Simple and Plain


Active Member
I'll be posting pics every so often...

Answering questions if you them every so often..

Barely elaborating on things...


Some hps bulbs....
Some fluorescent bulbs...
Some strains...
Some dirt...
Some water...
Some other things

Here we go!



Active Member
Some clones I took from my only mother out of my old batch of seeds that hermed on me.

Clones came out good once it started to warm up, giving these to my girlfriend to practice on..



Well-Known Member
Special - Fried rice :hump:

What hps bulbs....
What fluorescent bulbs...
What strains...
What dirt...
What water...
What other things?


Active Member
What hps bulbs....
3-1000 watt hps bulbs 6 inch enclosed hoods

What fluorescent bulbs...

1x-4ft 4 bulb T5 for transition before flowering, 2x-4ft 2 bulb T8's for cloning(when its warmer), 4x 4ft 6 bulb T8's for vegging and cloning(whenever I want).


Black Ice OG from Cali Connection and a strain from Reserva Privada that I dont want to disclose for security and strain reputation purposes

What dirt...

Fox Farms Ocean Forest with some goodies in it

What water...

RO water passed through a 3 stage system comes out no higher then 40ppm.

What other things?

The usual things..


Active Member
Transferred some of the seeds into cups today...
The first five cups on the left are the Reserva Privada and the 11 on the right side are the Black Ice OG.
Pulled a couple of Black Ice mutants out of their rockwool cubes today.
I had 4/23 seeds of the Black Ice OG that didn't pop but checked them today and one of them is popping.
Out of the 17 Black ice plants that I have only 2 more seem to be having a little deformity.
They could turn out just fine though..
Out of 13 Reserva Privada seeds only one seems to have a chance to be a mutant, but it could come out just fine as well.
The rockwool cubes on the right are the Reserva Privada the ones on the left are Black Ice from Cali Connection/Og Genetics



Active Member
y rockwool then a cup? seems kinda silly 2 me
I put them in rockwool before I transfer to the cup for a few reasons.

1. To prevent burn
Fox Farms Ocean Forest is usually pretty gentle with seedlings, but I have had some get burnt here and there.

2. To give it more a similar environment to what nature brings it.

3. So it doesn't take a long time to wick the water out.
If I were to put a seedling in a five gallon pot right out of the gates it would have a harder time wicking the water out of the soil in such a big pot.
Which is not normal in a good natural environment.
Even if it was in a rockwool cube with a couple of roots.
Putting it in a smaller cup makes it easier to wick all the water out for the little seedling and once its dry you usually have a good root system at the bottom cause they are searching for water.
Which makes it easier to wick the water out of the big pot when it comes out of the cup.
Having to wick a lot of water isnt normal for the seedling and IMO causes stress.

I like to treat my plants with a reward type of system..


Well-Known Member
I dont get num.3 What if I put seeds-seedlings outside in the ground.......Like nature.Thats as natual enviroment as it gets.:-P


Active Member
Little bit of an update

Here is how the black ice are looking. I pulled another mutant out of the rockwool and am probably going to pull the one in the middle right of the picture.
I am going to be planting the rest of the black ice that are in rockwool into cups tomorrow morning.
Most of the Black Ice are doing well besides the mutated ones and the ones that never popped out of their seed.

Here is the 5 reserva privada in their cups.
I pulled one mutant out of the other 8 that are in rockwool leaving me with 7 in the rockwool and am going to pull the weaker one in the picture tomorrow most likely.
Leaving me with the 4 that are in the cups already.
Which will leave me with 11 reserva privada.. Those 11 are doing really well though.
3 out of the 7 in rockwool will be going into cups tomorrow.

Hope everyone had a good night!



Active Member
I dont get num.3 What if I put seeds-seedlings outside in the ground.......Like nature.Thats as natual enviroment as it gets.:razz:
Many of the reasons are obvious and im sure you know why I dont put them outside.

These reasons include exposure to the elements, bugs, animals, and humans. Also to control fertilization.
To control this exposure I cultivate indoors. My goal is bring the best of what COULD be produced in nature, inside.
A 5 gallon bucket worth of dirt would evaporate much more quickly then the same bucket indoors.(Im sure your like duh...)

Let me try to paint my logic here for a second..
Imagine a perfect spring season.
In my eyes, I see a beautiful green landscape at the basin of a hill/mountain with flowers, trees, and bushes.(plants of all size).
Its the middle of spring, summer is around the corner, sunny, temperatures at a steady 75-80F during the day and 60-70F at night. Humidity levels are around 65-70% with intermittent cloud clover.
Light showers occur 1-2 times a day.

Light showers have been occuring and because of this the MJ seeds that have survived the winter have received water and sprouted.(Simulated by my paper towel germ).
Remember thats the whole job of the actual smokeable marijuana. To protect the seeds so the species can live on.
Due to the light showers nutrients at the very top of the soil are being washed deeper in the ground.
Leaving the top soil with not as much food. This is good because MJ plants dont need nutrients for the first two weeks.(simulated by using rockwool and plain RO water)
Light showers are still occuring and water evaporates fairly quickly. This is because the clouds disappear and the sun goes to work causing transpiration and the plants wick that shit up. This happening once maybe twice a day!
Im trying to achieve this without the sun and only fluorescent lights. So I have to improvise.
Under an HPS is a different story because they are stronger and produce more heat.
If I were to transplant a seedling in rockwool directly in a moist 5 gallon pot worth of dirt, it would cause stress on the plant because its going into hyperdrive for an extended period of time trying to wick that water out of the soil on its own.
To not cause this shock I put them in red dixie cups even after I put them in rockwool.
Rockwool to simulate that 1-3 inches of nutrient-less top soil and cups to help with the wicking process.
Yesterday 4/20 they were completely dry and needing a water. Four and a half days is a much shorter wicking time in my experience then putting them in five gallon pots.
Usually 5 gallon pots will need a water 1-2 weeks after, and usually only the middle portion of the pot.

I hope that helps explain my point of view a little bit.
Im pretty scatter brained so if i missed something or if something doesn't make sense bring it to my attention.

I'll be posting an update in a bit. Plants have grown a bit and im transferring all seedlings that were in the rockwool into cups except 1.

Hope everyone had a good 4/20!


New Member
you don't want to share the strain name, awesome. kinda defeats the whole purpose of posting it on a forum ,unless your just using this to stroke your ego.


Active Member
you don't want to share the strain name, awesome. kinda defeats the whole purpose of posting it on a forum ,unless your just using this to stroke your ego.

Yes I'm doing it so I can become the next Uncle Ben or Subcool, get famous, and make tons of money

or I could be keeping it secret for my security so anyone from California cant figure out exactly where im from when I vend the shit...

I was doing this forum to help people, get help, and share my unique ways of doing things(I think they are unique at least)

edit: and to keep track of my doings.

but instead I get dinguses like you that make this website really enjoyable for me.

I can't wait to read the heat I'm gonna get for this post.

maybe in my old forum and this one I'm coming across as a cocky guy but I don't mean be.
Im just not going to talk anymore and just post pictures and let them speak for themselves.

Thanks for the quality contribution.


New Member
you go ahead and do that. As for me ,I won't be sticking around as I have no desire to watch a strain grow when I have no idea what it is. I thought that was the whole point of a journal, you post your results of a strain so others can decide if they want a piece. Now, I may tag along on a mystery bag seed grow just for moral support, but certainly not in the case were it's a secret on purpose, which seems almost selfish ,as if you want to tease people. Gl though


Active Member
you go ahead and do that. As for me ,I won't be sticking around as I have no desire to watch a strain grow when I have no idea what it is. I thought that was the whole point of a journal, you post your results of a strain so others can decide if they want a piece. Now, I may tag along on a mystery bag seed grow just for moral support, but certainly not in the case were it's a secret on purpose, which seems almost selfish ,as if you want to tease people. Gl though
Even if you wanted a piece of the strain I'm growing you can't get it.
it is not sold to the public. That's not me bragging that is just the truth.

if it was sold to the public I'd have no problem telling you.

Its to protect ME, so yes I don't argue the selfish part.


Well-Known Member
Yes I'm doing it so I can become the next Uncle Ben or Subcool, get famous, and make tons of money

or I could be keeping it secret for my security so anyone from California cant figure out exactly where im from when I vend the shit...

I was doing this forum to help people, get help, and share my unique ways of doing things(I think they are unique at least)

edit: and to keep track of my doings.

but instead I get dinguses like you that make this website really enjoyable for me.

I can't wait to read the heat I'm gonna get for this post.

maybe in my old forum and this one I'm coming across as a cocky guy but I don't mean be.
Im just not going to talk anymore and just post pictures and let them speak for themselves.

Thanks for the quality contribution.
Cmon fried Im here to learn.....Which makes it hard when we dont know what your using.
Ppl gonna hate thts just the Web,I ask questions its cause im not clear on what your talking about.