Shnkrmn's Pickle Bucket Hempy Grow 2009

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Fox farm has a grow big that is 6-4-4 which might work for you. I'm using mg peat (60 to 70 %) and perlite hempy style with the 6-4-4 grow big with good results....the dyna-gro foliage pro is on order.


Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Thanks for getting back to me. I might be able to get hold of that before I water next. I do want a quick fix, but I think my current timeline can accomodate a few days to wait for product.

Thanks again for your advice.
There's no such thing as " quick fix", unless you do a foliar spray.

Earl, why are you so anxious to destroy the very unit that produces your bud? Just curious. I consider yellowing leaves a failure on the part of grower and not something to brag about. Yes, I understand forum paradigms. I also understand most of these paradigms are wrong too.



Well-Known Member
some growers actually shoot to have yellowing leaves shortly after the 3rd to last week of flowering begins...
to move the 'sugars in those leaves into the bud' and to reduce the amount of nitrogen in the
final connoisseur grade product. yellow leaves before this time doesn't help the plant at all of course.

i think you got the right idea with that relective material... right up next to the plants like that -
a lot of times walls and such are too far away to really reflect any of the wasted light.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
some growers actually shoot to have yellowing leaves shortly after the 3rd to last week of flowering begins...
to move the 'sugars in those leaves into the bud' and to reduce the amount of nitrogen in the
final connoisseur grade product.
That's a feeling, not a fact. I don't think anyone of these "gurus" has ever done a tissue analysis.


Well-Known Member
They do appear to be greener........what did you do?

I more than doubled my ppms with hydro grow big and tiger bloom 50/50. I meant to respond to your earlier post. I have 6-4-4 too and considered foliar spray but I was lazy and there is now more bud than I really feel comfortable spraying.

When that foliage pro comes I'm going to green up my moms with it so I can take a monster harvest of cuts in a few weeks.

Gotta get ready for the switch to ebb and grow!


Well-Known Member
I got a little creative with the lighting. Now the reflectors are lying underneath the vertical lights, reflecting light back upward. This was taken just as the lights went off this evening.

Plants are definitely improving.



Well-Known Member
New growth looks seemed to have solved your problem by study and action......well done.

Thnks, cof. I'm about to hit em with a dose of half Foliage Pro and half tiger bloom. Shooting for 900 ppm. I'm just waiting for a new ph/tds meter coming tomorrow.

I dosed my mothers with some foliage pro. Full dose. The new growth is looking very nice.


Well-Known Member
I got a new meter! YAY! It's fast

I also got a CAP ebb and grow system today. I'll be starting a new journal in a few weeks I guess!
Definitely not sulking anymore:

It's clear now that the purple is strain related. Which means these are from cuts from three plants I grew from a buddies bag seed that I really didn't want to do again. Oh well. I am a dunce:dunce:

I watered everything today with 400 ppm Foliage Pro and 400 of Tiger Bloom.


Well-Known Member
So I decided to test my old Hanna combo meter versus my new Hanna grochek combo.

5.9 on the new meter reads at 4.86 on the old one. Do ya think this could have caused me some problems?:cuss::dunce::wall:

I calibrated the old one a week or so ago. The new one is right on the money.
The old meter is in the trash.:lol:


Well-Known Member
ya, it sure could of. i got a couple of cheap ass tri-meters on the main rez...
hopefully the truth lies somewhere in between. Next time i'll spring for a Hanna
tri-meter. you probably get what you pay for.


Well-Known Member
So I decided to test my old Hanna combo meter versus my new Hanna grochek combo.

5.9 on the new meter reads at 4.86 on the old one. Do ya think this could have caused me some problems?:cuss::dunce::wall:

I calibrated the old one a week or so ago. The new one is right on the money.
The old meter is in the trash.:lol:
Yep, you gotta change the damn probes all the time if you want accurate results.

I found the Sybon dual ceramic junction lab grade replacement probes on ebay
They are awesome fast, and cost the same as a pinpoint replacement probe.

I buy new probes at least once a year
and keep a spare on the shelf
being an OCD person
about keeping the pH right on.

"Grow Junk Yard"
picture of broken and worn out probes.