Should I tell my P.O.?


Active Member
Alright, I am on probation in the state that I live. I am almost done, it's over in November. Last weekend I went to a concert in the neighboring state and while I was over there I got an UNDERAGE POSSESION OF ALCOHOL ticket. I have court set for a date at the end of the month, but I have a probation meeting next week. When I go in, I have to fill out a form and one of the questions on the form is "have you had any encounter's with the police since your last meeting?" I don't get along very well with my probation officer and I am scared to tell her. I am already on thin ice with her as I am behind in my community service work. Is it inevitable that she will find out about the ticket, or with it being in a different state is it very unlikely for this to get out. I just need to know what is safer from someone who has experience with probation and interstate troubles. I'm on probation for driving on a suspended license. Will this ticket revoke my probation, or will not telling her and her finding out be worse? What would you do?


Active Member
Most likely she'll know already. When it gets put in the system it'll show your on probation and who your probation officer is. I would think she would get the information flagged for her next time she checked her computer. Its probably better just to be honest and tell her you plan to contest it in court. The offenses are unrelated and not that serious.


Active Member
Thanks man. I still feel uneasy about it. I've had tickets in neighboring counties and the courts don't seem to communicate at all. So I thought that maybe with me being in a different state the likely hood of it getting back to my P.O. was very low. When a police man pulls me up on his computer it instantly tells him I'm on probation? This guy didn't have a computer, just his ticket note pad. Plain clothes bastard. I'm just worried I'm going to tell her I got this ticket and she is going to throw my ass in jail. She has such a hard on to get me in trouble. She has filed a petition to revoke on me twice but the state hasn't bothered to answer her. I don't have a license so getting to my community service work area is a pain in the ass but I've still got like 60% of it done but she won't let up.


Active Member
You can request a different probation officer. That what I did when I had this she demon. She actually said I finally gotcha once when she found an empty alcohol container in my trash. I said sorry thats public property and wasn't mine. When I had a court date to get me in trouble I told the judge and got a different PO. Most aren't that bad. But yes if a cop takes your SSN or your id and runs it on a computer or with a dispatcher they'll see all your info. Anything but warrants wouldn't show up out of state when just getting a ticket before a few years ago, but now most the systems are better and reach across state lines.


Active Member
+rep to you man. I probably would've lied to her and that would have worsened my situation. Thank you so much. I have a full-time job, I'm the sole provider for my family, I'm in trouble for traffic violations, and other than that I haven't done anything wrong but she has been hard on my case from the first time I walked in there. She is middle-aged, very fat and unhealthy, and I think she is just a miserable person. I'm normally good with teachers/bosses/coaches, you know, people "above" me, but this bitch is a raging bull and nothing seems to make her happy except the thought of me going to jail.


Well-Known Member
+rep to you man. I probably would've lied to her and that would have worsened my situation. Thank you so much. I have a full-time job, I'm the sole provider for my family, I'm in trouble for traffic violations, and other than that I haven't done anything wrong but she has been hard on my case from the first time I walked in there. She is middle-aged, very fat and unhealthy, and I think she is just a miserable person. I'm normally good with teachers/bosses/coaches, you know, people "above" me, but this bitch is a raging bull and nothing seems to make her happy except the thought of me going to jail.
if the bitch is that set out to lock you up.. i wouldnt say a word.. i was on probation in PA and the same thing happened to me.. never found out, it really depends on the states though


Well-Known Member
+rep to you man. I probably would've lied to her and that would have worsened my situation. Thank you so much. I have a full-time job, I'm the sole provider for my family, I'm in trouble for traffic violations, and other than that I haven't done anything wrong but she has been hard on my case from the first time I walked in there. She is middle-aged, very fat and unhealthy, and I think she is just a miserable person. I'm normally good with teachers/bosses/coaches, you know, people "above" me, but this bitch is a raging bull and nothing seems to make her happy except the thought of me going to jail.
does your probation allow you to leave the state without getting approval from your P.O.? I've never heard of one that did, I'd be looking into that as I wouldn't wouldn't want to get slapped with a P.V. on top of it all!


Well-Known Member
does your probation allow you to leave the state without getting approval from your P.O.? I've never heard of one that did, I'd be looking into that as I wouldn't wouldn't want to get slapped with a P.V. on top of it all!
That's a very good point.

OP, I do not wish this to be harsh. But, you need to wise up.

If I were you, I would do everything I could possibly do to let your P.O. know you are willing to do whatever she feels necessary to complete your probation.

Catch up on your Community Service.

And for Christ's sake, stop violating the law in public.

Be a model citizen.

I can't advise you on whether to come clean with your P.O. or not. I suppose you need to determine if it is worth the risk.

I can say that if you lie on that form and they find out, the reaction will be bad because lying on those forms is an offense all by itself.

You are on probation. It sucks.

Anyone who has been on it knows that.

But, you are not going to be released any earlier by acting stupid, and having your probation revoked is far worse.

And that is the track you are on.

Think about what I have written here.

I wish you the best of luck.

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
just like somebody else said, there is no need to tell her. Chances are she will already know. If she doesn't dont tell on yourself what are you crazy? Do you like jail?


Well-Known Member
I believe you shouldn't mention anything to her & on that form you have to fill on the question "have you had any encounter's with the police since your last meeting?" I would answer " well there was 2 officers at the donuts shop this morning " anyway peace & good luck


Well-Known Member
just finish off your probation lol, i seen a lot of dumb people have like a 2 year probation.. violate like 18 months into it haha.. they pull all your time from you and you go to jail and get out and start fresh, back to sq 1

Magic Rabbit

Well-Known Member
:leaf:Hey my friend. I spent over 10 yrs. on paper so I know exactly how it is. Your best bet is dont say nothing to ur PO. Different State, misdemeanor charge. Pay that fine for ur ticket n ride it out. A big red flag will not raise over that. My experience was in the same state. If You got unutha ? hit me back.:weed:


Active Member
The fact that I was out of state without permission didn't even hit me until the car ride home from work earlier. This increases my hesitation in telling her. I am going to bust my ass to get as many hours done as I can the next few days before my meeting, which will leave me very close to 100 percent done, and I am not going to tell her unless someone else can convince me it is the best option. I am too pretty for jail, and I hate the blankets they give you.


Well-Known Member
The fact that I was out of state without permission didn't even hit me until the car ride home from work earlier. This increases my hesitation in telling her. I am going to bust my ass to get as many hours done as I can the next few days before my meeting, which will leave me very close to 100 percent done, and I am not going to tell her unless someone else can convince me it is the best option. I am too pretty for jail, and I hate the blankets they give you.
scratchy fire safe blankets lol, i may be wrong but when i was on parole the lady told me not to leave the state for more then 24 hours


Well-Known Member
scratchy fire safe blankets lol, i may be wrong but when i was on parole the lady told me not to leave the state for more then 24 hours
I'm pretty sure most don't want you to leave the jurisdiction (county) let alone the state without a travel permit.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure most don't want you to leave the jurisdiction (county) let alone the state without a travel permit.
i lived right on the PA DE boarder, everyone shops in DE no taxes, so that woulda been tough for that areas probation, but if youre like dead set in the middle of a state.. i could see that


Well-Known Member
So I was in a similar situation as you once...I was in trouble in NY and got arrested in Pa. I dont mean i got a ticket I got caught in a RV full of stuff on my way to last last phish concert way back before they took their break in the early 2000's nothing of mine showed up in pa that I had in NY and the trouble I got in never got back to NY. So unless you are sure they are gonna find out or you think it will make it wayyyyyyyyyyy worse I wouldnt say shit if I were you.