simple topping method

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Topping means you cut the top of the plant. Plain and simple. You usually want to top the first time when there are at least 2-4 nodes below it, meaning around 6-8 inches.

And yes, FIMing is where you cut off about 70-80% of the bud. What happens is that it usually grows at least 4 more main branches from where you cut. It's crazy, but it works great. I FIM first instead of topping now, and then I supercrop on some strains. And super-cropping is when you top some of the other branches as well, so the more branches grow from the other nodes on those branches.

Topping means you cut the top of the plant. Plain and simple. You usually want to top the first time when there are at least 2-4 nodes below it, meaning around 6-8 inches.

And yes, FIMing is where you cut off about 70-80% of the bud. What happens is that it usually grows at least 4 more main branches from where you cut. It's crazy, but it works great. I FIM first instead of topping now, and then I supercrop on some strains. And super-cropping is when you top some of the other branches as well, so the more branches grow from the other nodes on those branches.

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thanks WD for your responses so far. you're being very patient with my lack of understanding.

1. you said topping means you cut the top of the plant and you cut when there are 2-4 nodes below it. so do you pysically cut off everything above the 2-4 nodes by cutting the stem? are there any advantages whether you cut above the 2nd, 3rd or 4th node?

2. FIMing as you said is when you cut off about 70-80% of the bud. what is the term for cutting off all of the bud? and you're saying that cutting off 70-80% of the bud results in better growth / more tops than cutting off 100% of the bud?

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Oh, I apologize, I actually didn't explain that very well did I. :weed: And you're welcome, you'll learn fast.

Topping doesn't have to be done when there are 2-4 nodes below it, that's just a good time to do it. And topping IS cutting off the whole bud, or "tip". See, the benefits to topping, are that if you cut the very tip bud off completely, the two buds on either side of it act as individual colas and the will both grow straight up, producing more growth and branching. Then you can top those two a week or so later after they've grown a little, now you have 4 colas growing up.

So topping is simply cutting of the top of the plant, no matter how big it is or where you cut it. Sometimes I even cut a clone size cutting from the top of the plant if it has already grown too big.

Fimming is basically topping. It's called FIM (Fuck I Missed technique) because a grower was actually trying to top his plants and accidentally only clipped 80% of it. He found as you saw in the pics I posted that instead of just 2 colas growing, 4+ colas usually grow. This is a huge advantage over just normally topping for a lot of growers because if you FIM when there are only 2-4 nodes underneath it, you will have more colas available while the plant is still short so that you can super-crop or top a few more times and end up with basically as many colas as you want.

Now "super-cropping" is just a fancy word for topping the plant all over. What this does...I wish I had a pic lol....ok say you've got a sativa that likes to grow tall without much branching. So you top or FIM the plant when it's short and then as soon as the lower branches have grown as far our or as high as you want them to, you top those as well. This causes the lower growth to grow out and give you more branching inside the plant.
Oh, I apologize, I actually didn't explain that very well did I. :weed: And you're welcome, you'll learn fast.

Topping doesn't have to be done when there are 2-4 nodes below it, that's just a good time to do it. And topping IS cutting off the whole bud, or "tip". See, the benefits to topping, are that if you cut the very tip bud off completely, the two buds on either side of it act as individual colas and the will both grow straight up, producing more growth and branching. Then you can top those two a week or so later after they've grown a little, now you have 4 colas growing up.

So topping is simply cutting of the top of the plant, no matter how big it is or where you cut it. Sometimes I even cut a clone size cutting from the top of the plant if it has already grown too big.

Fimming is basically topping. It's called FIM (Fuck I Missed technique) because a grower was actually trying to top his plants and accidentally only clipped 80% of it. He found as you saw in the pics I posted that instead of just 2 colas growing, 4+ colas usually grow. This is a huge advantage over just normally topping for a lot of growers because if you FIM when there are only 2-4 nodes underneath it, you will have more colas available while the plant is still short so that you can super-crop or top a few more times and end up with basically as many colas as you want.

Now "super-cropping" is just a fancy word for topping the plant all over. What this does...I wish I had a pic lol....ok say you've got a sativa that likes to grow tall without much branching. So you top or FIM the plant when it's short and then as soon as the lower branches have grown as far our or as high as you want them to, you top those as well. This causes the lower growth to grow out and give you more branching inside the plant.
Thanks for the explanation. I was watching a clip on youtube earlier about topping and the guy in the video actually cut the stem and referred to this as topping.

