Shipping Container As An Underground grow

How can you read that entire post and miss the part where the guy says "No"? They are built to stack. They are built to be as light as possible while withstanding stacking. They aren't built to withstand the pressures necessary to be a buried grow room. Sure you could pour concrete around them, reinforce them with extra steel, you could gold plate them if you like, but what is the fucking point? It isn't a feasible solution.

I just took a quick look online and found many videos/pictures of people using sea cans for storm/bomb shelters. they even pour a concrete pad on top of the container for further protection. So how can anybody on here be saying that they will collapse if they're buried? Its obviously been proven that they can.
nice, so my idea is pretty much been already been the main way... all I know is that if it doesn't seem impossible.. it most likely isn't
I just took a quick look online and found many videos/pictures of people using sea cans for storm/bomb shelters. they even pour a concrete pad on top of the container for further protection. So how can anybody on here be saying that they will collapse if they're buried? Its obviously been proven that they can.

Oh, I dunno... Because maybe we are talking about burying a container 30' into the ground under a POOL...

My whole point has been there are easier ways to hide a grow FFS.
Oh... the irony...


Where did pool come from? Read the thread. That was the whole point. Burying a cargo container deep underground with a POOL ON TOP OF IT is asking for trouble. You should at least get an engineer's opinion. Are you digging in Marine clay? That might be one question to consider.

Wait...I changed my mind. Tafbang you are completely correct, my apologies. Please go build your secret deep underground grow room with a pool on top of it. Spend as much time in it as possible. Check back with us in a year. :)

I'm not saying shipping container as a grow room can't be done. I know it can be done...with some common sense applied. You know, like don't put unbelievably heavy shit on top of it. Like 80 tons of water, or 40 feet of earth.
That's exactly what I was saying. It wasn't my idea. I was just saying that it's "possible" and it's been used many times and there are still idiots in here that don't understand.
I was thinking about saying i was going to make a bomb shelter out of a shiping container and use it to grow weed underground and out of the watch of cops. If i rent a back hoe and dig a hole to place the cargo cantainer then put a foot of dirt back over the container. i would put two holes at the top of the containers and make fake rocks with ventilation systems. would this idea work for a underground secret grow. I am a medical user just like to do things difrently dont want guess comming to house and finding grow. I think this shelter will be sweet and a cool place to get away give me your advise why my idea wont work hit me hard so i dont waist money on sompthing that cant be done put you 2 cents in!!

This was the first post and therefore the topic of the thread. I thought the forum was to help other people by sharing their opinions and experiences in a constructive manor. I think the original poster bailed along time ago though so i see no more point in replying further. I'll leave you guys to argue over your petty bullshit.
simply pour a footing an build a garage on top make sure u put a 10 foot roll up door then get a mini escavater in there an dig your hole then have container delivered an push it off in the hole coat the outside with some spray on water proof shit (forgot what its called) back fill with gravel then poor a 2-3 inch u can figure out the rest on your own..........i did