Well-Known Member
You own a music store man! Lol
You own a music store man! Lol
Wanna sell that red strat? Lol. I need that neck for my squier tele project
I dunno about you, but my guitars are a part of me. I couldn't sell any of mine. I'll be buried with them. LolNah, cant sell the neck. I had Tommy at USA Custom Guitars copy my 71 4 bolt Strat neck I sent him. Tommy sold USACG, and they dont make them like they used to.
Man you got some cool shit. Id gotten rid of all my gear from back then thru the years. Big mistake, but you live and learn.Yeah Ive had my 71 4 bolt Strat since new. My grandparents bought it for me. They also bought me a Carvin ST2400 amp, the Dual Showman Rvb, and 2 Altec Lansing 418H speakers. The Altecs are in the Carvin cabinet. I blew the CTS 5 minutes after I got the ST2400 All of my early gear was bought by my mother, and grandparents. Ill leave it to my 5 years old nephew when I croak.
Ive also got a bunch of the old Mu Tron pedals, and are highly collectable. Maestro Phaser. EP2 Tube Tape Delay. In perfect condition. Original Univibe. Ive got way more pedals than I posted. 8 JBL D12oF Speakers with original cones. 1970 Sunn Coliseum Lead.
Document them, so you can at least always read back up on them. Those kind of memories are irreplaceable and precious. Guard them with your life! LolBest memories for me are from music, even outshines my love life memories...this one night i was rhythm guitar at an open mic...i said All Along the Watchtower in Cmin and off we went...but we had a jazz drummer that night and mid flight the guy goes off and im struggling to keep up. I was so deep in that song with those guys i zoned out for the first time. We decresendo and fade out and all i remember is looking up out at the bar crowd and lights in my face and then the roar of applause broke through my daze and i was like whoa that's new..lol. I've gone thru thousands of dollars of gear but those memories man...idc about the gear but man when alzheimers takes those memories...I'll die inside
I didn't know you played violin, that's cool. What brand is that fiddle?
Sheet music is hard. I have to actually look at it, and think about it, before I can put it into action.It's just a cheap $80 one I bought online. I used to play years ago in school along with the Clarinet and decided a couple years ago to take it up again. I didn't want to spend too much just to play around. I seem to have forgotten just about everything especially how small they are. I had a real hard time with it now that I have short stubby fingers but I take it out now and then and have started to pick it up again. I used to play all kinds of music from sheet music. Now I don't remember how to read it. I figure if I make some decent progress with it I'll spring for a more expensive one.
Sheet music is hard. I have to actually look at it, and think about it, before I can put it into action.
I wish the internet had been around when I first started learning. The music teachers I had growing up made it boring and uninteresting to learn. I've seen guys on the internet who make it way more interesting and easier.
Rick Beato, is really good to watch and pick things up from. He has a really good ear.
This past year I befriended a very accomplished classical flutist who is currently getting her doctorate in music. I have no formal training, so it's cool to be able to ask her random questions about theory. The trade off is I give her outside of the box interpretations which makes her think. We've never even played together, but we talk for hours. It's a very unique friendship and reminds me of this:
75 Gibson Les Paul 46 yrs young and sounds as good as it did when I bought it.