Sheriffs sue Colorado over legal marijuana


Well-Known Member
The, 3 or is it 4, suits,are really 1, forcing the court to order the uphold the Supremacy Clause over Colo's. state const.A head on collision, as I see it, and since a state suing a state it goes straight to the Supreme, only it counts.I see the court being boxed in on the Supremacy clause. The only option for the current Admin. is to resched. or face chaos. All future candidates cept Rand are drug warriors. which sets up a short or long period of chaos either way IMO.
Rand is a drug warrior too. Don't you remember how he promised that room full of mouth breathing evangelical fucktards he would never legalize?


Well-Known Member
Rand is a drug warrior too. Don't you remember how he promised that room full of mouth breathing evangelical fucktards he would never legalize?
Didn't he also say there shouldn't be jail for drug use? Why yes he did, isn't that better than what we are presently living under? Didn't he also argue for state's rights to legalize even though he personally doesn't agree? Why yes he did.

I do wish he was more like his daddy though and just push to legalize drugs already.


Well-Known Member
Didn't he also say there shouldn't be jail for drug use? Why yes he did, isn't that better than what we are presently living under? Didn't he also argue for state's rights to legalize even though he personally doesn't agree? Why yes he did.

I do wish he was more like his daddy though and just push to legalize drugs already.
So you like him because he speaks from both sides of his mouth and wish he was as racist as his father...


Well-Known Member
I've said many times here that my biggest problem with Paul is that he is too much of a politician and panders to the crowd he's in front of. He's still my favorite POS possible candidate of all of the other POS possible candidates.

I can't take AC seriously when he says shit like "you wish he were as racist as his dad". That is certainly not true and fuckyouverykindly for saying it was.
Do you feel Ron Paul is racist ?


Well-Known Member
Do you feel Ron Paul is racist ?
I suspect he is, but I don't know him personally.
I also don't think his racism would have any affect on his principles. I always thought the Saint Ron Paul was a bit nutty, a bit of an isolationist, but very consistent in his Libertarian individual liberty strict constitutional ideology.

He wasn't a team player and marched to a different beat than most politicos, I may disagree with a lot of what he says, but I can respect him for it. Bernie Sanders is similar in that regard to me. He doesn't always say what's popular. I respect that even when I don't agree.


Well-Known Member
You don't have to have a meltdown just because I don't agree with what you said. I'm not surprised that you like Rand Paul, he speaks out of both sides of his mouth just like you.
lol meltdown! meltdown!

Sorry dude, I might try engaging you in an intelligent conversation some other time, I know from history when you get like this it's not a possibility. It's poo flinging for you tonight, not thought provoking conversation like you are capable of.


Well-Known Member
To be honest, I would estimate the racism in Congress to be about 50/50. I don't see any of this affecting policy do you?
really ? Ron Paul was not really for the Civil rights movement. Picture him as President with the power of the veto. again do you process what you type. Honest question. Sometimes we say things before we think them thru.