Sick Plant Help


Well-Known Member
Hello everybody,
I got a sick plant and dont seem to know what to do.Heres some pixs I took today.Sorry shes under the hps so the pixs are alittle bright.This plant was top and pruned in veg.So the tops were all the same hight.Till I put her under the hps.Than she shot up on one side more than the other.About 4wks in flowering she started to turn a lite green to yellow, with some red stems to the leaves.I'am using GH nutrs,distilled water with good potting soil and added perlite.Two plants before of different strains did the same thing.I read alot about deficencies and all but can't put a finger on it.What has happen is the plants starts yellowing and turn brown and died before they finish.I'll soon have my cab finished sometime this wk and I'll be doing a ebb&flood in the cab.But right now its soil.The green yellowing is at the top middle and some at the bottom.The nutrs I have are GH 3part flora and diamond nectar,carbo load,cal-mag plus.I havent used much of the cal-mag.Or should I be using it all the time at each watering?Heres some pixs.Any help would be greatly appearance. PEACE



Well-Known Member
its normal buddy....

add a little "grow big" to your feeding..

matter of fact- what are you using right now..?

gardenandcats is right.... that does look like a nitrogen gef. which is normal in the flowering phase..

If you look at the label of your bloom nutes, u will most likely see that it is something in the 0-10-5 range.... meaning no nitrogen....



Well-Known Member
Garf I'am using 3 part GH Flora grow 2-1-6,mirco 5-0-1,bloom 0-5-4,diamond nectar 0-1-1.The last feeding was3ml grow,7ml mirco,12ml bloom,20ml diamond nectar and the yellowing started.The red stems to the leaves has me worried.Last night I used alittle of schultz plant food 10-15-10 with 5ml of cal-mag plus and water with it.I hope I didnt do any harm to her? Thanks for your replys and all the infor too. Peace


Uses the Rollitup profile
There is no deficiency, you are giving them all kinds of nutrients, I would say quite a bit too much. You are giving them hydro nutes, at a hydro rate, in soil which already has most of what the plant needs in it. The yellowing is from too much of everything. Flush the pots with plain water, and then let them dry out before watering again.

HTH :mrgreen: