Sick of all the A$$HOLES!!

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captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
rep should be mainly used to judge how acurate the advice the person gave you may be,

like if they got good rep chances are they are giving you good advise.

but i got most of my rep for the funny pictures thread i made:bigjoint: so go figure:bigjoint:
i still haven't finished the entire thread. a few pages a nite.:bigjoint:

to all- simply ignore any aggressive or provoking post. on your thread, or as a guest on a fellow members thread.


Well-Known Member
It's not them being assholes man , some people just want you to atleast make an effort and research to find the answers to questions that have been asked thousands of time before. Me for instance I atleast try and find the answer before I ask for help. Maybe you want people to hand feed you the answers to all your questions. Not bashing, just letting you know people get tired of answering the same questions over and over and over.


Well-Known Member
easy buddy. have a bonghit. as it displays it is down! haha there are no forums.

rtft dude

happy turkey day stooooners:leaf:
haha i know man just sayin. I had me a turkey sandwich with stuffing and macaroni cheese on it. Think im bulshittin that was the weirdest and best sandwich i ever had. not too mention fresh nugs!!!!
Im thankful! oh whats rtft?

Illegal Smile

Rockstar, Here's my read on it - It's a strange culture here. Lots of people want to help others. Some want to brag. Some want to feel superior. Some are bored. But the big group is the constant flow of new people coming here and saying something like, "Tell me everything about hydroponics." They don't read the FAQs, they don't read the stickys, they don't read anything they just want to be spoonfed. I know this makes me sound old, but I worry about the future of America.

So anyway, sometimes it gets frustrating and sometimes someone who is normally very helpful has had a bad day so they take a newbie's head off. So don't be too quick to judge and try to understand that new posters with un-thought out questions are often assumed to be slackers until they prove otherwise. It's never personal.


Active Member
Rockstar, Here's my read on it - It's a strange culture here. Lots of people want to help others. Some want to brag. Some want to feel superior. Some are bored. But the big group is the constant flow of new people coming here and saying something like, "Tell me everything about hydroponics." They don't read the FAQs, they don't read the stickys, they don't read anything they just want to be spoonfed. I know this makes me sound old, but I worry about the future of America.

So anyway, sometimes it gets frustrating and sometimes someone who is normally very helpful has had a bad day so they take a newbie's head off. So don't be too quick to judge and try to understand that new posters with un-thought out questions are often assumed to be slackers until they prove otherwise. It's never personal.
Sometimes we search for the answers but don't exactly know what we're searching for. Sometimes we find so much information that we don't have the experience to put it all together. It might seem simple and common sense to someone with experience but it's not to a newbie or they wouldn't have asked. Some people on this forum act like they were born with decades of growing experience and were never new growers.


Active Member
There's enough information on this website to be equivalent to a Bachelor's in Marijuana Botany. If a person isn't capable of reading up, and then carrying out a simple, basic grow with a healthy marijuana plant on their own, and saving the questions for more advanced subject matter, then that person probably isn't capable of ever growing out some dank ass weed.

The world is full of mouth breathing mental midgets that are hypnotized by reality television. If you have a 6 week old sad little MJ plant that is 4 inches tall, yellow, and resembles something from a Charles Dickens novel, and you have to start a new thread to try to kickstart your little bagseed back to life, chances are, you're one of the morons....


Well-Known Member
Well at least you get some kind of response here, half of the time my shit gets drowned out and noone answers my questions, but this is one of the most heavily trafficked forums so..... I would rather be told fuckyou than be ignored lol But Yea ive noticed this from when I first got here that there are assholes, but there are also well informed people who know whats up.. You just gotta be lucky to get one or the other

Big P

Well-Known Member
best thing to do is ask a question in threads like this

when you know the conversation is already flowing


Well-Known Member
Why do people on here insist on being so mean to eachother??

I dont get why people have to make fun of someone that just happens to be a beginner and knows less than you. YOU WERE ALL BEGINNERS AT SOME POINT! i've been yelled at for asking too many questions in a post....seriously? i have to think twice before asking something because im afraid i'll just get bitched at. Isn't cannabis about being kind and easy going to everyone? Theres so many uptight people on here its rediculous! Why do they even bother replying if its just to say something mean? Seems like a waste of time to me. One guy pretty much called me retarded because i didnt know what a "darwin list" was. sorry I've NEVER heard that before! :cuss:

i've only been a member less than a year and im a newbie grower and for some reason the makes me the STUPIDEST person on earth to 90% of the people on here. isnt the point of this site to HELP eachother out, newbies and veterans alike? its so hard to get anyone to give me helpful information around here. i've started 5 or 6 threads and i dont think i've ever gotten over 10 replies. now, im not lazy and know how to use the search button but lets face it....THERES MILLIONS OF THREADS AND POSTS ON HERE! You're gonna miss things sometimes and i guess thats unacceptable??:finger: if i reply to someones question i try to answer their question and then give them a direct link to a more informative thread if i can find it. Maybe im just a nice person but i sure would appreciate someone doing that for me.

And one more thing... whats with not +repping people? i add to you're rep just for replying to my post without being an asshole, even if its not that useful! I have 40 posts and only ONE person has ever added to my rep. kind of a bummer.

Im not trying to sound like a sensitive little pussy, just pointing out the lack of common courtesy shown by many of the members.

anyway RIU i just wanted to put my thoughts out there! im sure plenty of people will hate on me for this haha. Please feel free to comment and add to this!! share your stories of asshole replies you've gotten, everyones welcome!


Because Alot of people on here are closet growers and thats all they will be so they think they run shit on forums. Alot of people on here really dont know what they are talking about. I always see someone asking a SIMPLE question and people flip out and just run there mouth about ''look it up under FAQ'' when all it takes in a simple answer to help him on his or her way to growing !! They just act like simple question are beyond there knowledge and they are too ''PROFESSIONAL'' to answer that.


Well-Known Member
there are always dicks bro i will help u out if i can though so u can pm me anytime with your questions not to brag but i have done 10 years of growing everything from 500plants down to 5 so i kinda got an idea what im doing but ya man fuk hatin start congradulatin. glad to see u have the balls to post this problem +rep bro:leaf::leaf:


Its cos these people get a nice feeling when they think they're that little bit better than you for whatever reason even if it's just for a few seconds. Idiots!
Now I feel better :)
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