SHHH! Don't tell 'em its Miricle Grow!


Well-Known Member
I am not going to argue with you... "hey if it works, I guess use it...
Seriously though... "think about your health, yes Marijuana is a flower... but Miracle Grow I am sure is not thinking about someone smoking there ferts.
"Hey feeds up to 3 months, Only feed once"
Well just ponder about the Fact that MG or Peters has worked for Many Decades supplying nutrients to a bajillion plants. Of all shape and form, from containerized potted plants to bedding plants to nursery stock?

And this Marijuana plant is suddenly so fucking pickey it all of a sudden needs $40 per gallon specialized nutrients?

Don't think so hombre


Well-Known Member
Ive seen decent results in MG.But the consistancy of quality you get from one batch to another is spotty at best.
If you use MG. It is a must to garden lime the hell out of it so it will maintain PH and add cal to the soil.
The reason to use it would be the ease of getting it in some places.Some places in the US its really hard to get supply's from or to without mail order,
If someone is wanting to grow a little weed in the closet or basement for their own stash.Cool.
Are there other products that are more productive and more advanced products and line ups to grow marijuana with?Yea.
If you were to see a natural hemp plant growing at the side of some farmers field you would see how pathetic it looks.
You grow weed outside with nothing.But your results will be shit.


I just did a quick price comparison:

Miracle Grow- 1.5 lbs. $6.00
Maxsea- 1.5lbs. $17.00

Last time I grew a big crop of well over 100 plants I used cases of Miracle grow. Price was one of the reasons why.

Lots of people have strong opinions about Miracle Grow that's a fact. ("Miracle Grow" and "Peters" are the same thing in my mind)

I base my opinion on 25 years worth of results. I've never burned a plant, never, I've never had a problem with salt build up or any other problem that would make me even the slightest bit hesitant to use Miracle grow again. All the chicken little "the sky is falling" screams don't mean much when your personal experience tells you the exact opposite.

I will definately conduct an experiment of twin plants using Miracle Grow on one and Maxsea on the other. I'll also conduct a BLIND test of the finished product with people and see what people think when they don't know which is which.

I'm trying to comeback from financial ruin and plan a big crop this year. The biggest factor on fertilizers comes down to a few factors for me:

1) Will the fertilizer work well and produce awesome weed?
2) Is it affordable?
3) Is it practical to use in a guerilla grow?

So Far the practical answer to the above 3 questions is Miracle Grow

1) I know it works well and produces awesome weed
2) I can afford to get nearly 3 times the amount of Miracle grow as Maxsea.
3) I know its practical to use because I've always done it.

I've got things down to the point its muscle memory reflex. When ever I run water I find myself counting off, 1,2,3... from years of measuring the watering and fertilizing of my plants. Its a complete, no thought required exercise.

I would think differently if I had ever experienced one single problem but that's not the case. I've used MG for 25 years and the results speak for themselves so when I read that "This is wrong", or "leaves turn yellow", "soil will be crap" and on and on, I have to wonder where are these people are getting their information.

What is the source of their information? Something they read? something they were told? Or was it from first hand experience. If its from first hand experience, how many times was it used, and on what strains.

I know that Miracle Grow works awesome on Northern Lights, the Purps, Sweet God, and Sweet Tooth. This is first hand knowledge from years of experience. If I were to tell you that your fertilizer and method of growing was substandard, when you yourself have seen the results would you believe me or would you base your opinion on your first hand experience and knowledge? I hope you would base your opinion on your own experience rather than from an unknown source.

At this point I can't afford to make any mistakes. I need to have proven results I can depend on with no chance of failure. I couldn't afford to switch to Maxsea even if I wanted to. I will buy enough Maxsea to do a comparison experiment, but I can't afford spending 3 times the amount even if the results are worth it. When your broke, your broke.


Active Member
taste and how well the final product burns is important. 20-22 years ago when I grew my first (spindly, in the shade) outdoor plants I used it. and tried for several summers after. had some good results but after switching to better methods I can say without any doubt there is a positive change in the end product and not just because I'm a pot snob. even less harsh ferts from chemical nute companies is better than miracle grow.
the type I used was 50-25-25 blue crystals, 100%chems, pure nasty chems, no label would ever show the ingreadients. once this stuff goes into a plant there is no such thing as flush the plant was grown with it, the plant is it, no amount of flushing can change the nasty. will you grow big buds? probly? will they taste as good as ganja grown with good methods never, only those who are oblivious to quality (90% of smokers) will have no clue. their body will be able to tell the difference. the smell, the soil, the environment the smokers throat, everything suffers slowly from harsh chems.
through out the years I have seen many go from using MG and chems to slightly organic to full organic and after they have made the switch they don't go in reverse, to reverse is to go back in what seems to be the natural learning/growing progress order.
these are just my observastions I would have argued the other way had anyone asked 20 years ago.


Well-Known Member
Screw Mircle Grow it cost to much... just pop the lid on your septic tank spread that on your plants.
Then you can post pictures the size of large oak trees and claim your hightimes life of the party.:D


Active Member
buddy, fellow dead head, that is the nastiest thing I have heard of yet. just smelling my septic makes me want to puke. certainly would not want to consume it in anything.


Well-Known Member
The reason Miracle Grow fails is because kids find a seed in their bag of schwag and toss it in a pot then put a few tablespoons per gallon of MG fertilizer in where it is nice and bright blue and burn the shit out of them.

Then the reason cannot be that they are idiots, that can't read label instructions, "It's the MG" !


Active Member
that happens for certain but in the end even using it proper will affect the end product.
my grandmother who lived to be 97 could have told you 40 years ago miracle grow is for houseplants and unconsumables. for veggies and things you put in your body fetch some good compost. and she wasn't a smart edjucated person, nor did she smoke pot. she just knew a thing or two about common sence. nasty chems shouldn't be consumed, your body will thank you when you get in that upper age bracket.


Active Member
if the chems in MG kill of you microlife in your soil think what it does to you. in nature everything goes full circle what effects the small life in turn effects everything up on through the food chain to the top which is us in this case. and also he environment.
so anything that kills the small things can in no ay be good or you it never will be good for you. it is a basic law of nature


The reason Miracle Grow fails is because kids find a seed in their bag of schwag and toss it in a pot then put a few tablespoons per gallon of MG fertilizer in where it is nice and bright blue and burn the shit out of them.

Then the reason cannot be that they are idiots, that can't read label instructions, "It's the MG" !
BINGO!!!! That"s a story that has happened again and again a million times!


Well-Known Member
Do you use the easy sprinkle container or do you use the one you hook to your hose?
I say go all out and just use the MG stake fert. and pound it into the ground..
Shhhh ... let me in on it!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Rob, the thing about dead soil is that you can bring it back to living soil at will. Month old inground plants just take off with that stuff. I also see triple the trichs. from it. If I cared to look, I could probably find out why, but why knock a gift horse so to speak.

I'm not knocking miracle grow. If people like it they should use it. If people want to learn about the root zone and keeping it happy they may want to read up a bit and consider soil mixes they can create on their own. The Rev has an interesting new book out that covers some things people can do. There are many paths to success, good luck.