Sheriffs sue Colorado over legal marijuana


Well-Known Member
the sheriffs just want to get paid. They're not seeing the same benefits from the tax revenue the Colorado law enforcement sees plus what everyday people get back in their tax returns in Co. Bottom line its about money.

now to say they are violating the U.S. Constitution. Raising taxes is a violation of the constitution and the bill of rights. Pot and hemp was a commodity speak and essential to life when the constitution was written. Its a joke. Like the Co gov said about last years law suits... The sherriffs have no ground to stand on. And nothing to support their bullshit claims. Any knowledgeable attorney can have easily have that lawsuit dismissed.

law suits are civil cases. They're not filing charges against Co.


Well-Known Member
If the sheriffs are concerned with "following the constitution" they should first explain where in the USA's constitution the ban was permitted in the first place. Then they should go fuck themselves.
While I agree that the constitution doesn't empower any state or the feds to prohibit cannabis, the constitutional argument relies on the supremacy clause. That is to say that it violates the constitution insofar as the states do not have a constitutional right to violate, obstruct or supercede federal laws. Colorado's court will obviously side with Colorado. This will therefore become an opportunity for the US Supreme Court to set a precedent. The executive branch still has the power to reschedule under the controlled substances act.


Well-Known Member
"Failed prohibition" is the best policy, only one branch of gov. involved, Justice, 8 bil., and rising, or so of taxed regulated econ. goes underground supplementing incomes of MANY struggling young men, conservs. get what they want, and for hippies, weed flows like wine on a Roman holiday. Don't see how Supremes can go against supremacy clause. They HAVE supported the interstate commerce power grab again and again. Anyone think they will take a step back on supremacy?
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Well-Known Member
"Failed prohibition" is the best policy, only one branch of gov. involved, Justice, 8 bil., and rising, or so of taxed regulated econ. goes underground supplementing incomes of MANY struggling young men, conservs. get what they want, and for hippies, weed flows like wine on a Roman holiday. Don't see how Supremes can go against supremacy clause. They HAVE supported the interstate commerce power grab again and again. Anyone think they will take a step back on supremacy?
I don't think that they would invoke the supremacy clause and try to force Colorado to overturn legalization. If they did, the executive branch could still reschedule. It also depends on how long this takes because if a GOP administration takes office before it goes to the Supreme Court (if it goes that far), the justice department would likely join in the suit against Colorado. So if it gets to that level it should be interesting.


Well-Known Member
I hate when people say that. When Jesus was a baby he didn't make one single miracle happen. He waited 35 years before coming up with that gig.

That gold, incense and muhr he got as a baby? Squandered it all on hookers and blow.

I liked when Frank spit on Jesus and it nearly fell on him.

there is a formaldehyde formula that is used call "purple jesus"'s index is a 50.:lol:

does that upset you, too?


Well-Known Member

there is a formaldehyde formula that is used call "purple jesus"'s index is a 50.:lol:

does that upset you, too?
Why would I care about formaldehyde? Do millions of people worship it? Do millions of people kill over it? Do people call its name in the hopes that a miracle will happen?

No? then shut the fuck up woman.


Well-Known Member
I don't think that they would invoke the supremacy clause and try to force Colorado to overturn legalization. If they did, the executive branch could still reschedule. It also depends on how long this takes because if a GOP administration takes office before it goes to the Supreme Court (if it goes that far), the justice department would likely join in the suit against Colorado. So if it gets to that level it should be interesting.
The, 3 or is it 4, suits,are really 1, forcing the court to order the uphold the Supremacy Clause over Colo's. state const.A head on collision, as I see it, and since a state suing a state it goes straight to the Supreme, only it counts.I see the court being boxed in on the Supremacy clause. The only option for the current Admin. is to resched. or face chaos. All future candidates cept Rand are drug warriors. which sets up a short or long period of chaos either way IMO.