Shut it the fuck down

i was listening to a WH reporter last night about this. it's actually been a two year rant according to started after the test, obvi, and apparently everywhere he would go and to anyone who would listen, he's been telling this story behind the scenes. it just recently broke out to where media has it and we were made aware.

can you imagine? drip, drip, drip, drip..after a compliment from the doctor?
But Deblasio made it LAW that all gatherings are far do dangerous and a near death warrant.....except of course for protestors, the virus wont affect them.....what a laughable DICK LOL

To be fair to the virus, the virus is smart enough not to into a mob of violent looting arsonists vandalizing murdering terrorist scum of the earth Liberals....can't say I blame it
too dangerous to hold a gop convention but pack those kids back in the schools!

oh and every domestic terrorist since 2017 has been a right wing white male
But Deblasio made it LAW that all gatherings are far do dangerous and a near death warrant.....except of course for protestors, the virus wont affect them.....what a laughable DICK LOL

To be fair to the virus, the virus is smart enough not to into a mob of violent looting arsonists vandalizing murdering terrorist scum of the earth Liberals....can't say I blame it
I’m not a fan of Trump’s or a coronavirus denier, but I have to admit that the “free pass” given to protesters reeks of political favoritism and double standards.

Public gatherings are unsafe unless you have the “correct” political leanings. And you can’t even complain about the double standard because the twitter mob will call you racist and make your life a living hell for having the “incorrect” point of view.
Ahmen @Jimdamick.

I wish someone would ask Trump and any of his minions if he/they would be willing to stand in a room with 30 kids for hours everyday for about $37k a year during this pandemic. Along with hundreds (or 5,000 on avg in Detroit) of other people in the same old ass building.

Screw that. Our teachers lives are worth far more than that. Teachers need to strike across the country to shut this shit down.
My wife's teacher's union in Connecticut is saying right now suck my dick/clit, we're not going back to school until proper safety measures are in place.
Can you imagine the spread of the Virus if the school systems open up next month as the Idiot-in-Chief and his minions espouse?
There is no way out of this until mandatory social distancing/mandatory face mask laws are enacted/enforced.
Fucking Conservatives/Republicans & I'd rather die than submit assholes, they are the ones that are killing thousands of people daily.
Next time you see someone without a face mask in a public place, enact Stand your Ground laws,, and shoot that motherfucker because he/she/it is a physical & a direct threat too one's existence :)
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too dangerous to hold a gop convention but pack those kids back in the schools!

oh and every domestic terrorist since 2017 has been a right wing white male
Anybody advocating for large public gatherings at this point is a dumb-dumb, whether they’re on the left or the right.

With how politicized the response to coronavirus has become, I have to wonder how Americans would behave if 9/11 happened today and not two decades ago.

I have a sickening feeling that we wouldn’t unite the same way we did back then. With Trump so opposed to foreign military intervention, I also have to wonder whether we would have just taken it lying down and not retaliated.

The liberals would probably have rushed to condone the attack as a justifiable reaction to colonialism, while many on the right would probably also rejoice at East Coast elite globalists “getting what they deserved.”

I can’t say what caused this change in our national unity over the past two decades — most likely, it was an accumulation of factors.
I’m not a fan of Trump’s or a coronavirus denier, but I have to admit that the “free pass” given to protesters reeks of political favoritism and double standards.

Public gatherings are unsafe unless you have the “correct” political leanings. And you can’t even complain about the double standard because the twitter mob will call you racist and make your life a living hell for having the “incorrect” point of view.
This whole forum is like that.....why do think it's so amusing. It's like arguing with 7th graders....which I'm fairly certain there are plenty of on this site, LEAVE ME ALONE MOM, I'M IN MY SAFE PLACE
But Deblasio made it LAW that all gatherings are far do dangerous and a near death warrant.....except of course for protestors, the virus wont affect them.....what a laughable DICK LOL

To be fair to the virus, the virus is smart enough not to into a mob of violent looting arsonists vandalizing murdering terrorist scum of the earth Liberals....can't say I blame it
Uh, yeah, arsonists are why we should re-open schools. :dunce:

It doesn't matter how hard you want us to stop talking about it.

It's completely insane to think that you could open up the schools without the epidemic under control, without taking necessary safety precautions in schools AND providing extra funds to schools so they can take those measures..