Its strange how cutting off the whole bud results in 2 new colas, and cutting off 80% of it results in 4+ colas. But if it works for me then I know I wont be complaining bongsmilie

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Lol. The FIMing doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me as to why it works, but I get why topping does. It makes sense to me that if you cut the main cola, that it wouldn't know whether to choose the right or left side to grow from so it just chooses both. That's what I'd do if I was the plant. "Ah fuck it, both of you'll be safer in two's" ;-)

Maybe FIMing is kinda the same deal, except the plant says "Fuck, this sick bastard only cut of the tip of my tip! All four of you better go!" Lol.

I actually just FIMed a Raspberry Cough that was already 14" tall and only had 3 sets of nodes underneath, and it's already grown 4 more bud sites within 4 inches of growth. She looks ridiculous now, I think I'm just gonna clone her out and scrap her.


Well-Known Member
WitchDoctor ur right about everything except the super-cropping, when super-cropping u don't cut anything off the plant, its alot like LST(low stress training), except it can also be called HST(high stress training), both involve bending of the plant, but LST you tie the plant down in order to train it how to grow, but in HST or super-cropping you bend the plant to the point where you break the inside of the stem which when it heals will be much stronger and promotes growth from those nodes below the break in the stem.

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
WitchDoctor ur right about everything except the super-cropping, when super-cropping u don't cut anything off the plant, its alot like LST(low stress training), except it can also be called HST(high stress training), both involve bending of the plant, but LST you tie the plant down in order to train it how to grow, but in HST or super-cropping you bend the plant to the point where you break the inside of the stem which when it heals will be much stronger and promotes growth from those nodes below the break in the stem.
Ah, thank you dvs you are right. I guess what I was describing would still be considered topping the plant, just all over. However, they both accomplish the same thing, only with super-cropping the area recovers and you don't loose that bud site. I thought that this technique had another name but I guess I was wrong. I found this though when I googled it. I didn't think that I was going to learn anything when I clicked on it. Thanks man. +rep. Check this out Frank you'll like it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah what u were describing is when someone wants to get a plant with 4 main colas they could do it how u were talkin bout, I think Uncle Ben or Buck there is one of each so i get em confused but he has a really good thread on here about topping and FIM, I think if i remember he suggests u top a plant around the 4th true node, then a while later top the plant again where those 2 new growths r at and u will end up with 4 colas. Of course I did a much shorter description than him.

P.S lol I think I need to change my name to Timmy on here cause I never could figure out that +rep thing till just now thanx to u witchdoctor, ya wanna hear sumptin funny too, ur RUI name is my real name, well Shaman I mean is my real name. Ya know Shaman/Witch Doctor Lolz and I'm not even stoned yet.

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Yeah what u were describing is when someone wants to get a plant with 4 main colas they could do it how u were talkin bout, I think Uncle Ben or Buck there is one of each so i get em confused but he has a really good thread on here about topping and FIM, I think if i remember he suggests u top a plant around the 4th true node, then a while later top the plant again where those 2 new growths r at and u will end up with 4 colas. Of course I did a much shorter description than him.

P.S lol I think I need to change my name to Timmy on here cause I never could figure out that +rep thing till just now thanx to u witchdoctor, ya wanna hear sumptin funny too, ur RUI name is my real name, well Shaman I mean is my real name. Ya know Shaman/Witch Doctor Lolz and I'm not even stoned yet.
Lol, well with a name like Shaman I hope you're making good medicine lol. Don't forget this isn't the only healing herb around lol, just one of the best. If people weren't convinced that they needed to pull or poison all their dandelions they'd probably make those illegal too!

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
I actually had 2 Raspberry coughs that had grown too tall already before I had a chance to top them early on. I was going to just clone them and throw them out, but I though I'd try this bending the stalk technique at the top on one, and just topping the other. I'll take another pic in a few days or so and we can see which technique worked better as far as keeping the plant shorter and tricking the lower branches into catching up.

As you can see in the pic, they were just about identical before I bent one and cut one. Even if I decide to throw them out I figure better we learn something from it first, right? :hug:

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Well-Known Member
I've grown a 8footer tied horisontaly to the ground. ... It went on to produce 8 feet worth of 6 foot seconadry cola branches. Be carefull of swazi, they grow HUGE if you let them.

WHen I say tied down, I mean tackled to the ground and bound down with electric cord useing alot of force as it was a sprightly young tree allready, as my neighbour knocked out my rear garden wall to make it higher...


Well-Known Member
Topping=Pinching the new growth out at the stem, splitting the branch into 2.
Fimming=Pinching the new growth out at a node, HOPEFULLY producing 4 new growths. Personally, I hate the idea of chopping through leaves and get faster recovery if I do the bowl-cut, and instead bend the new tips 'til they break. (look it up)
Supercropping=Pinching and bending the stems to make the canopy height more even.
Three different methods, three different uses.
All are useful and they are all aimed at the same result, a more even, filled canopy.
Which you choose to use is defined by light, whether scrogging or not, variety of plant, area etc. Often, all three methods will be used in a single grow. i.e in a scrog, top when the screen is reached, fim sideways growth if you need more bushiness (say a sativa) and supercrop any growth that is getting out-of-hand and blocking light to other colas.


