As a white guy in rural Americai offered a real argument - your side concedes that i am correct and just slanders and demonizes white people as a response - thus proving me correct AGAIN
View attachment 5182488
As a white guy in rural America
Which is my side?
Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White
I'm anti me?you are an anti-white in rural america
you push hoaxes and scams on to white people - such as "white privilege" & demonize white history for things all other races are guilty of
seems some people haven't had a DNA test in a while.......
Yes, let's all give away copies of our genetic sequences complete with all contact info and payment. What a what a great idea.
Ancestry® | Family Tree, Genealogy & Family History Records
Ancestry® helps you understand your genealogy. A family tree takes you back generations—the world's largest collection of online family history records makes it easy to trace your
with free DNA test
yeah such a great idea.....smh
Go for it!
Personally I'm a mutt.
…that denotes threatened loss of white male hetero hyperprivilege. The beneficiaries of an unjust regime are its loudest supporters."White Genocide" is a neo-nazi trope
As a white guy in rural America
Which is my side?
If whites are so fragile and need constant protection from everything, maybe it's just Darwinism if they go extinct or for the religious just part of gods plan.
nice try rob, but STOP signs are still for everyone......
you misspelled Republicans....