It beggars logic. Everything we know about this virus tells us that re-opening schools as if it doesn't exist will result in massive rates of infection among kids, teachers, administrators (OK so that's not such a big deal), service workers for the schools, parents and pretty much everybody who interacts with families of school kids. This is a very contagious disease. Not to be ignored. Concurrent with the new outbreak will be further decline in the economy.

What are you reading that tells you differently?
I’m not a fan of Trump’s or a coronavirus denier, but I have to admit that the “free pass” given to protesters reeks of political favoritism and double standards.

Public gatherings are unsafe unless you have the “correct” political leanings. And you can’t even complain about the double standard because the twitter mob will call you racist and make your life a living hell for having the “incorrect” point of view.
citation is necessary.
Anybody advocating for large public gatherings at this point is a dumb-dumb, whether they’re on the left or the right.

With how politicized the response to coronavirus has become, I have to wonder how Americans would behave if 9/11 happened today and not two decades ago.

I have a sickening feeling that we wouldn’t unite the same way we did back then. With Trump so opposed to foreign military intervention, I also have to wonder whether we would have just taken it lying down and not retaliated.

The liberals would probably have rushed to condone the attack as a justifiable reaction to colonialism, while many on the right would probably also rejoice at East Coast elite globalists “getting what they deserved.”

I can’t say what caused this change in our national unity over the past two decades — most likely, it was an accumulation of factors.
I'm trying to get an actionable recommendation about school re openings from your post.

Are you saying we shouldn't re-open schools?
Actually, it is specifically a Democratic/Deep State hoax that was/is implemented simply to destroy him because that's the Dem's agenda, to destroy the country and in the process destroy Trump.
And millions of his followers actually believe it.

we have to protect ourselves and Ruth Bader Ginsburg's DNR being revoked until after the election is one of those protections..
oh my F'in god. Someone has a different opinion and you call for a citation with ZERO reason. What was said was as vanilla as everyone you call a racist.....time to get fitted for your clown suit
My post about the citation was to somebody else. She/he made a lot of unsubstantiated claims and this is a political forum where we should be able to understand what is behind those claims.

To you, I asked:

Everything we know about this virus tells us that re-opening schools as if it doesn't exist will result in massive rates of infection among kids, teachers, administrators (OK so that's not such a big deal), service workers for the schools, parents and pretty much everybody who interacts with families of school kids. This is a very contagious disease. Not to be ignored. Concurrent with the new outbreak will be further decline in the economy.

What are you reading that tells you differently?

What you are saying is in total contradiction to what health professionals say would be necessary before opening schools.

The following is a good article containing up-to-date information on coronavirus:

The following are guidelines and background information on reopening schools from the CDC:
This whole forum is like that.....why do think it's so amusing. It's like arguing with 7th graders....which I'm fairly certain there are plenty of on this site, LEAVE ME ALONE MOM, I'M IN MY SAFE PLACE
you invented a completely fake alternate reality in which the left are terrorists even though every single incident of domestic terrorism since 2017 has been carried out by right wing white males.

are you gonna address this fact or ask me to leave you alone in your safe space?
Schools will reopen because it's non political. Both parties have kids and it's making their life difficult having them home.
Just more proof the virus is more about politics than an actual virus
Lololololol, teachers are not fucking babysitters idk what part everyone doesn't get about that. If you can't watch your own fucking kids, it sounds like you shouldn't of had any! :) :) :) :) :) :)
i dont get why they are pushing so hard to run into this buzzsaw.
It's because they live in a alternate universe.
What are the demographics of the GOP?
Mostly rural, uneducated fodder for the extremely wealthy & it has been that way since the inception of this country.
But now, they're base is dying off, like literally ( :) ) so those old White boys smoking they're cigars & sipping they're Scotch are all shit out of luck.
Like I have said before, the World has too achieve a balance & that balance is coming very soon, like in November.
For the Republican Party the worst thing that ever happened was Donald j Trump, and personally I'm loving it :)
Uhh.... their is domestic terrorism happening right now in every city by black and white snot nosed liberal children that think its their right to destroy other people's property while throwing spears made out of sharpened PVC at police.....actual terrorists
Uhh.... their is domestic terrorism happening right now in every city by black and white snot nosed liberal children that think its their right to destroy other people's property while throwing spears made out of sharpened PVC at police.....actual terrorists
So, I get that you'd rather rant. The topic under discussion are Republican's insane drive to send children into the teeth of this epidemic by re-opening schools. It's OK if you want to change your mind and agree that this would be an insane thing to do.