Looks like this thread might have died a couple months ago. But i'm eager to see which method had the best results. Got ne more pics WD?

scotty bagmonster

Active Member
View attachment 2268712ice 005.jpgView attachment 2268716View attachment 2268717
im growing hydro so im not sure how exactly im going to tie them down. i've no soil to put a stake into.
lots of ways to do it drill small holes in your lids and use stainless steel bolts to hold whatever your using you could even drill holes ans use zip tiesscotts 004.jpgscotts 014.jpg the black bucket and blue bucket are mine I use pipe cleaners to make the plant do what i want and i pulled a QP plus of the plant in the last picture with only a month veg in DWC hope this helps and pictures are worth a thousand words fellas!!!!


Well-Known Member
I'd like to know which strain is still producing new growth from the top of the plant lol. I mean no offense, I understand that branches are still thickening and the plant may be getting a little taller and have more girth, but topping or bending to top shoot of a plant is a technique that is used to stop that bud in particular from growing taller, not the plant.

So since his question was will bending the top bud 90 degrees both ways stop the top of the plant from growing, the answer is NO in my opinion. It would only cause the flowering plant (even a 14 weeks sativa would be in early flower by week 4) stress and the rest of the plant, including that bud, will continue to grow upwards towards the light. And at best the 14 week sativa would now be a 15 weeks sativa due to stressing the main cola.

@NewGuy, if your colas grow to tall and are too close to the light, you can actually gently bend the whole branches down a little and zip tie or use twine to tie the branch to a stake or something. I have a low basement and before I got better at pruning my sativas would get to tall so I would have to throw in another 4 ft stake towards the outside of the pot and bend the cola down and ziptie it at whatever height it needed to be. Some of my plants looked like they had wreaths around them. :weed:

not sure what your post is about, the op's question was about placing a cap over the top of a plant and what effect that would have on its growth
weather it would produce the same effect as topping

my response was to your comment about plants not producing vegetative growth during the 12/12 photo period you were generalizing way too much
as i stated plants can stretch for varying amounts , a plant flowered at 2ft can end up over 6ft each branch the plant produces can be several feet long
also plants flowered very early 12/12 in the first week or from seed, can grow a huge amount before they finish and reach final height depending on strain etc

an example of a strain that still grows after week 2-3 of 12/12 look at this one lol


+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Looks like this thread might have died a couple months ago. But i'm eager to see which method had the best results. Got ne more pics WD?
Hey buddy, I had taken some pics and had them on my phone but since this thread died I never uploaded. The one that I super-cropped grew bigger, but the one I cut the top from was more manageable. But that could have been because that's what I was used to doing. Now I'm trying something new, I start my rooted cuttings off in 1 gal pots under a T5 and FIM right away. I usually get about 4 branches pretty fast and then I cut the tip off of those. Then when they are ready to replant I put them in 5 gal pots and I use an 18" tomato cage and zip tie the branches to the lower ring of the cage and pinch off the tips once again to promote more growth from the inside. Once that growth has caught up to the height of the lower ring I flip them and I just got a 12 colas inside a cage, but I think I should be able to do 16. I'm sure there are more gentler ways to achieve the same results, but this is working great right now.

not sure what your post is about, the op's question was about placing a cap over the top of a plant and what effect that would have on its growth
weather it would produce the same effect as topping

my response was to your comment about plants not producing vegetative growth during the 12/12 photo period you were generalizing way too much
as i stated plants can stretch for varying amounts , a plant flowered at 2ft can end up over 6ft each branch the plant produces can be several feet long
also plants flowered very early 12/12 in the first week or from seed, can grow a huge amount before they finish and reach final height depending on strain etc

an example of a strain that still grows after week 2-3 of 12/12 look at this one lol

Yea, the OP's question had been long answered on this thread, and my response was to the question on that page about whether he could top a plant 4 weeks into flower to stop it from growing taller. While looking back on that now, I probably should have just told him that the plant isn't likely to keep growing much either way...I'm pretty sure the advice not to top a plant that has been flowering for 4 weeks was pretty solid.

I don't have any experience with flowering from seed though, but I assumed flowering from seed would be a sea of green setup, so I'm not sure what kind of growth you would be getting after 4 weeks of flowering. Even with a 14 week sativa.

Cutting a branch from a flowering cannabis plant is never a good idea. Unless it's absolutely neccesary.

It's all good though.