She F'n killed him! Are you F'n blind! Yes!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
And you're not biased?Believe me, I've watched her interviews, and read all about her political career and beliefs.I don't like her.Period.Just because you're tragically witless doesn't mean I have to be.So she's a woman,la dee da.A real woman doesn't expect special treatment because of that fact.
Quit trashing the lady, who you know nothing about, due to your bias. It's not becoming of a lady.


New Member
And you're not biased?Believe me, I've watched her interviews, and read all about her political career and beliefs.I don't like her.Period.Just because you're tragically witless doesn't mean I have to be.So she's a woman,la dee da.A real woman doesn't expect special treatment because of that fact.
Read the titles of my threads. Of course I'm biased. But, I can argue my points, or, kick your pointless arguments asses. Either way. Because common sense allows me to. If you had more sense, we'd agree a hell of a lot more often. But for now, senseless drivel spewers, we argue.:wall:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
You haven't ever kicked my ass in a debate, cco.You just spam up the thread with your retarded comments until people get tired of it and leave.You're like conservative"lite".Level one debater, something to cut one's teeth on.As for common sense, common sense dictates one get off a sinking ship, but you'll ride it down to the depths.Conservatives have had their time.Time to get the other side in office a while.
Read the titles of my threads. Of course I'm biased. But, I can argue my points, or, kick your pointless arguments asses. Either way. Because common sense allows me to. If you had more sense, we'd agree a hell of a lot more often. But for now, senseless drivel spewers, we argue.:wall:
Once again, no intelligent response from stoney.:dunce:


New Member
You haven't ever kicked my ass in a debate, cco.You just spam up the thread with your retarded comments until people get tired of it and leave.You're like conservative"lite".Level one debater, something to cut one's teeth on.As for common sense, common sense dictates one get off a sinking ship, but you'll ride it down to the depths.Conservatives have had their time.Time to get the other side in office a while.
Your momma.


Well-Known Member
CCodiane- No, I agreed with her cuz she put what I was thinkin better than I could.

You think you can debate? Puh-leeze, all you can do is attack and call bitch and other projected bullshit, and not make the first fuckin point I have seen in I don't know how many pages.

I will NOT vote for someone cuz they have a pussy and so do I. I didn't like Hillary either, so shove your rabid neo-coning up your tight ass chocolate whizzway, and fuck off. You are a real peice of work, don't delude yourself, you just spout filth and rhetoric and then think you are oh so clever, and you are nothing but the stupidest of fundie trolls I have yet met, so I guess you have that to be proud of, sure can't be proud of being able to debate anything. YOU are not one to judge US. And you SHORE ain't one to judge wether we are women enough, we are more woman than you will ever stick your limp dick in. (unless you are a chic, and then we are more woman than you could ever dream of being.)

Speakin of mommas, I just got done watchin yours suckin dick.......:twisted: FOR FREE!

Big P

Well-Known Member
think about it tho guys there is no reason to have to hate somone so much, i mean fine your voting for obama cool, but the vihament hatred is a red flag, a clear sign that there is somthing different about her.

I submit most republicans dont want obama to be president but you dont see the vihament hated from them of him

so I ask my self why all the nastyness? you know? its not nessecary i think

but then I realize, I have seen this overblown hatered before.

Ive seen it before, from the republicans, illogical, overboard hate of a person

and his name was William Jefferson Clinton

so then I ask my self why did the republicans hate him to a point that was not even political anymore but childishly irrational and counter productive?

and ive come to conclusion that it was because Clinton was a pimp, one of the coolest and most inteligent seeming presidents we have had in a long while, i even loved him

so then i say if the same hate is being imposed on Sarah palin, as was ruthlessly unleashed on Bill Clinton, maybe that is a sure sign that she is going to be one of the most popular politicians of our time

think about it, there is no one that can see all your strengths better than a skilled opponent. and the better those strengths are the wilder the retoric.

let us smoke a while bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
^^^^ No you have it all wrong. I am insulted at John McCain's implying that this woman is fit to to be my vice president and perhaps president. She has shown herself to be unqualified many times over. Her record of firing people who disagree with her and "hypothetical" inquiries about banning books are simply not consistent with required traits of a leader. She never even met a world leader until last week! In addition, as a member of the military I find the prospect of her being my commander in chief horrifying, this dumb selfish bitch could stumble into a situation that could mandate action that could result in my the very same way Bush CREATED an UNNECCESSARY war that has led to the death of over 4000 people just like me. I am tired of imbeciles running our country and it is time for the competent (Palin does not have this trait) leadership that Obama will bring.


Well-Known Member
think about it tho guys there is no reason to have to hate someone so much, i mean fine your voting for obama cool, but the vehement hatred is a red flag, a clear sign that there is something different about her.....

.....think about it, there is no one that can see all your strengths better than a skilled opponent. and the better those strengths are the wilder the rhetoric.
they hate her because she lacks experience:
who among this present crop of inept posers has any experience in the jobs they hope to fill? the demands of these two offices are unique and no one really has any idea what they entail until they have been thrust into the positions. she isn't asking for the most powerful position in the land. merely that secondary position, a seat of some minor power and possible stepping stone to future greatness.

they hate her because she is so conservative:
conservatism is dead, as is classical liberalism (they are one in the same, but that's an argument for another time). even the most ardent republican has jumped on the neo-liberal bandwagon and who can blame them. the people will no longer elect someone who doesn't promise them free stuff. the players now spend all their time pandering to the baser instincts of a population inundated with the cult of entitlement.

they hate her because she is rabidly religious:
in a predominantly christian country you would be hard pressed to find anyone electable who didn't cling to the outdated mythologies of that primitive cult. the fact that she believes in her delusion so fervently might best be seen as a rare bit of honesty in an arena rife with lies and deception. she is willing to actually live by her faith, as opposed to those who are willing to keep it in the closet until it is useful.

the real reason they hate her is because she ain't their guy. partisanship demands that the opponents be shown to be fools or worse. it's not about your guy's qualifications, it's about how ignorant you can paint the other guy to be.