Shut it the fuck down

Right!? I've been researching leaving for months... Costa Rica, Belize, Australia, a few other countries I have my eyes on. Never thought I would live outside the US, but if Trump is elected again, I really think I'm gone. I've never said or thought that before, I'm not one of "those" people but enough is enough.

I wasn't joking- I am sick of this shit. America has lost its marbles and as much as I'd like to stick around - I didn't fight to live to get taken out by coronavirus and uneducated non believers. A girl can only stay home for so long before she loses her marbles too..

Problem with that right now is, no other countries want Americans! Lol. Even tourist locations are cutting us off.
Check out Ireland, one of the few countries left around that still likes Americans.
A relatively dynamic economy, multicultural now, temperate weather, very welcoming people & has decent food & great drink.
Herb might be in short supply but that shouldn't be a problem for a grower. (I get my seeds from Ireland :) )
So yea, get the fuck out now while your young & still have a chance.
It's a big, beautiful World out there with lot's of opportunities.
I acknowledge now that when I didn't leave when I was considering it when I was 21, that was a mistake, but I was young then & full of hope that the US would get it's shit together but that never happened & never will happen in my opinion.
Life's too fucking short for this shit.
Get an education (if you can afford it in this fucked up country), learn another language or two and get the fuck out & see what the rest of the World has too offer.
There's only one trip allowed on this Planet, so use it wisely.
Oh, I've heard New Zealand is lovely also
Peace out & stay safe :)
the solution to monarchy is revolution or assassination.
I'm amazed the orange one hasn't been asisinated. Gotta be at least like 100million Americans that propper hate him.
Like half of them could easily shoot a man at 300 yards and not one of thems had the motivation to do it?
We're mostly unarmed so that's our excuse for the monarchy. What's yours lol.
Buddhism is a practice but some consider it a religion. The reason some don’t is because you can be Christian and Buddhist. You can be catholic and Buddhist. Hell you can even be atheist and Buddhist.

Buddhism’s main philosophy is “be kind to all living beings”. They don’t single out humans as the center of the universe. Buddhism is too simple for some people as they need the church group and friends to also follow like sheep. Buddhist don’t ask for your money when you go to their monastery. They don’t want your email to remind you to come back. Buddhism is something you can practice at home by yourself. Just you and your higher being. (Whatever you believe it to be, they don’t even have a guideline for that)

If you are into meditation they have a great one where you picture yourself dead and you step outside your body and watch your funeral etc. it’s kinda of dark. But a wake up call to the fact that we are a small blip on the radar.
Yeah I'm an atheist and a hollistic so what I practice revolves kinda around the same circles as bhudism.
Peace can only be attained.
Not faught for.
Hence why the bhudists are right and were pretty much all wrong.
Yeah I'm an atheist and a hollistic so what I practice revolves kinda around the same circles as bhudism.
Peace can only be attained.
Not faught for.
Hence why the bhudists are right and were pretty much all wrong.
I’ve met a few monks I’ve been to a monastery. It’s a great scene. The nicest people you have ever met. All the people at the monastery were great. It’s a different mindset when you put other creatures on the planet at the same level as yourself.

BTW I’m not claiming to be some intelligent being I’m just giving my experience with Buddhism. It’s a great practice/religion. The only religion that’s secure in itself enough to let you go practice another religion and they won’t guilt you with an imaginary pit of fire for eternity!!
I'm amazed the orange one hasn't been asisinated. Gotta be at least like 100million Americans that propper hate him.
Like half of them could easily shoot a man at 300 yards and not one of thems had the motivation to do it?
We're mostly unarmed so that's our excuse for the monarchy. What's yours lol.
The problem is that the Left/Dems/Socialists in this country have this built in aversion towards assassination/murder.
Who knows though, things might have too change :)

Check out Ireland, one of the few countries left around that still likes Americans.
A relatively dynamic economy, multicultural now, temperate weather, very welcoming people & has decent food & great drink.
Herb might be in short supply but that shouldn't be a problem for a grower. (I get my seeds from Ireland :) )
So yea, get the fuck out now while your young & still have a chance.
It's a big, beautiful World out there with lot's of opportunities.
I acknowledge now that when I didn't leave when I was considering it when I was 21, that was a mistake, but I was young then & full of hope that the US would get it's shit together but that never happened & never will happen in my opinion.
Life's too fucking short for this shit.
Get an education (if you can afford it in this fucked up country), learn another language or two and get the fuck out & see what the rest of the World has too offer.
There's only one trip allowed on this Planet, so use it wisely.
Oh, I've heard New Zealand is lovely also
Peace out & stay safe :)
I've fantasized about moving to New Zealand. World Class trout fishing.
If you’re referring to the “kook-aid” of Trump worship, I have not partaken. It is telling, however, that you assume that I must be a Trump supporter simply because I don’t fully comply with the left-wing group think.

