Shnkrmn's Pickle Bucket Hempy Grow 2009


Well-Known Member
Clones that is. They are doing okay. I added 20% vermiculite to perlite this time. The vermiculite changes the whole nature of hempy. It holds a lot more water than I suspected unlike the perlite which just gets barely damp. They remain heavy from their initial watering so I'm not adding anything until they get light. The clones actually are a little droopy as if overwatered, something that never happens in 100% perlite. That's not going to equate to rapid root growth if it's too wet down there. They are growing though:mrgreen: I think when I transplant to big buckets I'll add maybe 10% vermiculite tops. I don't mind holding a little more water in the medium but if I wanted to grow in SOIL I would just grow in soil.:cuss: Shnkrmn + soil = dead plants.:dunce:


Cant wait to see how the vermiculite treats you, I think its a blessing when they are in veg and flower but I hear ya on the clones, I am still learning how to take those with any sort of decent percentage not dying on me, I think im going to just buy an ezcloner, Update here in a bit on my trees just been busy with shit. Looking great though 'll bet you pull as much or more than the medium sized bushes.


Well-Known Member
AHA! There was an underscore that was part of the code. Also, I hadn't noticed the back slash in the second [/youtube]. Thanks Tom!

Doh! deleted it lol. [youtube]_TtgqPnDU8E[/youtube]


Well-Known Member
I need to transplant the clones out of the vermiculitey mixture they are in, but I know it'll be better if I wait a few more days for the roots to come in a little more.

I continue to have issues with spider mites. It's easy to keep them off the clones; they are small. There is no way I can reach them all on the big girls. Insecticidal soap works really really well, but only if you can wet the bastards down. Anyway, the buds are getting too big to spray any more, so I'll let the mites have the bottom leaves and leave me the buds.

I've decided to convert to flood and drain after this. I want to grow more small plants faster rather than the current paul bunyan exercise.:dunce: I will always encourage people to try hempy. It's a great way to learn how to grow. But it's a lot of work once you get to a certain scale. I have a whole nother life I like to occupy!


Well-Known Member

Here are my clones for the next run. I'm not sure when I'll flip 'em, probably when they get to two feet.

I'm getting some interesting fall colors on the three 'new plants'. They are going slowly as they are very sativa-y. The entire canopy is like a self-scrog. I tied many branches together to keep them up near the light. So it's forming a dense layer of bud.:bigjoint:

The tops on my main plants are getting out of control as usual. I've had a little scorching because they keep getting into the lights. A constant reminder to CONTROL YOUR GROW!

A general view


Well-Known Member

Good stuff, man. Nothing really puts you into someone else's Op like a video.
Pictures can only go so far. I see you 'got it going on'. :leaf: :-P :leaf:
"Just a corner of the basement" is quickly becoming "the whole damn basement" !!


Well-Known Member

Good stuff, man. Nothing really puts you into someone else's Op like a video.
Pictures can only go so far. I see you 'got it going on'. :leaf: :-P :leaf:
"Just a corner of the basement" is quickly becoming "the whole damn basement" !!
Every time I go down there I:wall: when I see those big colas bumping against the ceiling. The future is smaller but at least as productive.:bigjoint:

I'll have to do some more vids. Maybe show my harvest. It'll be rolling starting in two weeks or so. I'm going to feed them with cha ching one more time and then let em go. 90 days oughta do it!:leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member

Here is one of my clones spontaneously dying. Root rot possibly. Don't know why. The rest are all healthy and I have a little spare waiting to take the place of the sick one.

This would be one of the more stunted plants. Might make an ounce or two when done.

Likewise, a plant with many scars from the spider mite wars

I do not know how to grow this shit at all. It wants to flop all over the place, it has lots of medium size buds growing on long lanky stems. I'm just trying to keep them up in the light so it's a tangled mess. Turning purple too. I have no clue what this strain is, looking forward to burning it!

I think the ballast right next to this plant is pretty good for scale. That bud is HUGE. I have about 8 that size. The big gals definitely have about ten more days, the smaller stuff started flowering 11/8, so it should be coming down soon.

