Simple and Plain


Well-Known Member
Okay brother....i see the screenless scrog at work...
duct tape & training string to start moving the main cola into its proper position
also driving light into the node growth...

Its gotta feel like sweet glory when you walk into this room..
2 more weeks & we'll see some good bushy growth & training string leading into the new directions

keep rockin it! \m/


Active Member
Hey, really enjoying watching the progression of your garden here! Great looking plants. :weed:
Thanks man, I really appreciate that:joint:

Hope you stick around, there is going to be some good sheet happening soon!

Okay brother....i see the screenless scrog at work...
duct tape & training string to start moving the main cola into its proper position
also driving light into the node growth...

Its gotta feel like sweet glory when you walk into this room..
2 more weeks & we'll see some good bushy growth & training string leading into the new directions

keep rockin it! \m/
You got it boss! Im thinking about vegging the clones for a month extra just to be able to pull that 1lbs per light status.
I just want to throw something into flower to have something to watch:bigjoint:

It does feel good seeing my research and labor paying off though:joint:...
Ill definitely keep on rocking:hump:

Just stopping bye look great there Fried.
Appreciate that Beech. Thanks!:joint:


Active Member
If your like me, Ive got too have something flowering or I dont feel like Im growing.
No fun looking at Veggers!:mrgreen:
Thats what I'm sayin!!

im trying to think with one month of veg how my yield per plant would be to see if it would be worth it.
I'm thinking since last time I didn't veg at all and got 1oz per plant with one month of veg I should get 2oz per plant. Im trying to convince myself that id be happy with 12 ozs:eyesmoke:


Active Member
Well I decided to make my day productive

Picked up a new toy yesterday

Went to a hardware store and bought a pile of wood that turned into this

and eventually this

Plants werent to happy with me today cause they didnt get much light.
Im making it up to them by leaving the light on for the night.
Hopefully they forgive me...:bigjoint:

Watered all the plants today, ill post pictures tomorrow.

Also if you guys want ill post a step by step on how i built my flood table cause ill be building another tomorrow.
It was really easy and cost me under 30 bucks.

Have a good night everyone:leaf:


Active Member


Black ice


All the plants are doing great. A lot of the black ice are barely branching(i expected some shitty traits because the seeds were the last of their batch when i bought them and werent that good) but some are looking like some good female keepers.

The Reversa Privada are doing great as well. All the RP is branching well.

Sex is starting to show on some throughout the whole bunch(crossing my fingers for females)

I had a somewhat concerning fucking fungus gnat problem, took care of that yesterday by top dressing every pot with dry earthworm castings and spraying with some dr. earth organic insect spray.
The Dr. Earth smelt like a three course italian meal.. Had garlic, rosemary, spearmint, wintergreen, and some other good stuff in it..
Ran bleach through my trays to sanitize everything, the bug problem has lessened considerably.

In one of the pictures you can see I circled some stuff.
Light bleaching from when they were young and a hole in the leaf from a pincher bug...
When I was spraying yesterday 4 pincher bugs showed their ugly faces... Bastards... hahah

Everything is looking great though!:bigjoint:
Starting a tea today and probably going to be pulling a couple of the stragglers from the Black Ice tray to make room for the worthy...

Hope everyone is having good day!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Really man, don't let that spat scare you off. I was literally getting ready to comment on how nice your plants were looking.


Just went thru both ur threads, there mightve been a doubt at first with ur shit
but u came thru clutch with ur black ice and RP grow that ur currently doin! :clap:
That table u just built was nice too, im considering building one for my grow.
Only thing that got me thru reading it all was those Girl Scout Cookies that im still hittin man, BOMBTASTIC! :weed:
Currently have 3 GSC going, 2 Fire OG, and 1 God's Gift, on my gro 2nd week of veg

Nice Job tho Fried, just sub'd, cant wait to see ur babies all grown up & ready!! :mrgreen: