Show your buds, who got the best buds

Your first post in TnT is on a troll thread. Sometimes things are not what they seem on the surface. @ANC he says he's from your neck of the woods.
Troll thread? I saw a thread "show your buds" & I posted, it's history or lack of import wasn't a concern. I may be newly registered to RIU forum but legislation in S.A. (who would lie about coming from a piece of shit country like this?!) made any online posting a dubious activity until very recently. Perhaps I should have chosen a politically motivated name like EFF or DA or ANCYouthLeague? I'm on IG if you REALLY doubt who, what or where I am, good growing to you.
Troll thread? I saw a thread "show your buds" & I posted, it's history or lack of import wasn't a concern. I may be newly registered to RIU forum but legislation in S.A. (who would lie about coming from a piece of shit country like this?!) made any online posting a dubious activity until very recently. Perhaps I should have chosen a politically motivated name like EFF or DA or ANCYouthLeague? I'm on IG if you REALLY doubt who, what or where I am, good growing to you.

Easy there socktavia.
for real this time, thought i'd ruffle a few feathers, maybe when you see my real bud your feathers will fall off ha ha ho ho !

bro toad in the hole is a mixture of Yorkshire pudding n sausages (have to be plain British grrr) and has to have a beef gravy (made with browned beef bones (like real mean do) with mash with plenty of butter, and other shit, so me being pretty much merican at blood in some way i'd top it with cheese ... ok ?

plenty of it

googled out right now but i have sativa on my side
If I didn’t already know better, I’d say that was grown by FinShaggy.
finshaggy aka McKinneyFin facebook

i've read a lot about this guy around here and the net and i actually met him on facebook to do some bitcoin bizness, the guys smart but dumb, i honestly can say I've never met such a dumb man in my life

he had a bitcoin for weed but he fucked it up :/ how can you be so smart yet so dumb ?

he really is a cunt ha ha ha !!

He admitted to me about getting trolled all the time and taking advantage of the trolls to get views to his pages, slime ball

He's had his hair cut btw, stole his profile pic ha ha !