:bigjoint:bongsmilie:hump: Might be a three ounce cola. I'm still never growing trees again. never, ever.


Well-Known Member
Looks good there bud.
Bummer about the bugs.
You gotta have a lot of light to grow trees.


Well-Known Member
So I'm in week two of flowering. I have ten plants under 3 600 watters. 3 of the plants look great. 7, not so great. Medium is identical, I water from the same 20 gallons I mix up, I just don't get it. The wrong plants are rumpled, droopy and have slight reddish, bronze stains on the leaves. But the leaves aren't dying, or dropping off, so I just have to keep moving forward. Any comments on this would be welcome, but I'm out of ideas. Why are three plants perfect? They have been subjected to identical conditions, treatment, everything. And the ARE clones, they shouldn't be getting all individual like this. I started this journal one year ago tomorrow and I didn't think I'd find myself scratching my head yet again.

The third picture is of the three okay plants and the next one after that shows why I'm pretty unhappy today.:shock:



Well-Known Member
Usually red stems indicate a "too High" pH

Both plants seem to have that indication.

I would guess the difference between the plants is the light.

I would take the reflectors off
and circle the buckets around the lights.
Hang the lights vertically
and put 4 buckets around each light.
Space the buckets about 8 inches from the light.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Earl. I've been suspicious of my pH meter since it didn't calibrate right about ten days ago. I ordered a replacement probe but have yet to receive it because of the holidays. I hope I'll get it next week before I have to water again.

I've seen a lot of talk about losing reflectors; don't you lose a lot of light upwards?

The three good plants were randomly scattered when I put em in there. When a difference became apparent I grouped them for safety's sake. I might take the reflector off of the light that's over them and see how it goes.

I just don't get it. They all looked identical two weeks ago. I wouldn't have flowered them if I thought there was a problem.:fire:

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Didn't read the whole thread, aint got the time. A few comments.

So I'm in week two of flowering. I have ten plants under 3 600 watters.
That's too much light, especially if you have quality reflectors.

Red stems can be genetic issue (indica) not enough P or not enough N, take your pick.

Pest problem looks like aphids, they suck the lifeblood out of the plant, as do mites. Perhaps your 3 plants aren't effected?

Don't know if it's the HPS color that's the deal, but those leaves sure do look yellow to me, suggesting a N deficiency, root problem, insect damage....again, take your pick.

Good luck,


Well-Known Member
I hope you got a Sybon dual junction lab grade probe.
They are awesome quick. $50 on ebay


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by, Uncle Ben. No need to read the whole thread.

I don't understand the too much light deal. If I had 1 plant, would it have to much light under one of my lamps??? I had 20 plants under 4 lights last time and that wasn't enough light.

While I've had mite problems (gone now) these symptoms don't correspond to any I've experienced. I have a good microscope, in any case. So, I've decided it's just an underfert problem caused by my excessive desire not to burn my plants. The stains, the rumpled leaves, the red petioles all point to the same thing. Like you said, UB, either N or P, take your pick. They haven't had a feeding over 400 ppm, which with Fox Farm stuff isn't a whole lot. I mixed up 20 gallons at 700 ppm using grow big and tiger bloom and cal-mag. I ran almost all of it through the 7 plants that aren't so happy. pH'd at 5.3, the runoff came out near 5.5. I'm going to wait and see what that does and if it's nice I'll up the feed on the three good ones too.

Didn't read the whole thread, aint got the time. A few comments.

That's too much light, especially if you have quality reflectors.

Red stems can be genetic issue (indica) not enough P or not enough N, take your pick.

Pest problem looks like aphids, they suck the lifeblood out of the plant, as do mites. Perhaps your 3 plants aren't effected?

Don't know if it's the HPS color that's the deal, but those leaves sure do look yellow to me, suggesting a N deficiency, root problem, insect damage....again, take your pick.

Good luck,


Well-Known Member
I hope you got a Sybon dual junction lab grade probe.
They are awesome quick. $50 on ebay
I have a hanna combo. That probe doesn't look like it's compatible. the hanna replacement probe looks like a car cellphone charger jack (kinda)