SinCity Seeds Info Thread

Your crosses are troopers @eastcoastmo . Fukn mix had turned to almost clay sort of in 2 of the little starter cups its been raining so much. I took them all the way out of that shit and put into fresh mix in 1 gallon pots and they both took to it straight away. I guess I have 5 of them, 2 different crosses and then also threw a sinfully sour in there too. Then theres a couple Bodhi, some Garlic Bud 98 x Vortex crosses and a Green Crack from Humboldt. Its a good combination of babies
Ha ha simple man simple pleasures, my motto is Keep It Simple Stupid ;)
KISS should be my middle name ha ha

Your crosses are troopers @eastcoastmo . Fukn mix had turned to almost clay sort of in 2 of the little starter cups its been raining so much. I took them all the way out of that shit and put into fresh mix in 1 gallon pots and they both took to it straight away. I guess I have 5 of them, 2 different crosses and then also threw a sinfully sour in there too. Then theres a couple Bodhi, some Garlic Bud 98 x Vortex crosses and a Green Crack from Humboldt. Its a good combination of babies

Oh awesome man, they seem pretty vigorous too. Glad to hear they are growing well for you mate, I hope all the shit weather is done now!! You've got a nice mix of strains going there too :-D
man how long has it been since a big drop of sinmints? sin could have bred 3 large batches to release if he wanted to in that time, i dont think its gonna happen again...wouldnt be surprised if the plat del's are next to be discontinued?

I've been thinking for awhile they might have lost one of the parents or something but that's pure speculation.. They run a cut for their commercial line though so I have a feeling they'll f2 if necassary, which would be rad. Also seems like they just wanna do that new new lately.

I'm making f2s of platinum d for personal use so if they do discontinue I got your back bro !
I've been thinking for awhile they might have lost one of the parents or something but that's pure speculation.. They run a cut for their commercial line though so I have a feeling they'll f2 if necassary, which would be rad. Also seems like they just wanna do that new new lately.

I'm making f2s of platinum d for personal use so if they do discontinue I got your back bro !
thanks man, ive got a pack of plat d's & nightmare cookies in stock, but ive never had the sinmints, so im lucky to have got those 2 original types...but as far as the sinmints...maybe a footnote in history now?