shotglass method

im using the shotglass method to germinated its been 48 house and the seeds have sunk to the bottom for about 32 hours. i was mislead and told to leave into water til it pushes out tap root but now im hearing after they sink to place in to medium. is it too late can i play in medium now and still have a chance or have they drown?


Active Member
They could still pop. I have left seeds in a glass for weeks just because i was chucking them and the glass of water was convenient. When I went to clean up I had like 10" taproots swirling around in the glass. I usually soften shell in water when I intend to germ but never really wait until they sink. Although some do sink right away. Those ones still pop. Most of the time they are first to pop. I say just put em in the medium and hope for the best in a few days.


What I do, is after it sinks I place it between a wet paper tower in a zip lock baggy, and put that on a shelf in a cabinet where it is dark & warm.
Once the tap root is out about 1/4-1/2 inch place tap root down in soil, and cover 1/4" with soil, water it, put baggie over cup soil is in till plant grows out of soil. Remove baggie and place under a light.