should I do anything about this or is this normal

Hi every1 I got a slight problem with leaves browning at the bottom of my plants:evil: they r indica strain that I bought from a pipe store. I have been giving them nothing but water, they r going on there 5th week of vegetative growth, they r about 6 inches tall they have about 7 sets of leaves. the ph of the water I am giving them is 6.5. I water them once a week, I got them under flouresents 4ft daylight type tubes the lights r on 20, off 4hrs the first 3 weeks, then I decided to change it to 18 -6. I flushed them starting the 4th week because they just stopped growing and because the leaves started to brown, but seem to be doing well now except for the browning of the first 2-3 sets of leaves, the browning is at the tips and edges of the leaves and go from light bron where it starts to eventually black almost, on the bottom 1's only. there is some leaves growing inbetween the nodes, first two nodes at the bottom. I was wondering if this was normal that the older leaves fall as new 1's start coming in??? oh ya I got a fan in the room also to circulate the air! and the lights r 12inches from top of plants. the plants r in C-I-L GRO vegetable & herbs premium mix, weed free soil mix contains a rich blend of compost, peat moss, humus and sand. the plants r in 6 inch pots. The first 3 weeks I had the plants only 3 inches from the lights and I thought that might have been the problem and thats why I moved them from 3 to 12inches. sorry for the long msg but I think I got every detail in their. and yes the pots have drainage holes

first time grower experianced smoker
thank you in advance
get smokinbongsmilie

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Hi every1 I got a slight problem with leaves browning at the bottom of my plants:evil: they r indica strain that I bought from a pipe store. I have been giving them nothing but water, they r going on there 5th week of vegetative growth, they r about 6 inches tall they have about 7 sets of leaves. the ph of the water I am giving them is 6.5. I water them once a week, I got them under flouresents 4ft daylight type tubes the lights r on 20 off 4hrson the first 3 weeks, then I decided to change it to 18hrs -6hrs. I flushed them starting the 4th week because they just stopped growing and because the leaves started to brown, but seem to be doing well now except for the browning of the first 2-3 sets of leaves, the browning is at the tips and edges of the leaves and almost black in color wher the rotting is, on the bottom 1's only. there is some leaves growing inbetween the nodes first two nodes at the bottom. I was wondering if this was normal that the older leaves fall as new 1's start coming in??? oh ya I got a fan in the room also to circulate the air!

first time grower experianced smoker
thank you in advance
get smokinbongsmilie
The soil PH could be acidic. you can get a cheapo soil kit for less than $10

Only water once the soil is bone dry 2" deep, but flushing may have caused an over watering (reaction).

What's going on doesn't sound normal



What sized pot?

What soil mix?

Good drainage?

Using tepid (warm) water when you water?


Active Member
Also I would also recommend some nutes cause that will help, try giving half strength. I also recommend like green cross to get a soil testing kit. They are worth it in every way once you have one. Makes your grow a lot easier knowing exact levels and not just guessing. As for new leaf growth at the nodes. That is completely normal. I would like to see some pictures of your plant if possible so i can make a more accurate diagnosis.
thanks for the quick replies green cross & realistg and deviantboi! I forgot to put some details about drainage size of pots and soil! so I answered in my original msg 6 inch pots good drainage CIL GRO vegetable garden & herbspremium mix weed free soil mix contains a rich blend of compost, peat moss, humus & sand