Should racism be accepted if......

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You're reading some weird shit into my post. I know native women are imperilled everywhere but used Winnipeg as an example where racism against natives is prominent and has been in the news as the worst Canadian city for that.

I'm fully aware and appalled by all the missing and murdered that our gov't doesn't seem to take as seriously as they claim. That shit's been going on before there were cars or highways. I met both my legal wife and the boy's mother here in Alberta tho the boy's mother is from back east and returned there in '92 leaving me the single dad of two young boys.

You should work on your reading comprehension maybe. ;)
I forgive you lol.
Yeah, fag. lulz Maybe when I was twelve.

He's on ignore now. Not because of the fag thing but because I don't like mixing it up with people who I think might be mentally disabled and not just trolling.
You prove it yourself daily here on the forum, 33,000 posts is quite enough reading to put out forth info of just how mentally disabled you are to the public, you think so highly of yourself, but what about what everyone else can see? and what about the fact that you've been injected with poison to fight off "flu" season every year, you admitted that yourself, vaccines don't increase Intelligence they seem to have an adverse affect on it, if we were to use you as an example of course, then it seems to be confirmed.

But go on thinking that you're intel is of higher authority than mine, it's not a loss of mine fogd, you're the one playing the guessing game, you continue to have doubt towards people that are only trying to help you, I've tried to explain the truth to you, but almost everytime we speak it's conspiracy theory this or that from you, and then becomes to much for you to absorb, and then you run back to your ignore safezone and keep yourself protected from outward energies that might infiltrate your thoughts, such as members on this forum and their words, oh my!

You didn't even acknowledge a single one of my peaceful messages I wrote (your so arrogantly stupid that you subconsciously override polite discussion, but yeah no mental conundrum there), you just choose who your enemies are apparently, and then anything they say afterwards has to be strictly scrutinized before you can accept a single thought that they might attempt to portray, their words have to then be quarantined off and blocked because they are just too delusion, reality has just lapsed beyond what what could possibly be rational, therefore fogdog must keep his safe zone barrier up, it's the only real shield from the ever present threat of free thoughts that seek to corrupt the mind controlled foggy and break down his pathological delusions that serve to keep him in a cyclic zone of safety, please just let the mk-ultra be , shhh shhh just leave it be, don't mention that he's brainwashed he gets upset, oh deary, let the man have his mk, just let him have his MK!

Anyways It's absurd that you think your some kind of fortress of intelligence yourself fogD, you don't have to say it outright like I did, your saying the same thing except with an added put down behind it and a block of shared conversation, you're the one that's pathetic in the thinking arena, not me, but yeah I'll always need to hear what the lower forms of comprehension are from you fog D, that's what super worried about loosing here by you blocking me, so please reconsider would ya? Lol
Surprisingly that photo is somewhat accurate, I do have a moderately extended domed skull.

After the stroke, I had room left over for my brain to heal, and I was left with extra curricular intelligence that I had trouble finding before.

I know this for a fact, and I now live a life that has expanded cognitive capacity that was not there in its entirety before, this goes beyond just getting older and wiser, I've ranked my intelligence level to real people around me , real human's not online accounts that don't know any real truth about who I really am, or my intelligence level.

And most importantly, I am not trying to brag or impress anyone, but if you're going to bring a serious health issue that I survived through and healed up from to attention, then I should deserve to tell the full story of what happened, and why wouldn't you want to know something truthful about me? You want intelligent people to just sit quietly and only speak when spoken to, or why would mentioning intelligence be a bad thing if it really applies to the individual and is a truthful statement?

I'd like to continue onwards with the original topic at hand once everyone quits having doubts about how smart we/us/him/her are compared to everyone else, I'm only saying what I said about my intelligence in a joking manner, obviously nobody has it all. :dunce:

The problem youre getting hung up on is that I'm not fearful of speaking my mind, I'm already a target, my phone is tapped, I don't care who or what happens, the only reason I don't speak often is because I don't have time for inferior intelligence, when I do speak it's because it's something important about a matter to speak up about, but even then I have to see some resemblance of an intelligent input being added to the topic otherwise I typically just scroll on through.

Care is the issue here my friend, I care a lot, but not necessarily about what you think if I know I'm right. Understand?

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The problem youre getting hung up on is that I'm not fearful of speaking my mind, I'm already a target, my phone is tapped, I don't care who or what happens, the only reason I don't speak often is because I don't have time for inferior intelligence, when I do speak it's because it's something important about a matter to speak up about, but even then I have to see some resemblance of an intelligent input being added to the topic otherwise I typically just scroll on through.

Care is the issue here my friend, I care a lot, but not necessarily about what you think if I know I'm right. Understand?
Who is tapping your phone? Should we be worried when conversing with you? Now you have me concerned you’ve dragged me into this :(. What are the signs I’m being targeted so I can prepare?
Who is tapping your phone? Should we be worried when conversing with you? Now you have me concerned you’ve dragged me into this :(. What are the signs I’m being targeted so I can prepare?
Somebody in the deepstate or cia more than likely, maybe hackers? They hacked my Dads phone and my phone on the same night after I told some people on YouTube from Russia that neither the USA or Russia were sovereign nation's and that they had given up their allegiance to the One World Order, I also said some stuff about wars being part of an earthy ritual blood sacrifice to Satan and so forth, next thing I knew my phone was tapped and I had all my passwords broken into, my Dad also had to exchange all his old passwords and start over.

But ever since that happened, the keyboard on my phone has taken 10-15-30seconds longer to pop up in order for me to type anything, almost like a glitch, or as is someone is watching what I type, as I don't speak into my phone often, I rarely answer calls either.

