Shut it the fuck down

@Fogdog so much for praying as prevention.

They weren't worthy.

148,259 as of 7/24

I read that about 9% of the US have been exposed. No way of knowing what the actual death rate is but let's say 1% who get it die.

328 million population in the US, less 9% = 298 million are not immune; if 60% of them get sick, 1% death rate = 1,788,000 more dead.

Yeah, let's just open up those schools, shall we? How about it @father nature ? Can I sign you and your family up for the morgue? I promise you a nice cardboard box/casket, a dignified mass cremation with other Covid victims, any metals remaining will be donated to charity and your ashes scattered at a scenic garbage dump site. I'll even filter an unhealthy amount of good ole US whiskey through my kidneys to pour on your ashes after I dump them. There is a waste site named Coffin Butte in the Willamette Valley. That sounds like an appropriate place. How about it bud?
Most places should have never reopened in US - you're right, this is bullshit. Many were not ready (cases still climbing and no one in masks) and now the problem is so out of control I'm not sure shutting down will even work. It should give much needed relief on the hospital systems - if people actually stay home. Without widespread financial assistance for those not working, people will never accept guidelines and staying home.

That's why the US reopened unprepared..these same people begging to open were the first protestors out in public, and it's hypocritical to talk shit about protestors out now for human rights. "Terrorists" yes, but not "protestors." In my area yesterday the hospitals had 2 ICU beds open. Louder for the back - TWO. Population 150k.. seems like a bad day for a car wreck.

How hard is it to just stay home or wear masks in public if you must go? The US has no type of organized informational system for contact tracing, and clearly no leadership. All we have to keep us safe is us, and what we choose to do..

There is plenty of places that played this right and are enjoying their summers right now with family and friends. Great example, Taiwan. I have a friend there livin her best life.. 100 miles from China. Shut down schools for 2 weeks in February. 24 million people, 450ish cases, 7 deaths. After Sars, they were smart. They made a plan: Command center, stockpiled protective gear, educated people, contact tracing, worked together as a community to stop it in its tracks. Simply put, adequate leadership!

Fun fact: Obama had a pandemic plan where "novel coronaviruses" just like this were flagged for higher concern. "Playbook for Early Response to High-Consequence Emerging Infectious Disease Threats and Biological Incidents.” Trump disregarded this playbook because.. you know.. "Obama." Trumps pride will always come before the American people. This 69 page book provided the guidance we needed. I guess we can't expect an arrogant leader who doesn't read his morning briefing to read a 69 page National Security Council guidebook, before or during a worldwide pandemic.

Of course schools should be closed, any one who thinks otherwise imo is delusional and underplaying the risk to all adult teachers, counselors, maintenance workers, etc. Not to mention implying that ANY children's lives are apparently considered expendable.

Look around.. how many high risk people are in your life? Do you expect those people to isolate at home for years? Studies have proven over and over that up to 40% of positive cases are asymptomatic. That means those folks were likely walking around living normal lives while infecting grandma, and cousin Susan who has diabetes..

Trump is a lunatic, and if you didn't know it before - he has surely showed you in the handling of this crisis. We are going through times unseen in my 40 years - so while trump has been injecting disinfectant, I've been researching facts & science.

Republicans and ikr. I feel politicians will never do what's right when it comes to financials. They are gonna double down and let many die behind these idiotic ideas and guidance. More than 150 prominent US medical experts, scientists, teachers, nurses, signed a letter urging to shut down again. The problem with that is so many citizens won't stand for it. I see utter chaos in our near future. I hope not, but that's the fork in the road we are headed towards.

If I sound a bit pissed off it's because I am. It's personal and I'm tired of this shit. Let's do what needs to be done, to stop the spread and save lives. Do better:wall:

Sorry for my book:leaf:
Hey, welcome to the party.

Masque of the Red Death.

God damn them all to hell. @father nature
Just 6 weeks until the first votes are cast and it could be over by october, or so say some pundits. Are you registered? On the voter rolls? Check and remind others frequently, be a pain in the ass for your country. Know anybody who might need a drive to the polls? Got extra lawn chairs to bring for others in line? (Red states only). Pack a lunch and after you vote go get food and drink and give it to others waiting hours in line. Be creative for fuck sake.

Make it.
Too big to rig!
Donald Trump Finds Himself Increasingly Out Of Step With The American People | Deadline | MSNBC

New polls in some key battleground states find Joe Biden expanding his lead as the reality of the virus is catching up to Donald Trump.
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They are still planning to send federal officers to Chicago. They SAY it's not the same militarized troops of the kind sent to Portland but they ARE sending troops and Ligthtfoot agreed, at least she agreed to it in principle to help Chicago deal with increases in rates of crime.
And I'm sure they will be greeted with open arms by both the populace & the police department as saviors :)
The cops are going to hate them for supposedly coming to their rescue, the protestors are going too show up in droves & the criminals are just going to do what they do, buy legal hand guns in Indiana and shoot each other.
This whole farce of sending in the Feds into major metropolitan areas, (all Democratic by the way, which might or not be noteworthy)
is just yet another, insane example of the state of Trumps mind.
It's like a perfect storm right now in the USA for being in one of the worst possible places on the Planet to exist at this moment.
Massive unemployment
Riots/demonstrations in the streets protesting racial bias and police tactics
Federal troops/Law enforcement being dispatched to major urban centers to quell the unrest/lawlessness
COVID-19 running rampant again, simply due to the simple fact that it was too fucking early to re-open, but nope, all those asshole Republicans thought they knew best, so now they're all dying & continuing to infect the rest of the country.

Ah shit, what is one too do?

I know exactly what I'm doing next, which is to pack a bowl & listen too this song & laugh :)

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Ahmen @Jimdamick.

I wish someone would ask Trump and any of his minions if he/they would be willing to stand in a room with 30 kids for hours everyday for about $37k a year during this pandemic. Along with hundreds (or 5,000 on avg in Detroit) of other people in the same old ass building.

Screw that. Our teachers lives are worth far more than that. Teachers need to strike across the country to shut this shit down.
Time for the ELECTON 2020, The battle for liberty thread James, you make the best threads on here, are a patriotic American and should have the honor. Don't make some fucking Canadian troll do it! :D

The first votes are cast in 6 weeks and some say it could be over by October, make sure ya cover registration and voter support for where lines are long, folks need to organise and provide support for those in line. like food and drink if required, assistance for those with special needs and the elderly, if Trump and some asshole state make ya do it. Most will use the mail, but that mean you can support those who can't with masks and donations, even organise and crowd fund for some districts so people can vote. It is a fight for liberty and that means a fight for the franchise with these cocsuckers.
I condemn all terrorism. Like the scumbag that shot up the school with all the little kids in Sandy Hook. Scum of the Earth and deserved a slow painful death.
Why cant you condemn the liberal scum of the earth terrorists destroying our country right now
but you haven’t condemned right wing terrorism even once

I can’t condemn liberal terrorism because there isn’t any

Trumps terrorist supporters have even argued successfully in court that trump radicalized them into becoming terrorists

Sorry you need your alternate reality safe space, bitch
Time for the ELECTON 2020, The battle for liberty thread James, you make the best threads on here, are a patriotic American and should have the honor. Don't make some fucking Canadian troll do it! :D

The first votes are cast in 6 weeks and some say it could be over by October, make sure ya cover registration and voter support for where lines are long, folks need to organise and provide support for those in line. like food and drink if required, assistance for those with special needs and the elderly, if Trump and some asshole state make ya do it. Most will use the mail, but that mean you can support those who can't with masks and donations, even organise and crowd fund for some districts so people can vote. It is a fight for liberty and that means a fight for the franchise with these cocsuckers.
We are entirely vote by mail in Oregon. You can bet that my ballot will be marked and hand delivered to the county collection site the day I receive it. Oregon is not exactly in play for any Democratic seats in my area. But still, I want my vote to be counted. I want Nov 3, 2020 to be a day that Republicans will never forget. My grand kids (if I'm ever so lucky to see my own make it to that point) will be bored by my repeating this story to them.
Most places should have never reopened in US - you're right, this is bullshit. Many were not ready (cases still climbing and no one in masks) and now the problem is so out of control I'm not sure shutting down will even work. It should give much needed relief on the hospital systems - if people actually stay home. Without widespread financial assistance for those not working, people will never accept guidelines and staying home.

That's why the US reopened unprepared..these same people begging to open were the first protestors out in public, and it's hypocritical to talk shit about protestors out now for human rights. "Terrorists" yes, but not "protestors." In my area yesterday the hospitals had 2 ICU beds open. Louder for the back - TWO. Population 150k.. seems like a bad day for a car wreck.

How hard is it to just stay home or wear masks in public if you must go? The US has no type of organized informational system for contact tracing, and clearly no leadership. All we have to keep us safe is us, and what we choose to do..

There is plenty of places that played this right and are enjoying their summers right now with family and friends. Great example, Taiwan. I have a friend there livin her best life.. 100 miles from China. Shut down schools for 2 weeks in February. 24 million people, 450ish cases, 7 deaths. After Sars, they were smart. They made a plan: Command center, stockpiled protective gear, educated people, contact tracing, worked together as a community to stop it in its tracks. Simply put, adequate leadership!

