Should Insurance Companies Have to Take Back Their Customers

There is a major flaw in your rebuttal. You are agreeing with me 100%, not in disagreement at all. You cannot get "Sex Specific" insurance anymore due to the law, those people that did have such insurance (millions of people)have been kicked off those plans and have to go shop for new ones that comply with the law.

You understand now?

What strain are you smoking?
Let me know if you need me to smoke your weed for you too

In health insurance and specifically the individual and small group insurance markets, rescissions have generally followed the diagnosis of an expensive-to-treat illness in the patient (policyholder), typically because of withheld information about a pre-existing medical condition.[SUP][7][/SUP] Public awareness of this practice increased during the 2009 US healthcare debate, when it was described colloquially as "cancel coverage when you get sick". The practice of health insurance rescission was partially limited starting September 23, 2010,[SUP][8][/SUP] following the adoption of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010. A House committee report[SUP][9][/SUP] found that WellPoint Inc., UnitedHealth Group and Assurant rescinded policies for more than 20,000 people over a five-year period;[SUP][7][/SUP] the House report also highlighted 13 particular cases.[SUP][9][/SUP]

this practice of searching for any reason whatsoever to kick someone off insurance once they get sick (i.e. BECAUSE they get sick) was a big driver in our massive, massive administration costs.
Let me know if you need me to smoke your weed for you too

In health insurance and specifically the individual and small group insurance markets, rescissions have generally followed the diagnosis of an expensive-to-treat illness in the patient (policyholder), typically because of withheld information about a pre-existing medical condition.[SUP][7][/SUP] Public awareness of this practice increased during the 2009 US healthcare debate, when it was described colloquially as "cancel coverage when you get sick". The practice of health insurance rescission was partially limited starting September 23, 2010,[SUP][8][/SUP] following the adoption of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010. A House committee report[SUP][9][/SUP] found that WellPoint Inc., UnitedHealth Group and Assurant rescinded policies for more than 20,000 people over a five-year period;[SUP][7][/SUP] the House report also highlighted 13 particular cases.[SUP][9][/SUP]

Those companies combined covered 150 million people. Out of those 150 million, 4000 are being denied coverage because of rescission per year. That is a rate of .002%, which isn't even a statistical anomaly so don't get all wound up about so very little.

4000 people per year is INSIGNIFICANT!!
Those companies combined covered 150 million people. Out of those 150 million, 4000 are being denied coverage because of rescission per year. That is a rate of .002%, which isn't even a statistical anomaly so don't get all wound up about so very little.

4000 people per year is INSIGNIFICANT!!

it's actually .3% if you know how decimals and rounding works.

your math sucks.
Those companies combined covered 150 million people. Out of those 150 million, 4000 are being denied coverage because of rescission per year. That is a rate of .002%, which isn't even a statistical anomaly so don't get all wound up about so very little.

4000 people per year is INSIGNIFICANT!!

Out of that 150 million how many got sick enough for them to rescind their policy?

Would it be insignificant if it were you?

In this community there are more than just recreational smokers if there was ever a board to have a little more compassion it would be here

Maybe you just like to get high in your spare time but others are fighting for their lives

I know your ignorance is bliss but think for a minute before you express it publicly
it's actually .3% if you know how decimals and rounding works.

your math sucks.

Great rounding, but your answer is 100 times too large. 4000/150 million = .0000266 that does not equate to .3% if you round it up you get .0027%

Decimal place only moves 2 spots because the hundredths( a percentage) only has 2 zeroes.

You suck at math, and when expressing percentages you go to the hundredths place unless its even less, you don't "round up".

edit: You would think with all the many times you have screwed up your math that you would double check these things. Not everyone was destined to graduate from University though.

The Irony is so thick you could spoon it out of your last post.
Out of that 150 million how many got sick enough for them to rescind their policy?

Would it be insignificant if it were you?

