Sick of all the A$$HOLES!!

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Well-Known Member
thanks for stopping by everyone haha this has actually been my most successful post. i'd like to clear some things up to people like donkeyote...i didnt start this to cry about people picking on me, i dont have many threads so i havent experienced many hater but i have witnessed a lot. i simply started this to point out the fact and say how lame i think it is. its a website so i know you cant take everything seriously. COMMON COURTESY is my main issue here.

illegal smile- i try to do as much research as a can haha trust me im on here a couple hours a day. i try to only ask questions in an emergency and when i do i give as much background info as i can to show i atleast kind of know whats going on. i've seen post like "i wanna start growing tell me what to do" and "i have one CFL why isnt my plant huge?" and you're right, those are annoying but im mostly talking about competent people getting ripped on when its not really nessecary. does that make sense?

First Time Grower- yea i see what you're saying about repping. it was kind of just an after thought i threw in. not a huge deal haha


Well-Known Member
Sometimes we search for the answers but don't exactly know what we're searching for. Sometimes we find so much information that we don't have the experience to put it all together. It might seem simple and common sense to someone with experience but it's not to a newbie or they wouldn't have asked. Some people on this forum act like they were born with decades of growing experience and were never new growers.

I agree with this 100%..I cant tell you how many times i have been searching for something and wasnt even sure of the real name of what i was searching for..
Although i have been growing for almost 20 yearsin soil , i have recently ventured into aeroponics..And trust me im truly lost on this subject..But i am researching on here and have read everything i can find..Alot of it conflicts itself but damit im learning..lmao:bigjoint:

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
There is enough rudeness in the world it really isn't needed here and there is no excuse for it happening. Who cares if you are the most knowledgeable person in the world...if you're also an asshole with an ego big enough texas can't hold it? Some people like feeling superior so they down others. I'm here to learn and hopefully share some of what I learn with others. You cannot get a conversation from looking at the faq's. I read more than my fair share trying to educate myself, but there is nothing like experience and guidance from others. I've come to the conclusion growing weed is just one big ongoing experiment. For someone to tell another you're doing it wrong...well that's one opinion from maybe someone who is stuck in the way they grow and has been for ten years. This is my third grow so I'm still a newbie, but it is also my third different way of growing. You grow and you learn. I'm pressing my upper fifties. I remember when weed was fifteen bucks an ounce and it was shared by everyone. My next grow will be sativas, my fourth different kind of grow. Part of the reason I'm growing it is to share with my lucky little circle of friends. Woodstock, it's time we got ouselves back to the garden. Peace


Well-Known Member
Spoken like a true example.
dude your name is underoath....didnt they break up because their singer went and dranka beer with fat mike from NOFX....its perfect that someone who has an UNDEROATH name is sympathetic to the weak


Well-Known Member
dude your name is underoath....didnt they break up because their singer went and dranka beer with fat mike from NOFX....its perfect that someone who has an UNDEROATH name is sympathetic to the weak

i find it ironic theres a fight getting started in a thread ment for the exact opposite


Well-Known Member
There are 2 reasons why there are so many shitty attitude dicks on this site,the biggest reason is the explosive numbers of underage children on the site trying to learn to become weed barons,even though the staff here adamantly denies that children are a large percentge of the membership one need not be Ace Venture pet dective to see children in action in damm near evry thread.

The other big reason is the way the site is moderated,it is like the wild west here where every thread is instantly derailed by kiddie poo's .

You'll find that every where you go in life that there are people who ned to make others look stupid in order for them to look cool themselves,sadly though the only one's who think the ego maniacs look cool are other pampers boys.

All that said & finger pointing aside this site is still a treasure of grow info, you just gotta learn who offers advice based on techniques that the member has proven sound in thier gardens,then it's easy to weed out those who read what others write then advise others as fact,the crowd that meerely repeats what they have read are usually the same dicks who talk the most shit,since they cant contribute any real help from experience they talk shit & derail threads to have a reason to participate.

Put your feelings aside & learn all this site has to offer then split but not before learning what you need to as there is no equal to the knowledge base here at riu anywhere on the net.


Well-Known Member
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just kidding


Well-Known Member
nope rockstar gave me neg rep too :) stupid BRO rockstars that have to QQ all day :wall:
wasnt me, i didnt know you could even do that and wouldnt know how. i wouldnt do that just for negative comments, i told everyone i expected it in my original post. sorry it happened but you got the wrong guy.

EDIT: and im not claiming to be a rockstar, i couldnt think of a name and was drinking ROCKSTAR ENERGY DRINK and said hey why not.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I used to use this site all the time, then it got wack. I still keep a journal here but spend most of my time at another forum where people are nice helpful and trade. rollitup has turned into somthing I dislike. There are still a tone of great growers and people here that do offer sound advise and help but for one of the I find ther is 50 assholes, and most of then dont grow and talk pure shit. the other site is where I learn. I just show off here I will probley bee banned for dropping this name, because thats what goes on here. If you want to learn from some nice people including my self hit them up
how funny:lol: I just checked out the site and the first thing I see is "name and shame the bastards"...and guess who's at the top of the list.hahahahaha


Well-Known Member
thanks for stopping by everyone haha this has actually been my most successful post. i'd like to clear some things up to people like donkeyote...i didnt start this to cry about people picking on me, i dont have many threads so i havent experienced many hater but i have witnessed a lot. i simply started this to point out the fact and say how lame i think it is. its a website so i know you cant take everything seriously. COMMON COURTESY is my main issue here.

illegal smile- i try to do as much research as a can haha trust me im on here a couple hours a day. i try to only ask questions in an emergency and when i do i give as much background info as i can to show i atleast kind of know whats going on. i've seen post like "i wanna start growing tell me what to do" and "i have one CFL why isnt my plant huge?" and you're right, those are annoying but im mostly talking about competent people getting ripped on when its not really nessecary. does that make sense?

