Hey peeps i need my setup as silent as possable and am not using air cooled lighting. I have sj dr90 with 400 w duel spec hps,400 watt digital hacienda ballast, euro reflector and a plug n grow timer (i have been told its fine to use on 1 400 watt bulb). As for venting????? I was thinking 5" rvk A1 with matching rhino filter. Would i be best off with the 5" rvk L1 an use a 0.75a variable transformer, or 6" like i say hav'nt bought venting part yet so any help would be great. So in short dr90 400 hps euro reflector best an most silent fan to get with. uk climate. On the note of intake fan if my room is well vented any need for a intake fan, If so i know to buy the 1 smaller than main thanks guys an girls