Simple DWC in 25 gallon tote

and set your pH at 5.5. it "usually" rises so let it go up to 6.1 and then reset back to 5.5

6.5 is too high for hydro.
first, get 2 cans of spray paint for plastic. cover the yellow with black and then with white.

as you can see in that one pic, the yellow lets in too much ambient light.

Thanks for catching that it was defintiely not blocking out the light the way I thought it would. I put two cans of flat black then one of grey. I'll pick some white spray paint up tomorrow, I mostly paint metal and I use rustoleum spray paint which works ok for plastic. I'll probably grab krylon for this.
The black to make sure no light gets through, the white so it reflects back to the plant as I understand? I checked and you definitely can't see light through it anymore.
PH'd down to 5.9, used 3 droppers full of PH down which seems excessive.

Also I changed my mind, we're running the clones with the long roots. I coiled these along the bottom of the net pot then filled with hydroton.

I also went ahead and ordered a drill pump
I’m doing the same set up with one plant ina tote as soon as my pump gets here!! Following!!!
Listen to everyone here.

Recieved the drill pump today and got a 2 pack of 6 ft washer hoses for $15
Drill pump was less than $10
The drill pump is really cool and works well so far, thanks for the suggestion OldMed!

Finally painted the top white.
Looks like roots are already growing out of the net pot, could the clones have adjusted this quickly?
My PPM is 200, for clones of this size should I up that, or leave it for awhile?
New roots growing out of the bottom, 4 days from transplant.
Thanks to RKY for the heads up about the yellow lid, it was painted black, then grey then white. Mylar will probably be added in the future as it's needed for the walls too.
Tested out the drill pump, and it does what it's supposed to do.

My taps PH is 8.2 and it takes a lot of ph down to get it to 5.5, RO is currently out of the budget unless purchased locally but in the quantity I need, I haven't been able to find it. Haven't looked too far though I checked grocery stores and petco. PPM is still 215 which I'll probably be increasing in a couple days as well as changing the solution.
Get another tote, 2 bulkheads and some 1 1/4" flex hose.Put the rez in another room.
You^ll thank me in about a month.
Make a temporary cover that sits above the lid(air space)until the plant shades the tote.
Wal-Mart about 3-4$ 18.9l jug of r.o
Or culligan if it's available in your area about 23$ a month for 3 18.9l jugs delivered to your door monthly.
Nute stain, or root rot? As mentioned earlier it looked like the clone might have had root rot. If you look close, the new roots are white in the net pot and browning where they enter the nutrient solution. I can remove the brown with my fingers and I wouldn't call it slimy and it doesn't particularly smell, but the roots do pull off rather easily. Should be plenty of aeration with the ~200 gph air pump and 2 large air stones.

What do you guys think?


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20190213_094024.jpg Close ups without the light


Light is 4x HLG120s in series

Something new that I thought I'd share with you guys, I found these cameras on amazon for $26 each. Has a lot of nice features like motion tracking, time lapse, continuous recording, push notifications and so on. Software is free and you can view your plants from anywhere. I have a 9 day trip planned to Costa Rica in a month so these should be particularly helpful in case my roommate isn't taking care of the plants correctly.
If it starts showing signs of heat stress I'll raise it up. For now I just want to make sure everything's dialed in, I was facing deficiencies so I've been spraying calmag and I increased the PPM to 400. Seems to be helping. I don't have h202.

Using GH floramicro and florabloom, as well as "southern ag garden friendly fungicide"
looks like dead one on the lid.
The roots on the lid are from when I pulled on one to see if it'd rip out easy

these are still in veg correct?

i think a 1:1:1 ratio of micro/grow/bloom is better for veg. then switch to Lucas for bloom.
I'll look into that, I wasn't sure I needed bloom thanks for the heads up

that will stain your roots

Alright I'll let it grow for a little more, looks more like pictures of nute stain than root rot to me
The roots on the lid are from when I pulled on one to see if it'd rip out easy

I'll look into that, I wasn't sure I needed bloom thanks for the heads up

Alright I'll let it grow for a little more, looks more like pictures of nute stain than root rot to me
how much of the southern ag are you using?

and yeah, for bloom a 1:2 ratio of micro to bloom is called the Lucas formula. it works really well. you can use it for vegging but i think the 1:1:1 ratio is a bit better.
how much of the southern ag are you using?

and yeah, for bloom a 1:2 ratio of micro to bloom is called the Lucas formula. it works really well. you can use it for vegging but i think the 1:1:1 ratio is a bit better.
I believe I used 7-10ML I wasn't sure exactly how much to put, what do you think for a 27 gal?