simple lighting question.


Well-Known Member
12/12 is for flowering. if you put it to 12/12 then there is no veg time and you ar putting them directly into flower. yes your plants will be smaller. you might yeild maybe a quarter ounce from a plant if your lucky.


Active Member
why are you asking questions on my thread???

..and also what if i let them veg in an 18/6 until they are as big as i want them then switch it over to 12/12?


Well-Known Member
veg until they are 1/3 of the size you want them in the end. flowering can take anywhere from 6-10 weeks meaning they will grow all that time. veg is only maybe 2-4 weeks if you do it right. your plant will grow 3 times its size in flower give or take depending on the strain.