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Im going to pretend that he said it was a 70-71, so it is a black faceplate twin in disguise. Then he said it had RCA blackplate 6L6'$, and then he said it had JBL's in it! I love fender amps.

Check this new shape out:
Looks like an sg flared out. Then my wife said it is a cat from behind. Yep. Tail is the neck. Just stick an asshole inlay between the p-90s.

I made three Aztek wooden drums - 1 burned in a house fire, I gave the second to a young girl who was having trouble with rythm band, the third is put away up stairs for a keep sake.

This is a picture off the web, mine looks almost identical except for the joinery.






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@Sofa King Smoooth , tell us about the truss plate. And the year/model of the Epi please.
It is a studio LT 2018 or 19. Cheapest les paul with 4 controls, bolt on neck.

Truss coverplate and switch washer are ebay purchase from a shop in japan. they are brass with chrome and black enamel.

Seymour Duncan p-rails. Both tone and volume have push pulls so each pu can be controlled separately as p90, single rail, series humbucker, parallel humbucker. They can also be switched as normal so there are an abundance of possible tones.

Graph tech bridge, tail piece, tuners, nut
It is a studio LT 2018 or 19. Cheapest les paul with 4 controls, bolt on neck.

Truss coverplate and switch washer are ebay purchase from a shop in japan. they are brass with chrome and black enamel.

Seymour Duncan p-rails. Both tone and volume have push pulls so each pu can be controlled separately as p90, single rail, series humbucker, parallel humbucker. They can also be switched as normal so there are an abundance of possible tones.

Graph tech bridge, tail piece, tuners, nut

Nice. You're edging in on the Jimmy Page setup there. I kept my LP as a Tone push/pull (hum/single) for the Duncan in the bridge. Duncan Custom (DCJ) SH5 from the late 80's. That pup still has a 16.6K output on it. Super hot. Have a treble bleed circuit in there as well.
Just got this today. My Princeton started making some wild noises. Holy shit this thing sounds amazing. I was looking at 5150's and went a whole different direction lol
View attachment 5193007

Which speaker is in that one? I have a Modded Blues Junior tweed and have flipped between an early 90's Celestion G12T75 and the Jensen P12R (30W) speaker. The Jensen is too low powered to handle the high gain stuff I tend towards so if I use my board I connect my 2x12 w/ Celestion V30's to it. Does that Princeton have external cab capability?
Jenson and im pretty sure the Princeton does. I don't have a cab to test it though. I don't get into too much high gain but I was wondering how it'd sound lol
I find the Jensen I use has a poor sounding "fizz" on top when the input on the amp is loaded with gain. I think it's a question of efficiency and power rating. But I really like the Jensen in a cleaner/slightly crunchy music environment.