Fun fact: Obama had a pandemic plan where "novel coronaviruses" just like this were flagged for higher concern. "Playbook for Early Response to High-Consequence Emerging Infectious Disease Threats and Biological Incidents.” Trump disregarded this playbook because.. you know.. "Obama." Trumps pride will always come before the American people. This 69 page book provided the guidance we needed. I guess we can't expect an arrogant leader who doesn't read his morning briefing to read a 69 page National Security Council guidebook, before or during a worldwide pandemic.

Of course schools should be closed, any one who thinks otherwise imo is delusional and underplaying the risk to all adult teachers, counselors, maintenance workers, etc. Not to mention implying that ANY children's lives are apparently considered expendable.

Look around.. how many high risk people are in your life? Do you expect those people to isolate at home for years? Studies have proven over and over that up to 40% of positive cases are asymptomatic. That means those folks were likely walking around living normal lives while infecting grandma, and cousin Susan who has diabetes..

Trump is a lunatic, and if you didn't know it before - he has surely showed you in the handling of this crisis. We are going through times unseen in my 40 years - so while trump has been injecting disinfectant, I've been researching facts & science.

Republicans and ikr. I feel politicians will never do what's right when it comes to financials. They are gonna double down and let many die behind these idiotic ideas and guidance. More than 150 prominent US medical experts, scientists, teachers, nurses, signed a letter urging to shut down again. The problem with that is so many citizens won't stand for it. I see utter chaos in our near future. I hope not, but that's the fork in the road we are headed towards.

If I sound a bit pissed off it's because I am. It's personal and I'm tired of this shit. Let's do what needs to be done, to stop the spread and save lives. Do better:wall:

Sorry for my book:leaf:
Well spoken truth, reality is catching up to Trump his minions and the republicans, move heaven and earth, register and help turn out or support in line as many as you can. Nobody should go home in hunger or frustration, provide porta potties too.

Make it TOO BIG TO RIG, bury the fucker, be creative and caring, be the best citizen you can be and support others in their rights, your rights too BTW, be a patriot. NOT YOU, YOU ALREADY ARE and a damn fine one too! :D
That's exactly what I don't get! How is this fucking moron president able to just forget what the CDC and the WHO say and push on whatever tf he wants to do!
Like where are the checks and balances within this whole thing! It drives me absolutley fucking mad!
You have doctors, virologists, and communicable disease doctors and you just scrub whatever they say????
Like whaaatttt?! Who put this guy in charge lmao

as you can see the office of the presidency has a lot of latitude- that's changing after this so it can never happen to our peoples again.
Just 6 weeks until the first votes are cast and it could be over by october, or so say some pundits. Are you registered? On the voter rolls? Check and remind others frequently, be a pain in the ass for your country. Know anybody who might need a drive to the polls? Got extra lawn chairs to bring for others in line? (Red states only). Pack a lunch and after you vote go get food and drink and give it to others waiting hours in line. Be creative for fuck sake.

Make it.
Too big to rig!
Donald Trump Finds Himself Increasingly Out Of Step With The American People | Deadline | MSNBC

New polls in some key battleground states find Joe Biden expanding his lead as the reality of the virus is catching up to Donald Trump.

if too big he'll say rigged anyway because minorities voting can spin this any which way and he's not going to matter.

in his mind: possession 9/10.
And I'm sure they will be greeted with open arms by both the populace & the police department as saviors :)
The cops are going to hate them for supposedly coming to their recuse, the protestors are going too show up in droves & the criminals are just going to do what they do, buy legal hand guns in Indiana and shoot each other.
This whole farce of sending in the Feds into major metropolitan areas, (all Democratic by the way, which might or not be noteworthy)
is just yet another, insane example of the state of Trumps mind.
It's like a perfect storm right now in the USA for being in one of the worst possible places on the Planet to exist at this moment.
Massive unemployment
Riots/demonstrations in the streets protesting racial bias and police tactics
Federal troops/Law enforcement being dispatched to major urban centers to quell the unrest/lawlessness
COVID-19 running rampant again, simply due to the simple fact that it was too fucking early to re-open, but nope, all those asshole Republicans thought they knew best, so now they're all dying & continuing to infect the rest of the country.

Ah shit, what is one too do?

I know exactly what I'm doing next, which is to pack a bowl & listen too this song & laugh :)

I'm not ready to make nice.
I'm not ready to back down.
I'm mad as hell and I'm don't
have time to go round and round and round.

Yeah, right now, I need some music and some time to shake this rage I'm in.

Weed is for later.

They weren't worthy.

148,259 as of 7/24

I read that about 9% of the US have been exposed. No way of knowing what the actual death rate is but let's say 1% who get it die.

328 million population in the US, less 9% = 298 million are not immune; if 60% of them get sick, 1% death rate = 1,788,000 more dead.

