flip, and mid 12/12 and then let it ride... Basically no real method, just try to remember to do it occasionally unless you see some funk going on... Most times if you see some kind of deficiency or something that appears to be PH related is more than likely going to be your supersoil running out of gas... something or another has been used up... usually in most cases with subcools supersoil recipe, the first thing you see when you're running out is the N... Then you need to see where you are in reference to the finish line and make the decision if you are going to top dress or not, I'd say after week 4 on an 8-9 weeker I'd say no... figure something else out and supplement, I'd go very light on N after the halfway as I have said... Or top dress a very little and see what happens but if you are just starting to see signs of def.s coming at week 4, I'd say no....
All this talk of light leaks had me all heated up so I ran down to do a check seeing I've been moving things around and changing setups.... I went in to find 3 surge protectors beaming... 2 in my veg tent, I couldnt really see them, they werent beaming but I could see reddish orange light coming through and around the tape... I put another layer of the actual aluminum duct tape on them.. and one outside my flowering tent which was covered but it was pointing right at my tent where the zipper is, I leave that zipper open on occasion when I want more air to get to the lower fans in the tent and blow up...
The nanners.... some will actually turn into pollen sacs... I think the banana's are sterile for the most part, I dont believe they'll actually shoot pollen, I could be wrong.. but some herms will produce actual pollen sacs, check that out... all I know is they suck and I look out for both banana's in the buds and pollen sacs at the base of branches etc... where ever... I go up and down every branch of plants starting around the end of week 3 till about 6 every few days or more if I can with anything I havent grown out before, but I use one of those LED head lamps, that shit works nice when you suspect a plant, you definitely cant see them under the red-light of HPS and under the blue it can be tough depending on the color of the buds but the whitish LED works nice..... You'll get those little sterile white seeds around where the nanners pop up depending on when the nanners popped up, the earlier they pop up, the closer to actually being viable the seeds will be... Dont ever use them though...
If enough pollen is let out, and gets all over a plant, meaning hitting it in several different branches, not concentrated like with the bananas, an actual pollen sac... the plants will shut down bud production and go into seed making mode stopping the production of bud because reproduction is their purpose, I dont know what the % of plant that has to be pollinated but once they hit a certain point they halt bud and make seeds... no longer supplying us with that nice sensi... If you get a little pollen on a branch or 2, they may not switch it up, they'll keep trying to get more pollen by growing more bud... But when its spread out they put their energy into the creation of seeds...
Really try to get rid of that botanicare cal/mag... that shit is no good... I am not 100% certain as to how to tell you how to handle the PH-ing situation with what you have going on... See how the PH keeps rising? thats gonna be happening in your soil on top of what you already have in the soil to buffer the PH... Its a whole lot of shit going on that is just unnecessary stress in the root zone, either by fucking with the microbe pops, or the roots in general... all that variation in the PH going up, and down, and then back up, and then finally stabilizing when the liquid dries up enough for the buffers in the soil to take back over... It just seems like way to much going on to be useful or good for the plants and soil food web... I really dont know, I'm just trying to common sense it out here... I would suggest just getting the GO ca/mg+ and put the earth juice PH crystals on the shelf where my bottles of EJ up and down are (seriously, they keep getting farther and farther back on the shelf of shit that doesnt get used, after that it goes in a box and gets given away when it becomes a hassle to store it, you know whats behind them? The general hydroponics orange and blue bottles of PH up and down), and no longer cause yourself the headache of dealing with that bullshit... As long as your using RO water, adding a little ca/mg+ to replace what your taking out with the RO maker... You'll be fine... I understand your cause to worry but even the GO bottles tell you not to PH their solutions no matter how low they are... when I was using GO, I was getting a PH in the 4 range... I checked and double checked and triple checked their bottles, their website... they explained it the same way I did, organic nutrients do not need PH-ing.... the critters and the roots of your plants will create the environment they want as long as you give them what they need to do it... The entire PH range becomes useful in organic gardening, it does not matter, you can feed them shit thats anywhere between 4 and 9.... very rarely will you see anything at those #'s but they mean nothing anymore once everything is organic and the water is decent... You have both aside from the bot. cal/mag and Ph xtals... (its natural... not organic... big difference).
Below are a few pics of my Cheese Quake crew... I smell querkle and I'm happy about that... I have different 2 cuts going on in that mess.... 3 querk doms and 1 that has a little more cheesy smell and look... but they both grow kinda similar... I cant wait for this one... That AOS I have in jars is killing me to wait on it to cure but thats how it goes... I broke up a nug of it this morning and it literally smells identical to the bcs dom. that was completely pink/purple the second it started growing buds on my last from seed grow... I grew the greener/JTR looking one thats in the jars now with the aforementioned seed run, and it was nothing like what its turning into this time... I'm not at all disappointed.... at all... I was actually kinda stressing because I wasnt getting a smell out of it but now being in the jars for a few weeks it has that strawberry/lemonade/diesel fuel smell that the bcs looking one had...