Shrooms Vs Acid


Active Member
IV done shrooms quit a bit but im soon gona drop acid my freind just hit me up sayin he can get it tomaro an I want it but i have no idea whats gona happen
an my question is

1: Shrooms giv me a big mindfuck; is acid more or less of a mindfuck then shrooms?

2: When im shroomin I feel like I can at least talk an complete senteces; is it hard to do basic functions on lsd?

3: When im shrooming my body feels great during the come up and at the peak (a little n2 the comedown); Whats the body high on acid like? Is it stronger then a shroom body high?

4) for my First time shroomin I smoke weed with the shrooms and liked the out come; would it be a gud idea to smoke an then take thee acid?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
1) the mindfuck comes and goes.. I think it depends on how much you take.

1 blotter down mind was fine to talk to people
2 down was trippin, was really entertained by it and didnt care to conversate (prolly could have thought)
3 down.. oh wow.. words in my head were a-okay. when I tried to speak.. "hello" came out something along the lines of "flibagurbagurbanblahblah" lol.

I got so mindfucked I could only say "What the fuck?!" over and over again.. as if I was "what the fucking" the previous "what the fucks". (I am not making this up either).

2) Functioning, rather easy. Talking in complete sentences.. comes and goes. Thoughts are fine. Writing wasn't too difficult.

3) Body high
eh.. I like LSD. I really do. I don't like a lot of psychedelics (as they make my stomach unfomfortable - I never puke but I always feel shitty), LSD did not have that at all! Crystal clear feelings. Personally the body high changes with your emotions.. but for the most part I was EXTREMELY euphoric, and I felt like I was in heaven (or atleast was in the presence of divinity).

4) eh.. I like to smoke beforehand (not a lot, but enough to be relaxed), simply to get the mood rolling for a good trip setting. My buddy smoked when he was trippin and didn't really feel the weed over the two blotters lol. Ehm.. I would say roll a couple joints, and if you get the urge smoke it up during the trip.

Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
1. On acid I always feel clear headed, but can easily be overwhelmed. When I am in public I always question myself on whether people can tell I am tripping, so I try not to look at my hands too much or do anything that will make me break out into hysterical laughter, until I feel like its appropriate to do so. But the amount of mindfuck really depends on how much you take, it increases the more you take, obviously.

2. Again it really depends on how much you take, I am not going say in the amount of hits because potency can vary alot. I had one candy with "2 drops" as the dealer put it, that left me with the inability to walk let alone talk fluidly. Yet a few weeks ago I had one and half blotters that left me surprisingly eloquent and with the ability to hold great conversations with a friend of mine. It all really depends.

3. The body high on acid is very hard to explain, but you will like it. The best I can do is say its a weird vibration with waves of unquantifiable euphoria.

4. It depends on personal preference, I have never smoked weed on acid, merely because I have never gotten the urge. I have read and heard from friends of it potentiating the acid. If you think it will be good, then do it.

Hope this helped, happy trails


Well-Known Member
IV done shrooms quit a bit but im soon gona drop acid my freind just hit me up sayin he can get it tomaro an I want it but i have no idea whats gona happen
an my question is

1: Shrooms giv me a big mindfuck; is acid more or less of a mindfuck then shrooms?

ACID changes the way your brain processes stuff, I think, For me its one of the few true mind ALTERING substances.

It makes me mad as a hatter, but its comes from that place that gave birth to the mad scientist or evil genius. I.e. I get so smart I GO nuts.

Shrooms at a sufficient dosage will present you with an external source of communication/gnosis etc.... I.e. you will be presented with thoughts, idiosyncracies etc, but they feel like they originate from outside of you.

2: When im shroomin I feel like I can at least talk an complete senteces; is it hard to do basic functions on lsd?

You can pretty much enjoy a party even on LSD provided you don't peak too hard, but it does make you disfunctional in the sense that it takes an hour to make a cup of coffee as you keep getting distracted by the smallest things. Acid opens your mind to linguistics in a most refreshing way... I bet most of you don't even know that english is not the language spoken in my house.

3: When im shrooming my body feels great during the come up and at the peak (a little n2 the comedown); Whats the body high on acid like? Is it stronger then a shroom body high?

Very fresh acid, does not have too much of a body load, the stuff we more often encounter on the streets, provides quite a bit of tension in the body, grinding of jaws (not MDMA way, more of a clenching) and tension pain over the kidney area, I find are the most common body loads.

4) for my First time shroomin I smoke weed with the shrooms and liked the out come; would it be a gud idea to smoke an then take thee acid?

It would be basicaly immaterial, its like pissing against a tsunami, sure you know you pissed, but you can't realy tell.


Well-Known Member
idk.. i feel like when i smoked on lsd it intensified the trip for a little bit, i smoked probably 4 bong packs total through out the whole tripp.


