Should free speech apply to those who don't hate Whites?

The Great Replacement is simply replacing American Republican voters of any color. The disingenuous amongst us make it about a particular color much as they do about the Klan who also targeted Republicans regardless of color.

It's backfiring gloriously.

with free DNA test

yeah such a great idea.....smh

If its free it's for me! Oh wait, I read the fine print and now they own my DNA.

Go for it!

Personally I'm a mutt. We in this diverse multicultural State literally had no idea the world wasn't half black and white until we got older and some fuckhead politician harped on it endlessly.
If whites are so fragile and need constant protection from everything, maybe it's just Darwinism if they go extinct or for the religious just part of gods plan.
If whites are so fragile and need constant protection from everything, maybe it's just Darwinism if they go extinct or for the religious just part of gods plan.

Reminder - White Genocide is NOT real - even though anti-whites like this guy have openly BRAGGED about it for decades and the US & European CENSUS data says its happening

the reason we know its NOT happening is cuz... ummmm... one time i saw a movie about nazis... and if you don't hate white people you're a nazi... nazis bad

Half of americans polled believe white genocide is happening - the OTHER half unanimously agree that people like me would wipe the floor with them in a debate on the topic