Silver! Who Is On This Train?

The big Banks are running for the hills, they have reduced their short positions by 30% in an attempt to cover. They are levered 100 to 1, they only need to lose 2% of their capital to go bankrupt, in which case I am sure they will get bailed out and the public will have to buy even more debt.
The COMEX just raised Margin limits again for the 3rd time in 2 weeks and the 5th time this year. They only had to raise it once back in 1980 to dissolve the Hunt Bros position. Soon the COMEX will be exposed for actually having no silver to back its positions. When that happens you will see the physical price jump far above the paper price. Everything the Shorts do to try and run this market down is only tightening the noose around their necks. The more they suppress the price, the more buyers who jump in and buy the dip.
Made 20k off of shorting silver these past 2 days weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. keep on inflating this bubble people, the huge fall coming in due time will make me rich
Made 187K off holding silver weeeeeeeeeee. Great to know the fundamentals of silver will ensure it goes to $140.
I was just buying around 60$ an ounce so i'm a little concerned about the dip but I see it as an opportunity.
I won't worry at all until it goes under $20. I have been kind of hoping for a new all time high low, just to cement in the bottom price. $35 would be a nice new floor.
That video was classic, Yeah I have decided that whatever happens to the price is good. if it goes low the lower the better, and if it rises even better. I think their just trying to convince people to sell and trying to eliminate investment demand. Silver price is bound to soar.
Lordy, Lordy, Silver under $40.00, Gold dipped below $1500,,,,,,,

How low will they go,,,,,,,,,,,

Silver gave that $50.00 mark a good push but a lot of profit was scored. Now the thoughts of "do I hold or take what I can" start the herd
mentality and as the price dips, the "dips" do their thing. Heck I saw $49 and started packing it up for the drive down the hill to sell some off.
Took that high priced Silver at $32 an oz and dumped er out above $48. Holding the rest. The bottom ain't been found yet and I'd like to buy more at $25.
I'd settle for $30 but really want to see $25. Again. I'll double down and hunker down for the next wave.

Hold that Gold.

Sell that Silver and hold the cash for the new low and be ready to jump back in. Or break out the calculator and figure out the cost average breakdown
to offset that higher priced Silver if yer holding.

Patience, Timing and a lil' Luck,

here's hoping you make some big ol' bucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wait. You're talking too fast. You're saying hold the gold and cash in silver only to buy back in when the price retreats, am I understanding you correctly? I'm a little deaf in one ear, please talk slowly. Thanks man.
Gold should be held Looooonnnnngggggggg term.

Silver is gonna fall. How far it falls remains to be seen. I've got it at $3.75 and the highest I've paid is $32.25. Short it or hold off on buying anymore until a new bottom gets established. It went over 49. Profits had to be taken. And money is being made on the way down too. Don't panic buy.

So yes, take the profits and hold for a lower buy in.

Or hold the high price silver and cost average it down with another buy in at a lower price.


It'd suck to be holding $40-45.00 silver bullion right about now.

That's called a loss,,,,,,,,,,
I've been following this thread. Silver is just under $40/oz, but I cannot buy it that price anywhere. Especially on ebay, the price seems to be more like $60/oz.
Lol WOW look at that drop, this is a GREAT week. Btw, counting unrealized gains is counting your chickens before they hatch. Anyone on wallstreet knows that... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Lol WOW look at that drop, this is a GREAT week. Btw, counting unrealized gains is counting your chickens before they hatch. Anyone on wallstreet knows that... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Silver in backwardation, short time contracts cost more, how much extra did you pay over a 30 or 60 day contract?

Or are you actually saying you have PUT options on SLV? Are your shorts with the COMEX? LBMA? or NyMEX?
Started my bearish position on friday selling calls and going long puts. Double bearish. Very risky but silver was showing significant weakness. Then on monday through today i played /SI and kept riding the trend. SI are the silver futures by the way