Of course the protests aren’t government sanctioned — except those that are. In my area, they recently canceled the 4th of July celebration while approving a permit for an anti-police protest.

But even those protests that aren’t government permitted or sanctioned have won the tacit approval of the media as well as outright support from health professionals, which someone asked me to support with a citation but then totally ignored.
Spell check changed kool too kook.

I am curious to see how you formed this opinion too.

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Only 14% of the world's population class themselves as atheist.
12% are bhudist which isn't really a religion so ill take them out and that leaves 74%.
As of the last cencus numbers, 74% of the entire world's population classed themselves as religious.
That means if someone dies from coronavirus there's a 74% chance they're religious.
Is it just me that finds that number funny as fuck ?
They should be celebrating too shouldn't they? Given that corona was finally their ticket into heaven?
How come religious people don't celebrate death like that?
Why aren't they happy that their friends and family have finally achieved their lifelong goal to enter the pearly gates?
You'd think they'd be fuckin buzzed about it but all they do is complain.
Noo!!! He's made it into heaven!!! How dare he!!!
Like do these guys even understand what it is they believe in?

Ever take the time to consider maybe it is because people don't want to be pegged as 'atheists' to make people that believe made up shit feel better because they can catagorize people that a couple hundred years ago they would rather have burned?


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Agree that schools must be safe. Safe for the kids, the teachers, the administrators, the janitors the cafeteria workers, the parents and their families.

Schools can be opened safely. However, just like the cluster fuck of a re-opening this country did in May, we can't just resume business as usual in a safe manner without an effective vaccine. The only way we could have re-opened our schools if if we had properly opened up after the lock downs. We didn't. The epidemic is out of control in many areas of the country. So, no, we can't re-open the schools.
I don’t get why we (US/Canada) felt the need to open before the numbers were low enough to atleast make an effort to trace. We too are experiencing an upswing in numbers. Per capita we are not doing great either :(. I’m thinking another 3-4 weeks would have knocked the hell out of it up here.
I don’t get why we (US/Canada) felt the need to open before the numbers were low enough to atleast make an effort to trace. We too are experiencing an upswing in numbers. Per capita we are not doing great either :(. I’m thinking another 3-4 weeks would have knocked the hell out of it up here.
I don't know what the Treasury situation is like in Canada, but here in the USA we're fucking broke due to spending on WMD & tax breaks to corporations & the already wealthy.
As my Irish father used too say, "we don't have a pot too piss in"
We've wasted all our economic ability on guns & tax breaks & there simply is nothing left, so the average citizen is simply fucked.
No way out now, laddie boy, there is no economic/social safety net left.
Buddhism is a practice but some consider it a religion. The reason some don’t is because you can be Christian and Buddhist. You can be catholic and Buddhist. Hell you can even be atheist and Buddhist.

Buddhism’s main philosophy is “be kind to all living beings”. They don’t single out humans as the center of the universe. Buddhism is too simple for some people as they need the church group and friends to also follow like sheep. Buddhist don’t ask for your money when you go to their monastery. They don’t want your email to remind you to come back. Buddhism is something you can practice at home by yourself. Just you and your higher being. (Whatever you believe it to be, they don’t even have a guideline for that)

If you are into meditation they have a great one where you picture yourself dead and you step outside your body and watch your funeral etc. it’s kinda of dark. But a wake up call to the fact that we are a small blip on the radar.
It depends on what you want to attain and what you believe, the culture you grew up in. Most ethnic Buddhist don't meditate and generally have no idea of what their religion is really about, they follow rituals and ceremonies. Almost all western "buddhists" those who follow an assiduous practice and the many now highly experienced western teachers are a mixed bag but most are agnostic, atheist or "spiritual" types.

I would recommend mindfulness of breathing and walking meditation for the novice, these practices are for when you can hold your mind to an object or concept for extended periods. They are like a novice monk bowing to everybody in sight, even if they are retired rice farmers living there who don't meditate, after a year of wearing white robes and bowing and scraping in humility does ordination begin (In the theravada school). Designed to instill humility and whittle down the ego, to decenter oneself from the universe and weed out the Donald's.

