Should I kick this guy's ass ?

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Well-Known Member
Man i want to smack this prick's head !

He stole my girls bike..... Now i normaly dont have a problem going to someone and talking to them without violence, cuz i know i'm gona smack the shit out of em anyway ^^

So anyway this guy's an albanien, real fuck head..... they cause problems and this guy just keeps stealing stuff from people...

The thing is my girlfriend saw him ride of with her bike, she was screaming hey... she couldnt do anything..

So now its my turn to go to he's house and smack the shit out of him ! I will use the Chain as dental floss for he's teeth that mofo...

what you guys think of bastards that keep stealing shit. !!!! ???

I'm going tomorrow morning to he's apartment with my girl, she's gona ride her bike to work and I will deal with that cunt ^^


Well-Known Member
i would burn his house down...

i don't know where you live but i bet dude has a gun or guns plural... so you better be prepared to die.

he is an adult? and he stole a bike? i'm guessing a pedal bike?... if it's a motorcycle i would just have his ass arrester for theft auto...

but i would burn his house down... make sure theres noone in th house though...


Well-Known Member
hehe thats a little over the top

anyway i'm trained against streetweapons and combat weapons... he'll end up with a barrell in he's mouth... ;)

Just want to wack the shit out of him :D


Well-Known Member
You need to be reasonable.If you have a grow going and really don't want the cops involved, then don't do anything that is going to get YOU into trouble. YOu could try to get the bike back by using some harsh words. Or call the cops on him. But don't commit a felony over a bike that can be replaced.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't take my girl...what happens if you get caught with a lucky shot...Then your unconscious and your girl is in danger!!!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't take my girl...what happens if you get caught with a lucky shot...Then your unconscious and your girl is in danger!!!
Word! I was actually gonna say that your shouldnt take your girl with you. But i was beaten to it.


Well-Known Member
Your GF did see him steal it right? and you know were he lives right? Call the cops you have proof. get that fuck arrested, if you know he is stealing shit from people get the people together and tell the cop what this fuck is up to. I know how bad you want to stomp this fuck out but it may not be worth the risk. Wouldnt you get just as much gradifaction to see is ass takin away in a cruiser?


Active Member
Kick his ass, but I would be careful about going to his apartment. If somebody rang my doorbell early in the AM when I wasn't expecting anybody, I'd be ready to do work when the door opened. Maybe if you were going kick the door open you could do that at like 4am on a wednesday but you're just making more trouble and attention for yourself. I say kick his ass but check up on him. Maybe just follow him up to his apartment and handle him before he gets inside. Then you'd see if he was alone or not too. It's ok to run up some shyt if you're pissed but don't be dumb about. Think over your options WITH A CLEAR HEAD then go handle your business. Rushing into things is careless. Careless = caught. Your girl won't think your a puss for waiting a minute to check the angles. Chicks dig smart ruthless motherfckrs.


Active Member
Yeah and like they are saying, if you can prove that he stole it then just get the 5.0 (unless you're growing) involved. Then you have all the time in the world to settle up.


There's treachery afoot
Is the guy a US citizen?
I would go down to the police station and file a report rather than have them over to your house.
If he is illegal, call (ICE) immigration and customs enforcement and make him go away...poof...he's gone.


Well-Known Member
Dont take your girl with you just get the bike back and deliver it to her.

Have the police show up at his house when youre there and confront him with them. You should get the bike back if he has it and hasnt sold it or traded it for something already.

If you dont get it back then... watch for him and when you see him riding the bike take it from him and tell him why youre taking it from him. then ride the bike away.

If you think the guy is truly crazy and too big for you to handle follow him and when he puts the bike down somewhere wait until he's out of site walk up, take it and ride it home.


Well-Known Member
at his door with a two by four!

creep up to him at night, and swing that bat with all your might!

before you go to bed, take a tire iron to his head

or you could call the cops - let them do their job and keep you ass out of jail (or getting a nice big fine).


Well-Known Member
this is what you do..Ive been in ur position before.
watch this guy for a wk or 2(just enough time for him to forget about you)find out then he goes to work,this is the best time to take action.
now that you know what time hes headed to his car in the moring.
you park ur car across the street in the ally or next block over, keep it running.
as you sneek up wearing a ski mask from behind and you beat this fuck face with ur bat/pipe/chain ect.before you run off, you make sure you tell him hes own actions put him into this position and you will be back....


Well-Known Member
crack heads don't hurt easy so expect him to have super crack head powers
Beware of the thy wobbly brother as he slumbers....For if ye awaken the beast...He may smite thee with super crackhead powers bestowed upon him by the Greek God of sayest Thee:)
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