simple water question


Active Member
well i went out and bought water from the store in 5 gallon containers insted of the well water which i think is causing problems for me ...bottled waters ph reads at 6.2 and ppm is at zero cause my tds meter doesnt read anything is this normal? Tds meter is a brand new blue lab meter... The water is by premo and this is what they put into it calcium chloride, magnesium sulfate, and sodium bicarbonate IS this water ok to use this is the website and additional info there. I havent used it yet...Is this water ok to use

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Problems with toxicities are far less likely when the grower alternates with plain water. If you were to start using pure water every other watering, it would seem like that would cut the strength of whatever you are alternating it with in half. However, on top of the halved nutrient concentration, every pure watering has at least some flushing effect. Between rinsing substances in the soil through the plant and whatever runoff occurs, it reduces concentrations rather than piling them on. Having no plain waterings will constantly increase buildups each time liquid is added, even if you cut the overall nutrient levels in half. Imo every soil grow should alternate with plain water. This doesn't have to be every other watering, necessarily, as long as the plant gets some pure water regularly.

As for spraying the plants, I hear Calcium Chloride (Damp-Rid) and Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) and I think of chalky powders &/or goo being left behind when the liquid dries.


Well-Known Member
You didn't state what your problems were with "well water"......what area are you in that well water would be that bad?


Active Member
Problems with toxicities are far less likely when the grower alternates with plain water. If you were to start using pure water every other watering, it would seem like that would cut the strength of whatever you are alternating it with in half. However, on top of the halved nutrient concentration, every pure watering has at least some flushing effect. Between rinsing substances in the soil through the plant and whatever runoff occurs, it reduces concentrations rather than piling them on. Having no plain waterings will constantly increase buildups each time liquid is added, even if you cut the overall nutrient levels in half. Imo every soil grow should alternate with plain water. This doesn't have to be every other watering, necessarily, as long as the plant gets some pure water regularly.

im sorry but im a little confused...or maybe im not and just reading it are u saying not to use the bottled water everytime i water even with nutes or just a plain watering i know this to be true .this is my normal watering schedule as is water- water- nutes- water -water- nutes...i know that if u use nutes all the time in every watering that yes u will most likely have a toxic build up of salts and other things.....please corrct me if im wrong here ....i dont spray my plants

the real question here is.. the water i bought can i start using it all the time weither its with nutes or with out nutes just like if i was using my tap water from the well....or should i not use it at all and use an alternative ...r/o machine is out of the question untill this harvest is over

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
You didn't state what your problems were with "well water"......what area are you in that well water would be that bad?
The first post asks questions about Primowater and asks nothing about well water. My post responded to Johnny's question and made no comments of any kind about well water.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
im sorry but im a little confused...or maybe im not and just reading it are u saying not to use the bottled water everytime i water even with nutes or just a plain watering i know this to be true .this is my normal watering schedule as is water- water- nutes- water -water- nutes...i know that if u use nutes all the time in every watering that yes u will most likely have a toxic build up of salts and other things.....please corrct me if im wrong here ....i dont spray my plants

the real question here is.. the water i bought can i start using it all the time weither its with nutes or with out nutes just like if i was using my tap water from the well....or should i not use it at all and use an alternative ...r/o machine is out of the question untill this harvest is over
I'm just talking about the water you say has, "calcium chloride, magnesium sulfate, and sodium bicarbonate" in it. These are substances you probably don't want piling up in your soil or on your plant. I'm just suggesting using water without these dissolved compounds in them at least once every few waterings.


Well-Known Member
um...forgive a newb for asking...

i see peeps saying, "pure", "plain", "tap", "ro", "grey", "recycled", "distilled", "sports", and "bottled" water like they were interchangeable at times....
not in this thread, just in's all very confusing