Silver! Who Is On This Train?

How does the market price of silver relate to how much you can expect to pay for, say, an ounce. In other words, online it tells me today it's worth $48.43, so what could one expect to pay for an ounce at a dealer?
I guess it varies? but i 'd guess a couple to few dollar's over spot? The more the better in deal's,,,I have no Idea what coin shop's charge? actually Ebay is a pretty good determiner IMO.
They were Bad storm's no Doubt,,,But NE is fucking so cold,,,sorry of topic.

Silver is meant to be bought and sold and it's almost at a record high,,,You gotta figure the bottom will drop sooner or later as in the past?

this is where i disagree...there is no "past" you can equate what is occuring today with

it's unprecedented.
How does the market price of silver relate to how much you can expect to pay for, say, an ounce. In other words, online it tells me today it's worth $48.43, so what could one expect to pay for an ounce at a dealer?

$2-$3 over spot at diff dealers for bullion or canadian maples and such...older "junk silver" has lower bulk and typically recieve lower bulk-rate premium discount.

go online though...or check out flea markets/yard sales and such
$2-$3 over spot at diff dealers for bullion or canadian maples and such...older "junk silver" has lower bulk and typically recieve lower bulk-rate premium discount.

go online though...or check out flea markets/yard sales and such

So, while in the bank today on other business, on a whim I asked if they sold silver coins. Yes, they do... how much? 480 pesos for 1 ounce, .999... at today's exchange rate equates to $41.75, that would be a pretty good deal, right?
Sorry guys,

I had to take some profit today.

This bullet has been giving me some great fun, and now profit.

I've been hemorrhaging cash and needed to get some greenbacks out.

I'm still in it, and will be, but you have to take profits here and there.

Sorry guys,

I had to take some profit today.

This bullet has been giving me some great fun, and now profit.

I've been hemorrhaging cash and needed to get some greenbacks out.

I'm still in it, and will be, but you have to take profits here and there.

keep buying between 50 and 60 because soon this will seem like it was a great time to get a bargain.
They have used more silver than has been mined for 60 years now. There is no government or central bank anywhere that carries silver. The USA had 5 billion ounces of silver stored away in 1970, now it has ZERO.
I just came back from yet another trip to the bank. Today is the last day for that price, Monday it goes to 600 pesos ($52.17 US) They only have 74 left. The bank across the street has none. Others were in there buying also. I know it's not a steal, but it seems pretty good.
Its really good, my dealer charges 15% for Eagles/maples/kookaburra/philharmonics , 8% for rounds and 3% for Junk.
Why would I pay such a high premium?

Ag is Ag. An oz is an oz. I can buy two oz's at that price.

I Buy bullion.
You can buy 2 ounces of .999 fine silver for $55? I think you are embellishing a bit there bud.

APMEX buys eagles at $3 over spot, perhaps you were unaware.
You can buy 2 ounces of .999 fine silver for $55? I think you are embellishing a bit there bud.

APMEX buys eagles at $3 over spot, perhaps you were unaware.

Follow the link to the coin 83.00

and do your cost average formula. The majority of my silver was bought under 8.00

So if I bought lets say 100 oz's at 8.00 and then waited til it reached 49.00 and then bought another 100 oz's.

What be be my average cost per oz on those two hundred oz's?

I'll wait over her for the answer.
Follow the link to the coin 83.00

and do your cost average formula. The majority of my silver was bought under 8.00

So if I bought lets say 100 oz's at 8.00 and then waited til it reached 49.00 and then bought another 100 oz's.

What be be my average cost per oz on those two hundred oz's?

I'll wait over her for the answer.
No you said you CAN go buy 2 ounces for that price. CAN means in the present. There is no dealer that exists who will sell you 2 ounces for $55, none.

Before this turns into a pissing match I'll put it this way.

My way works well for me and mine. It's doing rather nicely when my average bullion buy in is well below $10.00 per oz.

I've bought as high as 32.25 and made money on that bullion when it was sold on thursday. And I will continue to make a decent profit on silver
while I hold and sell and buy at the right times.

If I'm wrong on silver I'll let the Gold do it's thing.

Hope you make some serious cake on the silver.


Before this turns into a pissing match I'll put it this way.

My way works well for me and mine. It's doing rather nicely when my average bullion buy in is well below $10.00 per oz.

I've bought as high as 32.25 and made money on that bullion when it was sold on thursday. And I will continue to make a decent profit on silver
while I hold and sell and buy at the right times.

If I'm wrong on silver I'll let the Gold do it's thing.

Hope you make some serious cake on the silver.

Im in the same boat as you, except I won't sell my silver until it hits $100 per ounce, and then I will probably trade 25% of it in for Gold, sell 25% and then sell the other half over time if interest rates have risen by then. If rates have not risen, then I will probably trade for gold and hold the majority. My cost average is very low, I bought 2800 ounces at $9.40, since then I have spent between $1,000 to $1200 per month on silver and gold for cost averaging over the last 30 months. My last purchase was for $42. Next week its going to cost about $52. The last time I sold silver was in 1980.
So then we are on the same chapter just different pages.

Like I said I've been in it since the 70's.

A lil bit of profit taking here and there makes it all the better.

I'll buy and sell silver but only buy and hold Gold.

Do well with it and prosper. Have fun with the up's and down's.

Greed is a mothafucking Redheaded woman on the rampage that won't shut up.

I know, I've been bitten by both.

I did not pay attention.
I had to pay the tuition.

peace and profits