I'm sure you'll be fine, the servers here on RIU are bound to have some protection I'd assume?
Somebody in the deepstate or cia more than likely, maybe hackers? They hacked my Dads phone and my phone on the same night after I told some people on YouTube from Russia that neither the USA or Russia were sovereign nation's and that they had given up their allegiance to the One World Order, I also said some stuff about wars being part of an earthy ritual blood sacrifice to Satan and so forth, next thing I knew my phone was tapped and I had all my passwords broken into, my Dad also had to exchange all his old passwords and start over.

But ever since that happened, the keyboard on my phone has taken 10-15-30seconds longer to pop up in order for me to type anything, almost like a glitch, or as is someone is watching what I type, as I don't speak into my phone often, I rarely answer calls either.

I'm sure you'll be fine, the servers here on RIU are bound to have some protection I'd assume?
How would RIU actually stop your computer/phone from relaying all your data (even voice) to the Russian military if they decided to attack you to see if they could further radicalize you for whatever purpose you might serve for them?
Somebody in the deepstate or cia more than likely, maybe hackers? They hacked my Dads phone and my phone on the same night after I told some people on YouTube from Russia that neither the USA or Russia were sovereign nation's and that they had given up their allegiance to the One World Order, I also said some stuff about wars being part of an earthy ritual blood sacrifice to Satan and so forth, next thing I knew my phone was tapped and I had all my passwords broken into, my Dad also had to exchange all his old passwords and start over.

But ever since that happened, the keyboard on my phone has taken 10-15-30seconds longer to pop up in order for me to type anything, almost like a glitch, or as is someone is watching what I type, as I don't speak into my phone often, I rarely answer calls either.

I'm sure you'll be fine, the servers here on RIU are bound to have some protection I'd assume?
:o!!! That’s scary should remove your sim and hit your phone with a hammer right away.
Somebody in the deepstate or cia more than likely, maybe hackers? They hacked my Dads phone and my phone on the same night after I told some people on YouTube from Russia that neither the USA or Russia were sovereign nation's and that they had given up their allegiance to the One World Order, I also said some stuff about wars being part of an earthy ritual blood sacrifice to Satan and so forth, next thing I knew my phone was tapped and I had all my passwords broken into, my Dad also had to exchange all his old passwords and start over.

But ever since that happened, the keyboard on my phone has taken 10-15-30seconds longer to pop up in order for me to type anything, almost like a glitch, or as is someone is watching what I type, as I don't speak into my phone often, I rarely answer calls either.

I'm sure you'll be fine, the servers here on RIU are bound to have some protection I'd assume?
Your one of the morons who looks at Russian porn sites then gets adware on your phone and you think you're being hacked. I used to see it all the time at work. Get off farmurs only you moron. God damn these people are stupid as fuck. You've probably told that story to every person at the cell store and still can't figure it out. Don't worry, they know you're a moron. I'm starting to feel sorry for you.
Your one of the morons who looks at Russian porn sites then gets adware on your phone and you think you're being hacked. I used to see it all the time at work. Get off farmurs only you moron. God damn these people are stupid as fuck. You've probably told that story to every person at the cell store and still can't figure it out. Don't worry, they know you're a moron. I'm starting to feel sorry for you.
Nope it wasn't from porn, nothing ever popped up on my screen, what happened was exactly what I said, on the same night I finished posting messages online to Russian youtubers, the next morning I woke up with several sites I visit saying ( *** I *** ) had suspicious activity on my accounts and that I needed to reset all my passwords, just on three sites. My dads phone is more complicated and his told him that his photos had been searched through or downloaded possibly, so there's evidence that this isn't a joke (2 phones, different locations, same night occurrence) and something more serious happened than you might assume.
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Nope it wasn't from porn, nothing ever popped up on my screen, what happened was exactly what I said, on the same night I finished posting messages online to Russian youtubers, the next morning I woke up with several sites I visit saying had suspicious activity on my accounts and that I needed to reset all my passwords, just on three sites. My dads phone is more complicated and his told him that his photos had been searched through or downloaded possibly, so there's evidence that this isn't a joke (2 phones, different locations, same night occurrence) and something more serious happened than you might assume.
Sure and good job. Read your post again. Yes you are mentally deficient.
It's missing an "I" as far as I can tell? Did you need me to edit that in there?
Nope everything is spelled correctly and if you insert an I it turns it into gibberish. Your brain is super fucked up. You can't win. You keep bringing that dull butter knife of a brain to a nuclear war.
Nope, wrong again bundee, I added the I in there and added parentheses to make it noticeable for you, it was absolutely missing from the sentence.

You sure do have a unique Dipshit way of making an Ass out of yourself.

Your personality sucks too, everyone can tell you're just some stupid prick, lol.
Oh you're talking about editing your own posts. Yeah you would have to do that. No I was referring to your whole point.
I love that he thinks the govt cares what he’s doing. What a narcissist. Too funny this guy. No wonder we can’t get a vaccine for covid. They’re too busy watching him!!
I love that he thinks the govt cares what he’s doing. What a narcissist. Too funny this guy. No wonder we can’t get a vaccine for covid. They’re too busy watching him!!
I would love to agree with you, and do if you mean anyone actually giving a shit about him.

But it is a reality that everything everyone does online is captured and can easily be analyzed however the Russian/American/Chinese government (the countries Snowden smuggled shit from the NSA to and from) are legally allowed to do/get away with.

I think it is pretty naive to think that the virtually cost free (on the scale that the Russian military is operating at) methods of doing the things they have been shown to do is not possible if this was a person who is actually mentally unstable. Triggering people to become domestic terrorists would be worth the effort for foreign dictators looking to cause us pain.
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