Well-Known Member
i almost think its a waste of bud to smoke on acid, your high for all of a few minutes and then its like you never smoked, your just tripping balls hardcore


Well-Known Member
Acid makes me think really hard about everything and even think the T.V show that I am watching is directly talking to me. It has buged me out many times. I have actually known what my friend who was also on acid was going to say before he said it on some weird kinda psycic shit which has also buged me out. Shrooms tend to make laugh allot more and give me a cleaner feeling buz.


Well-Known Member
kinda off subject but...

i hove how people can share hallucinations. its like an untapped brain power we havent figured out how to use


Well-Known Member
kinda off subject but...

i hove how people can share hallucinations. its like an untapped brain power we havent figured out how to use
Me too bro. That shit is way deep. I would not have the 3rd eye I have today without the shitloads of acid and shrooms I have done.


Well-Known Member
I have to vote LSD / similar products because the last few times I ate mushrooms I got emo about my life and my future. The shrooms also seem like less of a clear trip for me. Every decision on shrooms seemed to last forever. 3 minutes deciding whether to go outside and smoke a cigarette seemed like a fucking 45 min debate.

I've had good experiences with both, but recently my body chemistry has changed (welcome to my mid 20s?) and I think that has something to do with a lot of my reactions to any substance lately.

side note: the shrooms didn't exactly uncover any subconscious worries I had, but I can worry about my future when I'm straight.


Well-Known Member
Who gave this a thumbs down? How do you give a thread a thumbs down? Why is this a thumbs down rated thread?


Well-Known Member
i enjoyed it, not gonna say no to a bong whens its passed to me.. thats just rude

I mean smoke weed on acid, its fine, it just doesn't do much when you are allready balls to the wall, I always enjoy pot.

On shrooms I am more ambivalent when it comes to pot, it can very easily send the trip on a dark tangent.


Well-Known Member
i have tripped dozens of times on acid and at least a dozen on mushies.. i really think they are more similar than different - a lot of the visuals are the same - the stimulant feel is very similar - i was looking at a wiki the other day and i saw that ergot is basically a tiny shroom -

also - i wanted to say that i LOVE to smoke some weed on lsd/shrooms - i have had a lot of times where one puff of weed really enhances things for a few minutes.. it doesn't last a super long time i agree, but i like it a lot to calm down and experience some wild visuals.. :)

i won't go into my ideas of the differences between the two.. i would point out that people have SUCH different trips from each other on the same substances.. so it is very hard to judge things like tongue-tied-ness, body load, mindfuckedness when different people, doses and circumstances give wildly different results..


Well-Known Member
Unless you really know the source, there is no telling what is being sold as acid. They may have followed the recipe to the best of their abilities, but how much ability does an acid head have after a while? Besides, mushrooms are natural. Side note: I just bought five acres of land that was part of a dairy farm. This spring I should have mushrooms everywhere. We have been comming out to this area for many years to climb fences and run from bulls and farmers to gather shrooms by the trashbag full.. Now I can just walk out my front door.


Well-Known Member
i prefer acid and i somewhat disagree that it is made improperly - either you have the full know how and facilities which is SO difficult to attain or you just don't - people who make LSD do it with like a 95% - 98% purity - the remaining 5% cannot hurt you - the problem is that now some people sell other chemicals besides acid on the blotter paper - i think it is pretty limited in scale, but if you don't get LSD then you can receive anything from a dose of DOB to BromoDragonFLY which can last a long time and confuse even a seasoned tripper.. also - i disagree that lsd that is not 'fresh' can be any different - the tiny amounts of iso-LSD are not big enough to do anything.. worst case is that old acid will have degraded and not get you as high..


Well-Known Member
Unless you really know the source, there is no telling what is being sold as acid. They may have followed the recipe to the best of their abilities, but how much ability does an acid head have after a while? Besides, mushrooms are natural. Side note: I just bought five acres of land that was part of a dairy farm. This spring I should have mushrooms everywhere. We have been comming out to this area for many years to climb fences and run from bulls and farmers to gather shrooms by the trashbag full.. Now I can just walk out my front door.
i prefer acid and i somewhat disagree that it is made improperly - either you have the full know how and facilities which is SO difficult to attain or you just don't - people who make LSD do it with like a 95% - 98% purity - the remaining 5% cannot hurt you - the problem is that now some people sell other chemicals besides acid on the blotter paper - i think it is pretty limited in scale, but if you don't get LSD then you can receive anything from a dose of DOB to BromoDragonFLY which can last a long time and confuse even a seasoned tripper.. also - i disagree that lsd that is not 'fresh' can be any different - the tiny amounts of iso-LSD are not big enough to do anything.. worst case is that old acid will have degraded and not get you as high..
I was not talking about legit laboratory made acid. I was talking about what we used to call bathtub acid. Just about anyone with basic chemistry knolage and some basic lab equipment, can attempt to make acid. I was just saying be careful because not everybody cares what they sell. Some of the results I have seen over the last 40 years have not been good. Enough to make me not want to risk taking some crap.


Well-Known Member
that is pretty odd.. in order to make LSD-25 you need access to a lab and barrels of specific controlled substances.. in a bathtub you can make other things like PCP, but not real LSD..