In this community there are more than just recreational smokers if there was ever a board to have a little more compassion it would be here

Maybe you just like to get high in your spare time but others are fighting for their lives

I know your ignorance is bliss but think for a minute before you express it publicly

Why should I have compassion for people who commit fraud? You can't be rescinded unless you are actually guilty of it, even if it was because of poor memory.
Some people think that businesses don't need to make a profit and that stockholders don't need to see their stock appreciate because no one needs to retire.

BTW did those 4000 people instantly die? Or did they just lose the insurance?
Great rounding, but your answer is 100 times too large. 4000/150 million = .0000266 that does not equate to .3% if you round it up you get .0027%

Decimal place only moves 2 spots because the hundredths( a percentage) only has 2 zeroes.

You suck at math, and when expressing percentages you go to the hundredths place unless its even less, you don't "round up".

edit: You would think with all the many times you have screwed up your math that you would double check these things. Not everyone was destined to graduate from University though.

The Irony is so thick you could spoon it out of your last post.

He also sucks at simple division. No talking your way out of this one UB, straight up wrong. You are now officially the very LAST member on RIU that should ever correct another member's math. How the fuck you actually managed to pass Cheebs in that foot race is beyond me.

Man, that's gotta sting. Comin' all condescending and shit, only to drop your dick in the dirt.



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Why should I have compassion for people who commit fraud? You can't be rescinded unless you are actually guilty of it, even if it was because of poor memory.
Some people think that businesses don't need to make a profit and that stockholders don't need to see their stock appreciate because no one needs to retire.

BTW did those 4000 people instantly die? Or did they just lose the insurance?

You Sir are an idiot If you commit fraud even under Obama care as some of you like to call it you can legally lose your policy of course you broke a law that is not at debate here. We are just talking about those people that get sick enough for the bills to get expensive and are cancelled for using the policy they paid for it is fact that companies have done this as a practice.

Why do you choose to ignore facts?
You Sir are an idiot If you commit fraud even under Obama care as some of you like to call it you can legally lose your policy of course you broke a law that is not at debate here. We are just talking about those people that get sick enough for the bills to get expensive and are cancelled for using the policy they paid for it is fact that companies have done this as a practice.

Why do you choose to ignore facts?

So you got any proof that insurance companies did this, or are you just expecting me to believe you?
Great rounding, but your answer is 100 times too large. 4000/150 million = .0000266 that does not equate to .3% if you round it up you get .0027%

Decimal place only moves 2 spots because the hundredths( a percentage) only has 2 zeroes.

You suck at math, and when expressing percentages you go to the hundredths place unless its even less, you don't "round up".

edit: You would think with all the many times you have screwed up your math that you would double check these things. Not everyone was destined to graduate from University though.

The Irony is so thick you could spoon it out of your last post.

4000/1500000 = .00266666666

expressed as a percentage, that is 0.266666666%, or 0.3% for those of us who like to round.

1/10 = .1 = 10%
1/100 = .01 = 1%
4k/1.5 million = .00266666 = .26666%

your problem is that you fucked up the first step and it all fell apart right there.
They got in front of the Republican run house of rep an testified to doing it

Ok how about this

Thats about rescinding, a totally legal thing to do to people who are trying to defraud a company.

You are gonna have to do better than that and show me proof that insurance companies denied coverage to people because they cost too much. The rescinding is about fraud, not cost.
He also sucks at simple division. No talking your way out of this one UB, straight up wrong. You are now officially the very LAST member on RIU that should ever correct another member's math. How the fuck you actually managed to pass Cheebs in that foot race is beyond me.

Man, that's gotta sting. Comin' all condescending and shit, only to drop your dick in the dirt.


lol. you are stupider than stupid when it gets high on stupid and chases it with a shot straight stupid while snorting stupid.
Um since the 150 million number is made up does it matter whose math is right?

it's close enough to the number of insured.


really, all that matters is that nodrama fucked up his math for the second time this week and needed me to correct him.