King Tut
you really think they cought him by satelite? lol come on dont you think its more likey that a neighbor of someting just narked on him or somthing.......Im suppose to believe that the county tracked his shed from satelite then sent him a bill? lol i call bolangia on that one.....My dad built a big add on to the side of his house.......The building inspector came a few years later to give him a permit for a deck he was building.....The guy noticed his add on and told him that it wasnt leagal and he had to take it down.......5 years later nothing has happened they never came back to check to see if he tour it down they never sent him anytihng in the mail nothing........i doubt that any satelite was used to seek out your friends little shed lol seems totally nonsense
I know Tulare County in central Cali actually PAYS someone to do the googleearth searches. My dad had a similar incident after he built his deck. County inspector stopped as he was roofing it and told him he had to pay a fine, apply for a permit, and wait for approval. My dad told him "You come on up here and stop me from roofing and then we'll talk about it. The sheriff's office was called and dad still refused to come down.(While conveniently pointing out his sign that reads "Trespassers Shot on Sight". Deputy asked him if that was a threat and dad simply said he was showing them his "novelty" sign and had to get back to work. They left and 6 years later there is STILL no bill or paperwork from the county.