Much of the recent practice in the west is drawn from secular Buddhism developed in Asia in the 19th century as a reaction to christian missionaries. It took practice out of the monasteries, into the streets and to the "householder". There are many schools of buddhism from Tibetan, to zen and a lot in between, but Two major extant branches of Buddhism are generally recognized by scholars: Theravada (Pali: "The School of the Elders") and Mahayana (Sanskrit: "The Great Vehicle")
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I don't know what the Treasury situation is like in Canada, but here in the USA we're fucking broke due to spending on WMD & tax breaks to corporations & the already wealthy.
As my Irish father used too say, "we don't have a pot too piss in"
We've wasted all our economic ability on guns & tax breaks & there simply is nothing left, so the average citizen is simply fucked.
No way out now, laddie boy, there is no economic/social safety net left.
But we must keep buying multi-million dollar fighter jets (F-35) that are already obsolete, (think drones). Oh yeah, "they're invisible". And now, we must invest in "Space Force", a clear distraction from what "you see what's going on." Manned space missions? Colonizing Mars? Mining the moon? "Super duper" missiles? Oh, brother! To rule is to keep the masses poor and uneducated.
I don't know what the Treasury situation is like in Canada, but here in the USA we're fucking broke due to spending on WMD & tax breaks to corporations & the already wealthy.
As my Irish father used too say, "we don't have a pot too piss in"
We've wasted all our economic ability on guns & tax breaks & there simply is nothing left, so the average citizen is simply fucked.
No way out now, laddie boy, there is no economic/social safety net left.
That can be remedied by several methods, a VAT (value added tax could help pay for health care)you do not need as big a military, the real threats come from other directions, as we have seen. Joe will inherit a bankrupt graveyard, but he will have a lot of willing hands. Make no mistake, you will pay for these pigs wallowing in hatred for so long and distorting government and policy by electing a succession of con men from both parties.

Now the parties are polarized and one is no longer dealing with the Devil of compromise with these assholes, now it's black and white, the patriots are on one side and the losers who kept America down and fucking it's own people are on the other. The choice is now clear, the confusion has been removed, time for the donnybrook laddie! Not just your country's soul is on the line, you and that of your children's lives are too. Only Trumpers should stay home this time, if they whine about no difference between the parties by now, just punch the stupid fuck in the face as hard as you can, no point in talking, or even warning, say, "hey look over there", before ya clock him, so ya don't waste so much time on the asshole..
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I don't imagine it is particularly pleasant mate. I wouldn't fancy being in America at the best of times, never mind now.
No offence but this all looks fucking insane from the outside looking in.
Let's arm everyone and encourage them to riot. Then we'll manipulate the media so that anyone who opposes the rioting is automatically classed as a racist.
It looks like the puppet master is planning a civil war and a race war and absolutely everyone at every angle seems to be more than up for it.
Even those who claim to be against it will more than happily "defend " themselves so it's like everyone's just voluntarily walking into a massive mine field.
It won't end well for anyone but everyone seems to be actively supporting everything that's causing the divides.
Like I actually can't get my head round it.
Every way you look at, all sides look like they want to go to war.
What for? What's the point?
Y'all wanna die just to be a martyr?
What am I missing that makes a nationwide race war and a nationwide civil war a great idea?
Everyone's armed to the tits but your military is even more so. Why provoke them to come and roll over you?
Not you personally but like that's how this looks to me. It's mind blowing.
Just because all the people that are getting fed the 'rioting' line by racists doesn't necessarily make the people racist for falling into the propaganda trap.

Also 'media' is a word that encompasses everything, so technically you are media too. That is the problem when lies get slipped into non credible sources it is easy to become part of a person's understanding of what is going on.

I think you misunderstood my intention. I surely remember, 4 of those ships were docked one of the places I live, and they forced them to leave at shutdown. Both parties are campaigning coronavirus instead of policy. I could give many examples.. Maybe I used the wrong word but that is what I meant when I said destructive politicizing on both sides. Attention grabbing tactics are not what's best for this country and continue to further divide us. Republicans more disgraceful yes, but both sides are doing it. We live in a country where most of our children behave better than our supposed leaders.

As far as preparedness goes, if you look back I wrote about that on first comment on this thread. I voted for Clinton, and Obama twice. He did leave us prepared, and trump disregarded, because he's an arrogant fool. My entire adult life I've voted for Democratic Presidents. That doesn't stop me from seeing the hypocrisy in all sides of politics.
Mind sharing some of the Democratic examples.

As I see it, Trump has been trolling the Democrats and 'owning the libs' with the help of the Russian military since at least 2014. They are attacking every community on a individual level and Trump has been actively helping them conduct this attack by stopping our government's ability to warn us about it.

I really think it is important that when people look around at all the craziness, that is being amplified, how well it aligns with what we have been shown the attack on our citizens by the Russians military.

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