Yeah, let's just open up those schools, shall we? How about it @father nature ? Can I sign you and your family up for the morgue? I promise you a nice cardboard box/casket, a dignified mass cremation with other Covid victims, any metals remaining will be donated to charity and your ashes scattered at a scenic garbage dump site. I'll even filter an unhealthy amount of good ole US whiskey through my kidneys to pour on your ashes after I dump them. There is a waste site named Coffin Butte in the Willamette Valley. That sounds like an appropriate place. How about it bud?

Current US death rate is 3.5%. It's been between 3%ish since the beginning and between 3.3 - 4.2 since June. Worldwide has been right at 4% for quite a while. Here's a good site for those stats: Corona Scanner - Real Time

Thing is, atleast half of the people that have been exposed are not immune.. Studies have shown that you have to get sick enough to be in ICU to develop antibodies, and even then they are disappearing in 2-3 months for most. Many have gotten sick twice already, and one person I personally know of 3x (who happens to be a child!)

That means the folks that are waiting on this so called "herd immunity" are SOL. Seriously. Not to mention, I wonder do some of these people even understand herd immunity? In order to achieve, a minimum of 70% - 90% of the population must get sick enough for ICU, and maintain antibodies for a longer period then what's occurring right now.

2020 US population est 331 mil. Let's calculate the low end at 70%. Do these people realize they are waiting on over 15 million people to die, best case scenario?! o_O
Maybe when Joe comes north on one of his later visits, he and Justine can burn down a blunt together, I hear it works wonders for old folks, helps with general neurological decline, but there is no evidence, in the strictest sense of the word... Maybe Joe should come north right away and get high, he's gonna inherit a bankrupt graveyard and is bound to be depressed.
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And I'm sure they will be greeted with open arms by both the populace & the police department as saviors :)
The cops are going to hate them for supposedly coming to their recuse, the protestors are going too show up in droves & the criminals are just going to do what they do, buy legal hand guns in Indiana and shoot each other.
This whole farce of sending in the Feds into major metropolitan areas, (all Democratic by the way, which might or not be noteworthy)
is just yet another, insane example of the state of Trumps mind.
It's like a perfect storm right now in the USA for being in one of the worst possible places on the Planet to exist at this moment.
Massive unemployment
Riots/demonstrations in the streets protesting racial bias and police tactics
Federal troops/Law enforcement being dispatched to major urban centers to quell the unrest/lawlessness
COVID-19 running rampant again, simply due to the simple fact that it was too fucking early to re-open, but nope, all those asshole Republicans thought they knew best, so now they're all dying & continuing to infect the rest of the country.

Ah shit, what is one too do?

I know exactly what I'm doing next, which is to pack a bowl & listen too this song & laugh :)

Right!? I've been researching leaving for months... Costa Rica, Belize, Australia, a few other countries I have my eyes on. Never thought I would live outside the US, but if Trump is elected again, I really think I'm gone. I've never said or thought that before, I'm not one of "those" people but enough is enough.

I wasn't joking- I am sick of this shit. America has lost its marbles and as much as I'd like to stick around - I didn't fight to live to get taken out by coronavirus and uneducated non believers. A girl can only stay home for so long before she loses her marbles too..

Problem with that right now is, no other countries want Americans! Lol. Even tourist locations are cutting us off.
Imagine, Joe solves America biggest problems in a year, he should be publicly allowed to come to Canada to get high with Justine as a reward! He can say he does a better job stoned than Donald ever did on his best day (were there any?), but that ain't much of a standard for a man like Joe to hold himself to.:D
Hey guys your hero Fauci is NOT following his own mask order!:lol: This covid-19 is such a joke! I haven't worn the mask once since the outbreak! In my town no one listening to the little weasel most people understand this is a poltical statement. Because Biden is such a pathetic candiate that you guys know can't win in a fair election, so you have to steal it with mail in ballot haha! Mail in ballots should be highly illegal! I mean lets face it creepy joe can't even finish an inverview because of his Alzheimer mushey brain!

Fuck your Neo Liberal fear mongering thread! Classical Liberals are cool, Neo Liberals are tards!
Right!? I've been researching leaving for months... Costa Rica, Belize, Australia, a few other countries I have my eyes on. Never thought I would live outside the US, but if Trump is elected again, I really think I'm gone. I've never said or thought that before, I'm not one of "those" people but enough is enough.

I wasn't joking- I am sick of this shit. America has lost its marbles and as much as I'd like to stick around - I didn't fight to live to get taken out by coronavirus and uneducated non believers. A girl can only stay home for so long before she loses her marbles too..

Problem with that right now is, no other countries want Americans! Lol. Even tourist locations are cutting us off.
You might get into Canada as a refugee, I might sponsor James but they might not let him in, looking as he does in his avatar, he'll need some charm schooling too...:D