Show your buds, who got the best buds

you know you all joke n shit but my thread clearly says 'show your buds', or something like that.

so show your buds, mine are best so far i'm sure you'll agree

[registers for asylum help]
Here's my weed. It's the hardest hitting, longest lasting shit on the market.


I win, /stupid thread...
Bob Seger how good Nine Tonight was the first cassette I brought, I was 8 years old. I liked risky business hahahaha I still have the ray bans and the white shirt and when nobodies looking I just take that old record off the self and shit gets serious!!!!!
This thread was an interesting one nice fake buds
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you know you all joke n shit but my thread clearly says 'show your buds', or something like that.

so show your buds, mine are best so far i'm sure you'll agree

[registers for asylum help]

The problem is that "your buds" have been proven twice over that they are in fact not your buds. Which doesn't lend much credence to this thread or you. But we're a forgiving bunch. Simply post nudes of your mom, sister, wife, girlfriend, legal guardian in that order of preference and we'll see about negating the online demerits you have acquired. And as you can see our web-fu and extension of that our nudo-gnosis is infallible, so don't try no stock pornhub pics cuz we'll cut you. Cut you so deep.