Shipping Container As An Underground grow

you really think they cought him by satelite? lol come on dont you think its more likey that a neighbor of someting just narked on him or somthing.......Im suppose to believe that the county tracked his shed from satelite then sent him a bill? lol i call bolangia on that one.....My dad built a big add on to the side of his house.......The building inspector came a few years later to give him a permit for a deck he was building.....The guy noticed his add on and told him that it wasnt leagal and he had to take it down.......5 years later nothing has happened they never came back to check to see if he tour it down they never sent him anytihng in the mail nothing........i doubt that any satelite was used to seek out your friends little shed lol seems totally nonsense

I know Tulare County in central Cali actually PAYS someone to do the googleearth searches. My dad had a similar incident after he built his deck. County inspector stopped as he was roofing it and told him he had to pay a fine, apply for a permit, and wait for approval. My dad told him "You come on up here and stop me from roofing and then we'll talk about it. The sheriff's office was called and dad still refused to come down.(While conveniently pointing out his sign that reads "Trespassers Shot on Sight". Deputy asked him if that was a threat and dad simply said he was showing them his "novelty" sign and had to get back to work. They left and 6 years later there is STILL no bill or paperwork from the county.
@budlover...absolutely. 100% spot on.

Honestly, if your smart enough to pull an OP together, ballsy enough to see it through, and competent enough to make it work.....why do something as fucking stupid as steal power???
Under the pool is perfect.... it won't crumple a shipping container.... lol... really guys. use your brains and think of solutions. it's possible and easy and if you think of the physics and math. there won't be a problem. you don't even need water filled in the pool or any at all. you could alost have the container 4 ft under the pool with cement and or dirt in between for more support. if anybody says anything crazy about how it won't work i'm probably going to trip. it's basic science and nothing will break.
@ ablazed blunt : my mantra is this, when breaking laws..break as few as possible at one time.

Excellent advice. won't crumple a shipping container? Are you an engineer or just high? Do you have any idea how heavy a gallon of water is? 8.35 lbs per gallon. Go figure out the surface area of the container, the depth of the pool and you can find the number of gallons above it. Then you can say it whether it will crumple or not.
Under the pool is perfect.... it won't crumple a shipping container.... lol... really guys. use your brains and think of solutions. it's possible and easy and if you think of the physics and math. there won't be a problem. you don't even need water filled in the pool or any at all. you could alost have the container 4 ft under the pool with cement and or dirt in between for more support. if anybody says anything crazy about how it won't work i'm probably going to trip. it's basic science and nothing will break.

The average swimming pool holds 20,000 gallons of water. At 8# a gallon that is 160,000 pounds of force on top of that shipping container. They were not designed to resist 80 tonnes of weight.
Howerver, not that it would make it work or anything, but the weight of the pool is distributed over quite a large area. I'd want it engineered though.
don't put water in it... did you guys forget....

It rains... Did you forget?

You (collectively) are talking about burying a cargo container approximately 25 feet below ground. Do you realize how insane that is?

You dont need a backhoe for that you need a strip mining rig... Then you are somehow gonna protect it from the water table (which it may or maynot already be below). And then you are gonna put a swimming pool that has no water in it into the ground (you do realize that this acts just like a giant cup or bowl and a good rain could get underneath and lift it out of the ground if it was empty?) and somehow keep it from lifting while keeping the water out of it...


It rains... Did you forget?

You (collectively) are talking about burying a cargo container approximately 25 feet below ground. Do you realize how insane that is?

You dont need a backhoe for that you need a strip mining rig... Then you are somehow gonna protect it from the water table (which it may or maynot already be below). And then you are gonna put a swimming pool that has no water in it into the ground (you do realize that this acts just like a giant cup or bowl and a good rain could get underneath and lift it out of the ground if it was empty?) and somehow keep it from lifting while keeping the water out of it...



I actually go to see a high school pool float and end up getting ruined. Heavy rains, I didn't believe it would happen until I saw it with my own 2 eyes.
I actually go to see a high school pool float and end up getting ruined. Heavy rains, I didn't believe it would happen until I saw it with my own 2 eyes.

They actually made boats with concrete hulls in WWII. Cheap as hell to make but I am not sure if I would want to sail the seas in one.
Every year or two this thread under a different name pops up.

We have all had this dream at one time or another.

