Short Ryder Feminized under 250 Watt HPS in Small Grow Tent


Active Member
I don't have a ppm meter so I have no idea. I am using mollases and Botanicare's Pure Blend Pro Grow. I saw the first lady part on #2 last night so next watering I will be using a transition of half grow and half bloom, then onto full bloom after that.
i can se the ladie parts on #2 as well........


Active Member
thanx JG idk that...i grow hydro and i have some soil girls goin for spring summer fall grow outdoor i must learn my soil tip n tricks.....lots a pine u here...
Nice. Ppm isn't terribly important to moniter in soil. Make sure you're not over doing it of course... just listen to the plants like you're doing.


Well-Known Member
I am stoked, plants 1-3 all are showing flowers. Remember, #4 is a week behind them so that is why it is so much smaller. Anyways, I took them outside not too long ago to give them their last drink of Grow Nutes. Next watering will transition and then on to full bloom nutes! Can't wait to see the flowers grow!

Here are some pics. This is a new small digital camera so we will see how well she does. I will get better close ups of all the little girl parts later today or tomorrow. Enjoy all!






Well-Known Member
I am. The reason they look a bit droopy in these pictures is that I just watered them so the leaves are a bit heavy.


Well-Known Member
Not much to report. I switched the light to HPS so the pictures will have that nice yellow hue. Anyways on to the pictures.





And the Garden

Dr. Yo

Active Member
Those looks great DS.

I like how short and stout they are. Imagine an entire forest floor covered with these, coated in mounds of trichomes. :weed:

You wouldn't be able to see them from the air (as they blend so well into natural plant life), and when you walk by them, they look like any other small weed.

Anyway, your plants look really healthy and branchy...wish you continued success!



Well-Known Member
I took the plants outside today to get some natural light and some good pictures. Not much to report, mother nature is taking care of everything!





Group Photo

Dr. Yo

Active Member
Really like pics #2 and #3.

Love all that branching, and all those deep-green, beautiful fan leaves...great stuff!


Well-Known Member
Hey all, what's up? Here is a quick picture of the plants. When do they stop streaching? One of them is getting taller than I would like!
Never mind, can't figure out how to attach a picture with an iPad. Pic's tomorrow.:wall:


Well-Known Member
Here are some pictures. How long will Auto's stretch in flowering? One is getting taller than I would like. Anyways, on with the pictures!





and a group photo:

Happy 4-20 everyone and be safe out there!


Well-Known Member
under the m/h for 3 weeks and the hps the rest she was only 28" at chop and the ligt was almost always 2 feet above after i learned to do that so she only had so far to gobut if it helps i rasied the light 3 times through out my grow....... im not a pro at this by far, but she lived 71 glorious days im goin to say she streched 20 maybe 30...but i didnt get a pic of the roots from my auto BUT HOLY FAWK...they seem to grow more roots then they do grow up.....massive just massive..sorry not the topic here...ima say she stoped streching around day 35 or 40 next time i am gonna watch more closely..... whut day r u on n e tall also??????.i feel i havent hit ur topic question, but i hope this info helps u iin some way.........also looking at ur pix knowing whut i just grew and ur growin the same...u have alot of change to go throught yet.....she will grow a lil more up but then ull notice she will stop for a lil while and bush out..i meant fawkin bush.....yeah lots more...ull see (dude or chich-u?) go bak throught my personal journal and then trough my thread and u can see whut to expect for the most part...only i was growin mine AAK in hydro so...idk but im tryin to help u the best i can..... also i thought the autos would stay small, but she wasnt all that small from whut i have seen auto wise.....i was kinda suprised but i have the light and the space strechers lik Kandy Kush.......which will be my next hydro grow.......hey i have a question for u.......
What's your question?


Active Member
to be completely honest i forgot and am tryin so hard to remember.......i normally will just post the question w/o askin and i like o be respectful of ppl and like to ask certian ppl sorry but im stumped on whut i was gonna ask u ...shit sorry


Active Member
so how do u like the shorty's n e way...i love the 2 i just grew...i only featured one, but i had 2 going, i just ya know......i effed up the short ryder so i started an easy ryder (auto ak47 x lr2) to figure out the fix and honestly i needed a hps light but still...i got 42 grams off the aak and the shorty i only got a 1/2 ,there r big differences in the autos arent there........?


Well-Known Member
so how do u like the shorty's n e way...i love the 2 i just grew...i only featured one, but i had 2 going, i just ya know......i effed up the short ryder so i started an easy ryder (auto ak47 x lr2) to figure out the fix and honestly i needed a hps light but still...i got 42 grams off the aak and the shorty i only got a 1/2 ,there r big differences in the autos arent there........?
My first auto grow was original low ryder and that plant is tiny. Like a foot fully grown and you were luck if you could get 7 grams off of it. because they were so small, they were great for discrete outside garden grows, but the small yield almost makes them a waste of time. But if it wasn't for the original Low Ryder, none of these auto's would be around so you have to give the Joint Doctor a lot of respect! To answer your question, so far I am loving the short ryder. It is growing great, a bit bigger than I was expecting but from me previous grows, I will expect at least an ounce out of each plant so with four I have, a good quarter pound will be a great reward for my growing work. How did you mess up the short ryder? I have been feeding the hell out of them and them seem to love it!


Active Member
over fed and didnt have the right lights so she was stun and didnt grow a hole was my real first plant and i think this time around i will crack another and see now that i know a bit more, but the rh was way low to start and the heat was lacking and she wasnt eating cause it was cold and janurary, and i kept putting the nutes to her and really didnt know whut is was doin but a real vague idea...then i found RIU and this place saved me the lost of the short ryder taught me everything i know and helped me grow my (the joint doctor's )easy ryder (Auto-AK47 x LR2) and my harvest was 42 grams from the some Auto ak in the water afrm and ff as u see im moving on to bigger and danker strains w/ the help of u all.....
My first auto grow was original low ryder and that plant is tiny. Like a foot fully grown and you were luck if you could get 7 grams off of it. because they were so small, they were great for discrete outside garden grows, but the small yield almost makes them a waste of time. But if it wasn't for the original Low Ryder, none of these auto's would be around so you have to give the Joint Doctor a lot of respect! To answer your question, so far I am loving the short ryder. It is growing great, a bit bigger than I was expecting but from me previous grows, I will expect at least an ounce out of each plant so with four I have, a good quarter pound will be a great reward for my growing work. How did you mess up the short ryder? I have been feeding the hell out of them and them seem to love it!