showing sex?


Active Member
i know its still early but about how long b4 i can tell the sex? im still in 18/6 on 4wks


Well-Known Member
Some strains will show sex during vegg, but more likely to show after 1-2 weeks of 12/12 light regime ,
Also clones are more likely to early pre-flower than seedlings will ,
Good luck :joint:


Well-Known Member
Some strains will show sex during vegg, but more likely to show after 1-2 weeks of 12/12 light regime ,
Also clones are more likely to early pre-flower than seedlings will ,
Good luck :joint:
........................likes this ;)


Active Member
ok thanks for the info guys. im only planning on 2 more wks veg time then to swap them to flower. i have 6 im working with and trying for 2 fems. they are overgrowing my space available atm


Active Member
If i want to stay around 3-3.5' max hight what would be a good hight to flip them at? Right now im around 12" with a gd amount of lower growth starting.


Active Member
ahh sorry forgot that it deleted my grow post. They are vegging under a 400w mh going to swap to 400w hps soon i hope. They are all from seed, started in Roots Organic 707. Only thing they have seen is mollasses 2x. Been green and healthy so figure let them grow. My problem is space. I wasnt sure how many fems i would get and wanted 2 or 3 so i have 6 plants im working with and need to get them sexed for space so i can toss the males.


Well-Known Member
You'll want to flower them *now* at 12" for a 400w HPS bulb. By the time they show sex and you toss half of them away, they'll all still fit in nicely.


Active Member
thx for the info guys,it all helps. i did try and make some more room so there not overcrowded to much. i was lucky that i topped them a few days ago and it kept them at 9-12" so i think ill get my 1 or 2 more wks to veg them now and bulk up instead of shooting up. im trying to not kill my yield over hight restrictions.
i did have a new question. do you guys think that pic 1 is showing more sativa? Out of around 20plants ive only had 2 look like this.they grow short tighter and a lighter shade of green buck look healthy. others grow big dark green leaves,taller and more bushy.


Active Member
Do you guys think its to early to flower or will i be able to get another wk or 2 veg time? i cant really go much taller then 3.5ft. Today i checked and they are still 12" just wasnt sure if there is enough growth to flip them.


Active Member
going to try and lst some. i plan on couple days and remove ties. im just trying to get them to grow out and up so this should work. the top has 4 tops all almost even in growth so im letting them be.any tips? feedback .


Active Member
just a update
my smallest girl at 10" on 4wks veg 18/6
i did some hand bending over the last wk or so and she now has about 14 shoots all forming up and even around. to me she is looking good,and im planning on when i flower she will stretch and space out the buds more even.
what do you guys think

DQ Blizzard

Active Member
I recently read a great tip:

When/if you top your plant clone that top and flower it as soon as it's rooted and transplanted, this will allow you to veg the mother to a good size and also let you know if it's m/f prior to throwing it under 12/12


Active Member
i topped them little over a week ago. they started to get too tall for my veg hight. i topped 6 or 7 and did some lst on 2 and some hand bending lst on 2 others and let 4 go just topped. im ready to flower like yesterday with my hight restriction but i keep saying just 1 more day veg lol. i should have did some clones to sex my plants but i didnt so hopefully i get 3 fems


Active Member
I recently read a great tip:

When/if you top your plant clone that top and flower it as soon as it's rooted and transplanted, this will allow you to veg the mother to a good size and also let you know if it's m/f prior to throwing it under 12/12
I've never heard of this, wish I had tried it. I topped about 3 1/2 weeks from seed and she's seems to be taking off nicely since. Using an Aerogarden 3 with a bigger airstone and extra lights.

DQ Blizzard

Active Member
I've never heard of this, wish I had tried it. I topped about 3 1/2 weeks from seed and she's seems to be taking off nicely since. Using an Aerogarden 3 with a bigger airstone and extra lights.
Yea I just did this for the first time, had to take some clones of some flowering plants so went ahead and topped a few I had in veg that were due to be topped. Granted I only got 1 clone off of each by the time the clones into flower those babies will have mad shoots ready to cut, the ones I topped are clones from seed so I know they are fems but my next batch of beans will all get toped and cloned to check for sex.


Active Member
Next time I will try this, Im 5 weeks from seed right now. Switched to 12/12 about 3-4 days ago, waiting to see sex still, I think I see little pistils but not sure

DQ Blizzard

Active Member
With my already sexed clones I actually clone before I flower (I don't keep mothers, I just take 3 cuttings per plant before placing into 12/12) You could do this now and I'll tell you why it makes good sense (to me, if you are patient).

Your first run with plants you don't really know how the plant grows, environment it prefers, notes. Since you didn't clone the tops (this is best when you clone the tops)' I clone all seedlings. If you get a couple males pic the one that looks best to you let it grow, pollenate your females, you'll have 100 beans to play with later if you need to move, have a disaster, god forbid cops take your legal grow (it happens). Just my 2 cents, but than again I like to breed :)

Of course once you know which are male and females you can discard the cloned males for future runs, unless you want to breed but that's another thread :)