Its been done, you just wont ever hear about it.
you're right guys. there is no way this could ever be done.... it rained... I don't think it's possible to take water out of something... the idea is impossible. there is no way

there have been school buses 15ft underground as grow ops just fine... and a god damn steel container has been done multiple times. you guys limit yourself too much.... advance yourselves please. progress this species. don't teach your kids that things are impossible. give hope

and yes I remember this story from many Times ago. and there are videos

"To actually dig a hole and place a school bus inside of it and cover it up with dirt and have a tunnel to it to cover up, that whole operation is at the very least unique," said Chris Hill, Lenoir County Sheriff's Major.

Even more unbelievable? Officials say a garage was then built over the bus.

"The canines were brought in," said Hill, "And as a result of the dogs being brought in they located a hidden panel, or door, or wall in an out building."

Lawmen then checked out a three-by-three foot hole behind a wall, which they say led to the buried bus.

Video shows bags of potting soil inside the hole, which authorities say helped 60 mature marijuana plants grow inside the bus.

So the big question. How exactly does a 14-ton, 40-foot bus get buried?

there are videos.... anyways I'm done here. you guys disappoint. fml
So the big question. How exactly does a 14-ton, 40-foot bus get buried?

You dig a hole and drive it in. Awesome.

there are videos.... anyways I'm done here. you guys disappoint. fml

Nobody's saying it can't be done. It's been done tons of times as anyone who wants to google it will find and as you know. The discussion is of the inherent problems with the idea. There's a huge difference between fifty responses saying "ya wow good idea do it" and an actually useful discussion of the idea.
A better idea than a container would be a vert-style op in a 12' corrugated steel culvert. Not only are they designed to be buried but they've got all kinds of manhole/access points available, they're lighter, they're safer, and they have a working lifespan of at least 75 years. Get a couple 20 foot sections, a wye with a manhole, get 'em dropped at your site, dig your hole and done. There are certain design advantages to cylindrical shapes anyways - most volume enclosed by the smallest surface area, which would make temp regulation easy and may possibly add up to significant ac/co2 advantages over time.pict1571.jpg
agreed. But I was making the point that plenty of cylinders have safely been buried and used... and even a school bus with a garage built on top has been safely used.... therefore, the damn steel container wouldn't be damaged in the case that it is fucking stronger brahh! I don't know how much more I can break it down. I shouldn't even have to.... it's not rocket science
agreed. But I was making the point that plenty of cylinders have safely been buried and used... and even a school bus with a garage built on top has been safely used.... therefore, the damn steel container wouldn't be damaged in the case that it is fucking stronger brahh! I don't know how much more I can break it down. I shouldn't even have to.... it's not rocket science

Yeah, cause we all know a reinforced concrete pool weighs less than a wooden garage... DOH!!!
agreed. But I was making the point that plenty of cylinders have safely been buried and used... and even a school bus with a garage built on top has been safely used.... therefore, the damn steel container wouldn't be damaged in the case that it is fucking stronger brahh! I don't know how much more I can break it down. I shouldn't even have to.... it's not rocket science

Nah it's just structural engineering. The bus is actually stronger than the container - bus is designed to roll and smash into things at high velocity without being totally destroyed. The culvert is a corrugated cylinder - if you don't cut holes in it it's the second strongest shape after a sphere. The container isn't built to protect any occupants - it's built to sit on the deck of a ship with some other containers resting gently on four contact points under a bit of occasional wind load, nowhere near the dead load of even one foot of wet earth. The day you bury it it'll start to corrode unless you take extraordinary measures. So yeah you can do it but you can also do something that's worth doing. Container Houses/ShippingContainerHouseEngineering.htm
Aww hell, google Forestiere Underground Gardens. Use his design. He make great use of the self-loaded(sp?) arch.

Seriously though. He had a hell of a setup. Lived underground too. Kinda a hermit. Not real stealth, but cool as hell. Just looked it up for spelling and here's the link:
Nah it's just structural engineering. The bus is actually stronger than the container - bus is designed to roll and smash into things at high velocity without being totally destroyed. The culvert is a corrugated cylinder - if you don't cut holes in it it's the second strongest shape after a sphere. The container isn't built to protect any occupants - it's built to sit on the deck of a ship with some other containers resting gently on four contact points under a bit of occasional wind load, nowhere near the dead load of even one foot of wet earth. The day you bury it it'll start to corrode unless you take extraordinary measures. So yeah you can do it but you can also do something that's worth doing. Container Houses/ShippingContainerHouseEngineering.htm

are you trolling me? CARGO CONTAINERS ARE STACKED AND STACKED WITH HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF POUNDS during and before and after transport. Shut your hole

and when something is buried. It doesn't corrode... things and bodies actually last a lot longer. ... shaking my head at people trying to argue and not knowing shit about shit.