Show me what ya got????? best pic's.... get +rep...


Well-Known Member
my last grow i used 5gallon buckets..vegged for 3weeks under a 400w hps then flowered under a 600w hps..5 plants..Blue dream was the biggest (thats the strain in most of the pics i posted)



Well-Known Member
Well done Gailgrower. * * * * star A +rep

Nice Duke shame they hermied. such is life. * * * B+ star +rep. ( would have been more if you could have grown them out some more ) But still great grow man.

Highlander thats a great nug mate well done you * * * * * A- +rep


Well-Known Member
fucking love the bath setup lmao how do u wash? lolol i repd u for it neway lol

sorry op but he diserves the extra rep for not washing for 3months + lolol
Lol... its a spare bathroom that was going to get remodel'd but not anymore ty for the +rep though :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Very nice Tib420, How long did you veg them for? Oh and * * * * star +rep...
Vegged for 30 days. They are now 10 days flowering. they were 18" when I started flowering, now they are 30" and still growing. Wish my closet had more room :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
ok here's mine but its nothing like dills.dang dill you know you set the bar high (lol):bigjoint: . i got ppp and dna sour cream . i doing a staggered harvest on the ppp . i ave already cut 2/3 of her and i got 171 grams dried and cured .the other 1/3 is ready i m waiting on the sour cream to be ready she close .



Well-Known Member
wow i saw this title and i first i thout it was my thread i started awhile back its called SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT/LST. but i dont mind the same thing bein used im sure u didnt know any way here is my lucky cjarms girls about 35 days into flower under 1 600 hps. they had premature yellowing and have solwly bean getting worse i have done everything i can to fix butalweel. the buds are still growing great just not the leafs. i have a journal in the links below if u want to see the whole grow and all the pics, also if any one is lsting and havent seen my thread about lst u should also check that out lots of info, help, and great pics and conversation. heres the pics. the last 2 are shiskaberry clones just placeed into flower


Well-Known Member
SikSol, ( * * * B - ) The bathroom lets your grow down some man. lights look like there on an angle too. But good effort with what you have.

goofygolfer. For the single nug alone you score * * * * star, ( A ) +rep.

mcpurple.... Im liking your photos. hell of a good grow...... Hmmmmmm F**K it you get * * * * * stars ( A - ) +rep


Well-Known Member
Shrubs first. That has to be * * * * * star ( A ) + rep Nice set up man. you will have to post some more when they are ready to harvest or just the Buds when drying... GL

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Shrubs first. That has to be * * * * * star ( A ) + rep Nice set up man. you will have to post some more when they are ready to harvest or just the Buds when drying... GL
no doubt, you can check out my journals from beginning to end. check the sigs.
Thanks for the rep


Well-Known Member
Why are those images so tiny? They would probably be awesome if you could post a larger version.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone :joint::joint::joint:

To start, thanks for all who have looked and posted pic's on this thread so far.:clap::clap::clap: The standard has been very good, with the clear leader ( Dillweed ).

But again please post anything you like about your :weed::weed:grow/plants/lights/setup/yields:weed::weed: or just anything that might interest us all and make this thread one of the best to visit for everyone.:-)

As asked about the scoring, i need to sort things out some what, so here ya go.

Remember this is a place to show of what you have got or done in the past.

So a little about my scoring system. sorry no real prizes but ( bragging rights ):cool: will be judged on the pics you post with the scoring as followed.

Shit no....... ( A,B,C,D,E,F )

Crapola....... * star ( A,B,C,D,E,F )

Ok.............. * * star ( A,B,C,D,E,F )

Nice............ * * * star ( A,B,C,D,E,F )

Yes man..... * * * * star ( A,B,C,D,E,F ) possible +rep

Awesome... * * * * * star ( A,B,C,D,E,F ) +rep

VIP grower. * * * * * ((( Super * star ))) +++rep

So get your pic's uploaded and gain thos bragging right's.

My personal quote.......>>>>> "When i get low, I get high"

Peace :weed: