should i stop banging this chick?

I think being makes people say and do some really, really nasty things. I had to stop a guy trying to take a knife to my mother only a few months ago. And the shit people say on RiU when they're drunk speaks volumes. I hardly drink as it is, but If I ha kids I would never ever get drunk (not that I have been). I'd still get high though, if my partner was also on hand to watch our child and they are asleep or at day care etc. but I'm the kind of person who smokes and gets shit done. Once they are school age I don't think it's a big deal, but this topic has been covered in other threads and a parent needs to be on hand for their child 24/7.

I think a lot of these drugs are kids thrills, coming from a kid who thinks even if I were to indulge in these things periodically it would be silly and selfish, but not denying it would be fun. But if as a kid I can see you can do without the kid stuff, a grown adult should see that sort of escapism is college kid stuff too. Unless you believe in the spiritual aspects of psychedelic usage etc.

You can't handle women? Problems downstairs? Sunni would be an awesome GF; she bakes, smokes pot, has huge beautiful tits and plays Videogames. If you can't handle all that woman I worry for you lol.

EDIT: I see that you were joking now!! It's all good. I'll stop the woman rant/lecture and get back in the kitchen.. Class dismissed lol

I love you all really <3
I think being makes people say and do some really, really nasty things. I had to stop a guy trying to take a knife to my mother only a few months ago. And the shit people say on RiU when they're drunk speaks volumes. I hardly drink as it is, but If I ha kids I would never ever get drunk (not that I have been). I'd still get high though, if my partner was also on hand to watch our child and they are asleep or at day care etc. but I'm the kind of person who smokes and gets shit done. Once they are school age I don't think it's a big deal, but this topic has been covered in other threads and a parent needs to be on hand for their child 24/7.

I think a lot of these drugs are kids thrills, coming from a kid who thinks even if I were to indulge in these things periodically it would be silly and selfish, but not denying it would be fun. But if as a kid I can see you can do without the kid stuff, a grown adult should see that sort of escapism is college kid stuff too. Unless you believe in the spiritual aspects of psychedelic usage etc.

You can't handle women? Problems downstairs? Sunni would be an awesome GF; she bakes, smokes pot, has huge beautiful tits and plays Videogames. If you can't handle all that woman I worry for you lol.

You just described my red headed beautiful girlfriend! She's the love of my life and so are my 2 kids :D

But I do have to say your right I don't drink anymore since I have 2 boys but I do still smoke and grow but I still am a very productive member of society. I donate to the local churches and help with school programs so I have to agree with you that getting high with kids does indeed work :)
I think being makes people say and do some really, really nasty things. I had to stop a guy trying to take a knife to my mother only a few months ago. And the shit people say on RiU when they're drunk speaks volumes. I hardly drink as it is, but If I ha kids I would never ever get drunk (not that I have been). I'd still get high though, if my partner was also on hand to watch our child and they are asleep or at day care etc. but I'm the kind of person who smokes and gets shit done. Once they are school age I don't think it's a big deal, but this topic has been covered in other threads and a parent needs to be on hand for their child 24/7.

I think a lot of these drugs are kids thrills, coming from a kid who thinks even if I were to indulge in these things periodically it would be silly and selfish, but not denying it would be fun. But if as a kid I can see you can do without the kid stuff, a grown adult should see that sort of escapism is college kid stuff too. Unless you believe in the spiritual aspects of psychedelic usage etc.

You can't handle women? Problems downstairs? Sunni would be an awesome GF; she bakes, smokes pot, has huge beautiful tits and plays Videogames. If you can't handle all that woman I worry for you lol.

EDIT: I see that you were joking now!! It's all good. I'll stop the woman rant/lecture and get back in the kitchen.. Class dismissed lol

I love you all really <3

indeed...make me a sammich! lol
Coming right up! Wait, fuck sandwich... Just give me the meat!

And I'll say it again, your doggie is a cutie! But I don't share milk bones XP MINE MINE MINE! *wag* *chew*
gotta say i disagre theres a time and a place to drop acid and do mdma and when you have a child i dont think thats the time. too much can go wrong, child gets sick at the babysitters, you need to take them to the emerg, ect ect. also if someone really wants to fuck you over they can tell childrens aid, or fuck up your custody rights in a messy divorce ect ect too much reasoning just to not do it.

bottom line you can loose your child because you decide to drop some acid every few months, and is that a risk really worth taking? took some thought lol. I decided I agree, I also decided that I'm not exactly ready to give up having a good night every once in a while with some psychedelics just yet, which makes me happy I don't have kids lol. But I definitly see what you mean and brought up a lot of points that I didn't consider, so I agree. Time and place for everything.