Simple DWC in 25 gallon tote

If you were dedicated to make 4 plants work in that one bin, look in to using very fine mesh to hold the root ball. I'd put an air stone at the bottom of each netted slot and let the roots grow. Would probably help to secure the net to the floor of the tub, so its not like a bag twisting around in the water. Perhaps secure the net like quadrant to the inside of the tub.

Love your avatar, 'ole Jack Burton on the Pork Chop Express, it's all in the reflexes!
If you were dedicated to make 4 plants work in that one bin, look in to using very fine mesh to hold the root ball. I'd put an air stone at the bottom of each netted slot and let the roots grow. Would probably help to secure the net to the floor of the tub, so its not like a bag twisting around in the water. Perhaps secure the net like quadrant to the inside of the tub.
Cool idea, it's only two plants right now and I can't see myself using more than that, I might try a mesh to seperate the two root balls but I don't know if it's even necessary for 2 plants in a 25 gal.
Good news, looks like I beat the root rot. I got the calcium hypochlorite(thanks jjng5) and used the pool shock formula, maybe a little less. I was uncomfortable using chlorine but after researching a little it looks like it's safe in the small quantities used.
Growth is quick, PPM is at 1100 PH is at 5.6 and I haven't changed the res yet, just topped off.
Good news, looks like I beat the root rot. I got the calcium hypochlorite(thanks jjng5) and used the pool shock formula, maybe a little less. I was uncomfortable using chlorine but after researching a little it looks like it's safe in the small quantities used.
Growth is quick, PPM is at 1100 PH is at 5.6 and I haven't changed the res yet, just topped off.
Good news bro!
Good news, looks like I beat the root rot. I got the calcium hypochlorite(thanks jjng5) and used the pool shock formula, maybe a little less. I was uncomfortable using chlorine but after researching a little it looks like it's safe in the small quantities used.
Growth is quick, PPM is at 1100 PH is at 5.6 and I haven't changed the res yet, just topped off.
what temperature are you running at?
Good news, looks like I beat the root rot. I got the calcium hypochlorite(thanks jjng5) and used the pool shock formula, maybe a little less. I was uncomfortable using chlorine but after researching a little it looks like it's safe in the small quantities used.
Growth is quick, PPM is at 1100 PH is at 5.6 and I haven't changed the res yet, just topped off.

Nice job my friend... been there myself. Don't let anyone talk you into H2O2... calcium hypochlorite all the way in those moments!
Just a bit of advice since I haven't seen anyone mention it. Be extremely careful using the HDX totes or any totes for that matter. I had all of my HDX totes crack under the stress of holding large volumes of water after a few months of use. If you are growing on a 2nd floor or something of the sort then flooding is a very real possibility.

Edit: To add to that, I purchased a large heavy duty water proof tarp that I lined the floor of my tent with to eliminate any water from leaking out of the tent in the event of a crack. All of the tents I've purchased claim waterproof liners but none actually are. Gorilla Tents are probably the only ones that prevent against floods.