Shrooms, amazing. But need some pointers.


Well-Known Member
:eyesmoke: I took Shrooms for the first time yesterday morning, just 2 grams. The experience was amazing, but the nausea was annoying. When the trip first started it was intense visual distortion wise. I remember sitting in the bathroom expecting to throw up seeing the parts of the floor raising like people were trying to punch through it, things were moving, etc. But by the time and hour had passed the nausea had gone, along with the intense visuals, and instead it was replaced by deep feelings, pure peace, and bright vivid surroundings. (expecially outside). I think I had a 'level 2' trip (by Shroomery standards). I was going for a' level 3' trip.

The point is, next time I'm doing 3grams, but am afraid the extra gram will make me vomit. Any tips for reducing Nausea? I've heard ginger and ginger ale help. What do you guys think?

P.s. I took them via Orange juice. 2 glasses.


Well-Known Member
I know you can make a tea with them and supposedly you don't get any nausea. I haven't tried it because I only felt nausea once and it wasn't enough to really bother me, I'd rather just chomp em down myself.


Active Member
Could be your method of administration? Or the type of shrooms. They are all beautiful haha.

Some are so powerful you can get motion sickness from the visuals, similar to smoked freebase DMT


Active Member
Tea would work, but its very hard to pull it off right, and very easy to mess up. heat is the number 1 enemy of potency, when it comes to mushrooms.

another way that helps, is to avoid tasting them. also the more you try them, and taste them the more your body "associates" the flavor, with "sickness" and your bodys natural defence macinisims will make u nauseous, and want to puke to save you from yourself, and becoming sick. So the less you taste them, the better in the long run.

Ok with that said. let me list some of the ways that might help you. first is disguising the flavor. Peanut Butter, is a godsend! crunchy, even better. the easy way, take a big spoon of peanut butter, and press your mushies into it, and eat. My favorite way, is get a cheap $12 coffee grinder, grind your dose into powder, and then take 2 peices of bread, with peanut butter on both breads, and sprinkle the powder on both breads, and slap them together. you wont taste a thing!

You could also try peanut butter balls, get s big spoonfull of peanut butter, and slap it onto some wax papper, add crushed gram crackers, and your dose to it, and mix. then add powdered sugar, and roll into a ball. then if u want u can roll in nuts, or chocolate chips! stick them in the freazer for 45 min. and eat! they will keep in the fridge pretty well for a week or two in a tupper container. =)

ive tried the mushroom chocolate methods a few times, but in my opinion, melted chocolate is a pain in the ass to work with. never turned out quite right.

something i would like to try but havent had the chance yet, is mushie jello shots. just swallow down the jello, and your done!

other advice, always try to start with as empty a stomach as possible, try to skip the meal before you trip. you wont be hungry once your tripping.
also, u could try pepto-bismal, or ive also heard good things about ginger or pepermint tea to ease your stomach. (look for stomach teas in the tea section of you grocery store)

Or ive even heard smoking weed after taking them helps. but never tried that eaither.


Well-Known Member
Tea is actualy nice for a shorter trip, it does tend to be a pretty intense 4 hours and it starts only a few minutes after ingestion. Uncooked mushrooms contains alot of undigestable material, especialy the stems, doing the tea reduces the discomfort to sensitive stomachs. On the other hand the mushrooms may simply have been handled or stored in an unsanitary way. I was once stuck in the toilet for a whole trip, only just manageing to point the right end at the loo at the approriate time.


Active Member
Tea is actualy nice for a shorter trip, it does tend to be a pretty intense 4 hours and it starts only a few minutes after ingestion. Uncooked mushrooms contains alot of undigestable material, especialy the stems, doing the tea reduces the discomfort to sensitive stomachs. On the other hand the mushrooms may simply have been handled or stored in an unsanitary way. I was once stuck in the toilet for a whole trip, only just manageing to point the right end at the loo at the approriate time.
Hahaha that is awesome, I love tripping really hard and having to poop or purge, it's so cleansing haha, and it just makes it seem best to do it in nature, where you can poop and purge all day all night no questions asked haha


I've done a ton of shrooms when I was on probation and grew them. I always took like 5 grams powdered and mixed with orange juice. about 45mins in i would start to feel sick, i just lay down for awhile and when I feel better i get up tripping balls :)

When nausea got out of control somehow antacids helped alot.

have fun exploring :)


Well-Known Member
Rather try a small slice of ginger root from the vegetable section at the supermarket... It looks like a gnarly potato with leprosy. Alternatively you could eat a datura seed, but at the risk of useing the wrong one, go for the real ginger... it is also far more effective than anything else for motion sickness.. they even did a mythbusters on it once.

It is not unusual to have to throw up at some point, but more often than not there is just a short wave of nausea. Try haveing some cold diced watermelon on hand.


Well-Known Member
Tea works fine, you can even cook with them with no potency loss. Oxygen is the is the potency reducer


Well-Known Member
Nothing, you do everything yourself.
Imagine your brain had a dial that had sane on the one side and nuts on the other. I turns the knob until it breaks off on the nuts side :)


Well-Known Member
Nothing, you do everything yourself.
Imagine your brain had a dial that had sane on the one side and nuts on the other. I turns the knob until it breaks off on the nuts side :)
In an amazing way though. You've never known the meaning of peace until you've swallowed a Psycobin Mushroom


Well-Known Member
i have never puked from shrooms.. you feel like you want to, but i have never seen anyone actually vomit.. i have eaten 3.5g.. i have even spit out the chewed remains and made tea from that.. i suspect it may be part of the chemical reaction in your head more than the fungus in your stomach, but i could be wrong..