First Time Grower- yea i see what you're saying about repping. it was kind of just an after thought i threw in. not a huge deal haha
You claim to do alot of research, If that where true you would not need to ask any questions therefore not needing to deal with all the people supposedly being assholes. No one here is being an asshole it's you not doing your Homework and wanting to be spoon fed. I started off as a complete noob not knowing a single thing about growing, but I spent days of watching grow videos, reading threads, Just straight up learning now I know all the basics and i'm still learning. you should try the same and really try not just look for 5 minutes and then make a thread asking for an answer.


Well-Known Member
You claim to do alot of research, If that where true you would not need to ask any questions therefore not needing to deal with all the people supposedly being assholes. No one here is being an asshole it's you not doing your Homework and wanting to be spoon fed. I started off as a complete noob not knowing a single thing about growing, but I spent days of watching grow videos, reading threads, Just straight up learning now I know all the basics and i'm still learning. you should try the same and really try not just look for 5 minutes and then make a thread asking for an answer.
so if thats true then why do we need fuck it, i guess we should just read all the books ourselves and stop wasting all that money because asking questions is for idiots. the information is out there, just stop being lazy and find it on your own!!

dude i spend more than 5 minutes looking. i only post as a last resort and i only ever want basic answers or a push in the right direction because after that i can figure it out on my own. im only on my second friggin grow and i didnt start posting untill a month ago. stuff isnt always perfectly clear on here especially of you're inexperienced. you must just be one amazing individual because i need some help sometimes.


Well-Known Member
so if thats true then why do we need fuck it, i guess we should just read all the books ourselves and stop wasting all that money because asking questions is for idiots. the information is out there, just stop being lazy and find it on your own!!

dude i spend more than 5 minutes looking. i only post as a last resort and i only ever want basic answers or a push in the right direction because after that i can figure it out on my own. im only on my second friggin grow and i didnt start posting untill a month ago. stuff isnt always perfectly clear on here especially of you're inexperienced. you must just be one amazing individual because i need some help sometimes.
Well stated.

I'm a quote "noob" here, but not on other forums. Any forum you go to is going to have it's good guys and it's assholes. The world is full of 'em, so ya better get a thicker skin quick if they bother you too much. That being said, I have already identified several VERY knowledgeable and helpful members here (as I have also identified several who try to talk the talk, but are so full of shit their eyes are brown). I am not new to growing, but I am definitely new to indoor growing -- which is an entirely different animal than I have known. Therefore, ya I ask a lot of questions which might sound repetitious to some members. Oh well--- I'll keep asking until someone with intelligence gives a viable answer. In the meantime I will do my best to attain that knowledge on my own.

One thing I do notice a lot here though --- MANY members assume that you already know a lot of stuff.They consider this stuff "common knowledge" because to them it is, but to someone new to the lifestyle everything is new and alien. Anyone who has ever taught will instantly recognize the problem with that mentality!!!

I just ask people to try and display a little tact and patience and realize that THEY were the ones asking the "stupid noob questions" at one point --- and that in time some of these "noobs" will blow right on by you knowledge-wise.
None of us know it all, and ALL of us can learn SOMETHING from each and every member here IF we want to.

...and when all else fails tell the arrogant bastards to go fuck themselves and go to another section!!!!:fire:

Also, as a previous poster mentioned, there are WAY too many obvious kids here!!! They're usually not hard to spot (their lack of maturity usually manifests itself fairly quickly). A lot of the time the smart-assed and demeaning comments are from them. Just ignore the little trolls and move on. There is way too much wonderful information on this site to let yourself get discouraged by pre-pubescent punks and gangsta wannabe's!!!!


Well-Known Member
hey Mr.GreenJeans....i think you're my new best friend hahaha jkkk but i couldn't agree more. i've come on here at least once a day since i joined last march so i understand about 85% out how to grow. i successfully grew 2 lowryder AK-47 plants without posting anything on here. i just started growing indoors and like you found out its very different. i built my cabinet, chose my lights, soil, and nutrients without help. i didnt get confused until my third week in veg so im not completely clueless haha.

i just made some BHO for the first time and to anyone who hasn't tried it...DO IT! its really easy and im about 10 times higher off a little drop than a bowl of just nug. friggin awesome haha.


Well-Known Member
hey Mr.GreenJeans....i think you're my new best friend hahaha jkkk but i couldn't agree more. i've come on here at least once a day since i joined last march so i understand about 85% out how to grow. i successfully grew 2 lowryder AK-47 plants without posting anything on here. i just started growing indoors and like you found out its very different. i built my cabinet, chose my lights, soil, and nutrients without help. i didnt get confused until my third week in veg so im not completely clueless haha.

i just made some BHO for the first time and to anyone who hasn't tried it...DO IT! its really easy and im about 10 times higher off a little drop than a bowl of just nug. friggin awesome haha.
Have you got a link to instructions on how to make BHO????? I wouldn't mind trying that once I harvest the current crop!!!!



Well-Known Member
so if thats true then why do we need fuck it, i guess we should just read all the books ourselves and stop wasting all that money because asking questions is for idiots. the information is out there, just stop being lazy and find it on your own!!

dude i spend more than 5 minutes looking. i only post as a last resort and i only ever want basic answers or a push in the right direction because after that i can figure it out on my own. im only on my second friggin grow and i didnt start posting untill a month ago. stuff isnt always perfectly clear on here especially of you're inexperienced. you must just be one amazing individual because i need some help sometimes.

I'm not saying don't ask questions all i'm saying is make an effort to atleast find the answer yourself because i'm pretty sure your a beginner so any questions you might have most likely have been answered millions of times before.
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