Should racism be accepted if......

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I would love to agree with you, and do if you mean anyone actually giving a shit about him.

But it is a reality that everything everyone does online is captured and can easily be analyzed however the Russian/American/Chinese government (the countries Snowden smuggled shit from the NSA to and from) are legally allowed to do/get away with.

I think it is pretty naive to think that the virtually cost free (on the scale that the Russian military is operating at) methods of doing the things they have been shown to do is not possible if this was a person who is actually mentally unstable. Triggering people to become domestic terrorists would be worth the effort for foreign dictators looking to cause us pain.
Oh I agree with everything is monitored/recorded. I’m saying he ain’t that important. I doubt he’s really making any waves in real life.
I would love to agree with you, and do if you mean anyone actually giving a shit about him.

But it is a reality that everything everyone does online is captured and can easily be analyzed however the Russian/American/Chinese government (the countries Snowden smuggled shit from the NSA to and from) are legally allowed to do/get away with.

I think it is pretty naive to think that the virtually cost free (on the scale that the Russian military is operating at) methods of doing the things they have been shown to do is not possible if this was a person who is actually mentally unstable. Triggering people to become domestic terrorists would be worth the effort for foreign dictators looking to cause us pain.
I’ve probably thrown away 40 cell phones (cheap ones lol) over the sides of boats back in the day but now they’d have to pack a suitcase and eat a lot of fast food to catch me doing anything nefarious lol. If I was OP I’d be more worried about the chip they planted in his huge frontal cortex :o! Can’t dig that little sucker out lol.
Why do those promoting hate speech refuse to answer these questions?

Could such hate speech drive individuals to lash out at other races in anger?

If prominent voices spoke out against slavery, could that have possibly deterred some from purchasing slaves?

The answers are obvious and suggesting that those who speak out against such hate speech are “Incels who grip their wiener too hard because they can’t get laid” and “are now desensitized from gripping it so hard” LMAO, is ludicrous.


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Why do those promoting hate speech refuse to answer these questions?

Could such hate speech drive individuals to lash out at other races in anger?

If prominent voices spoke out against slavery, could that have possibly deterred some from purchasing slaves?

The answers are obvious and suggesting that those who speak out against such hate speech are “Incels who grip their wiener too hard because they can’t get laid” and “are now desensitized from gripping it so hard” LMAO, is ludicrous.
Yeah attack the minorities for hurting your feewings. GTFO. Good try though.
Yeah attack the minorities for hurting your feewings. GTFO. Good try though.

So you think that promoting hate against another race, won’t have any negative reaction?

You also don’t think it’s at all possible that someone may get the wrong message amd reciprocate the thought and speech or worse to another race, possible a minority race?

GTFO Nice try though
it was a good try for a child. Not a man.

LMAO says the guy going into detail about how speaking against such hate makes you an Incel, who has to grip your junk really hard or something because women don’t want white men LMAO.
LMAO says the guy going into detail about how speaking against such hate makes you an Incel, who has to grip your junk really hard or something because women don’t want white men LMAO.
oh hi,

I know that you were probably very busy defending Canadian whites from genocide and probably forgot to answer a question. So, I'll ask again,

What do you think white genocide means?
So you think that promoting hate against another race, won’t have any negative reaction?

You also don’t think it’s at all possible that someone may get the wrong message amd reciprocate the thought and speech or worse to another race, possible a minority race?

GTFO Nice try though
I'm sorry where were you the last 10 years when all the racists and Russians were fucking shit up here? Some of the racists even got the FBI on the site (Stoopid drug deals). Silent, but when someone says something against white people urmehgerd, hand wringing and hair pulling. Again GTFOH. This can be the one site without racist growers, can't it? Or freezpeech Trump's all? Also show me where minorities are targeting white people for genocide? I can show you at least half a dozen mass murders of minorities from the last decade. So fuck your feelings.
I'm sorry where were you the last 10 years when all the racists and Russians were fucking shit up here? Some of the racists even got the FBI on the site (Stoopid drug deals). Silent, but when someone says something against white people urmehgerd, hand wringing and hair pulling. Again GTFOH. This can be the one site without racist growers, can't it? Or freezpeech Trump's all? Also show me where minorities are targeting white people for genocide? I can show you at least half a dozen mass murders of minorities from the last decade. So fuck your feelings.
I think he's defending the KKK's copyright on the term white genocide. You guys aren't using that word in ways that match theirs.

Or his.
I think he's defending the KKK's copyright on the term white genocide. You guys aren't using that word in ways that match theirs.

Or his.

The OP is the guy who has been blowing up the Inboxes of the Mods complaining about trivial shit, and demanding that we ban him, and delete his account, and blah blah blah. :roll:

Then he continues to post every day! I mean, you just can't make this shit up! :lol:

Somebody in the deepstate or cia more than likely, maybe hackers? They hacked my Dads phone and my phone on the same night after I told some people on YouTube from Russia that neither the USA or Russia were sovereign nation's and that they had given up their allegiance to the One World Order, I also said some stuff about wars being part of an earthy ritual blood sacrifice to Satan and so forth, next thing I knew my phone was tapped and I had all my passwords broken into, my Dad also had to exchange all his old passwords and start over.

But ever since that happened, the keyboard on my phone has taken 10-15-30seconds longer to pop up in order for me to type anything, almost like a glitch, or as is someone is watching what I type, as I don't speak into my phone often, I rarely answer calls either.

I'm sure you'll be fine, the servers here on RIU are bound to have some protection I'd assume?

so you're having a software issue? if i prove to you you're not being phone tapped will you vote for Biden?
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