Shit, accidentally broke off a piece of root


Active Member
So I went with a friends advice and used jiffy greenhouse for my seeds. Well, they just started sprouting and I was reading about them (because I just planted the jiffy peat in soil so it can start growing) and everyone said that the netting makes it rootbound. I then proceeded to rip off the netting carefully but on one of my seedlings i accidentally broke off a piece of the root. I feel very freaking bad for my baby and it pisses me off that i made that error! Did i just kill my kid? will it rebound? what do i do about the other 20 seeds in jiffy right now? Please help kiss-ass <--- always wanted to use this one


Active Member
I'm sure the plant is fine if the roots are coming out there's plenty others. You can try carefully cutting the net with a razorblade next time. Or just leave it, my friend does and I never heard of a problem.


Well-Known Member
I actually did the exact same thing when I put them into a 1 gal soil bag. I thought I may as well take the stupid netting off, as the only purpose I could see is to hold the peat in. Had a razor blade in hand and cut the first one off and tried to roll it off the roots, but the roots were swelled too big to back through the netting and it ripped them all off. So I just stuck it in the soil, and it seems fine, that was maybe 3-4 days ago, and no change is noticable from any of the other plants.
That was the only jiffy pellet that i tried to cut the netting off. I gave up after that.


Active Member
I think your right, its my first grow and i might just be overreacting to the negative press about the jiffy pots. I just dont want them to become rootbound or anything crazy like that. Also, when the initial two leaves come out what level of humidity do i need to maintain?


I am growing 24 seeds in jiffypots. When they break the surface of the pot i transpant the jiffypot into the soil (after soaking the soil throughoughly, then i put a dome over it

also: my strategy is to move them into a 4 inch container where they can develop strong root growth before i drop it into a 3 gallon container, is this strategy any good?


Active Member
I actually did the exact same thing when I put them into a 1 gal soil bag. I thought I may as well take the stupid netting off, as the only purpose I could see is to hold the peat in. Had a razor blade in hand and cut the first one off and tried to roll it off the roots, but the roots were swelled too big to back through the netting and it ripped them all off. So I just stuck it in the soil, and it seems fine, that was maybe 3-4 days ago, and no change is noticable from any of the other plants.
That was the only jiffy pellet that i tried to cut the netting off. I gave up after that.

Thanks man, i think i will leave them alone now