SinCity Seeds Info Thread

Anyone know a source for sin mint seeds? Pretty sure I got the last pack of medical glue on attitude

There are none on the open market for sale by any bank. Have to know someone who has some until they restock more. Hopefully be before summer is over but they are super busy doing big things so idk when they will actually be available but they said they are being made tho
Aliens on Moonshine. Absolutely love the way she is growing so far.


Not no Sin Mints tho lol hell thats all most people are looking for. Sin City originals is what most are wanting
man how long has it been since a big drop of sinmints? sin could have bred 3 large batches to release if he wanted to in that time, i dont think its gonna happen again...wouldnt be surprised if the plat del's are next to be discontinued?
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