Single Cola Grow Journal (Round 2)

if you never did that on your own i would say for sure try it... i didnt even know what it was called untill just the other day.. but it works great!! and no its not to late just make sure there is some good leaf to soak up the rays

I've read about it and almost tried it last grow aswell :) I didn't know the name either though lol.. I'm definitely going to give it a try, should I flip the clones to 24hrs right away? Oh yea and I noticed you came by my 12/12 thread but shes not in there. Its in my main grow in my sig "kandy kush" come give her a look and lmk what you think!
yea im with you lime.. i might have to do the same this next flower cycle so i could see what one looks like in full bloom...

No shit!!! They will live up to there name i have now is 10" and it is exploding with new crazy has 3 tops now and more coming.

I can't wait to see these flower too!!! I will start a new thread on these for sure as there seems to be some good potential here for my set up....i need bushes for my under 24" heights and my 150 w hps

Could be interesting too!
that sounds sweet lime.. you are doing real good on your grows.. impressed here

and smelly i just subbed to your kandykush grow, i like
and yes put straight to 24
Hey reggaerican most of my clones went to mush like always again what cause that? After about a week they get mushy and hallow in the inside of the stem I didnt soak my rooter plugs temps were at 80F humid 99% for the first week IDK thats been my problem for months and I cant figure it out. Help me bro anyone.
Hey reggaerican most of my clones went to mush like always again what cause that? After about a week they get mushy and hallow in the inside of the stem I didnt soak my rooter plugs temps were at 80F humid 99% for the first week IDK thats been my problem for months and I cant figure it out. Help me bro anyone.

Not sure if its something you're interested in but a cloner goes a long way and I have probably (no exxagerating) a 99% success rate with mine... I have 2, 1 botanicaire 25 site and I made a 75 site using a tote (but the fkr leaks so I need to fix it lol)..
Hey reggaerican most of my clones went to mush like always again what cause that? After about a week they get mushy and hallow in the inside of the stem I didnt soak my rooter plugs temps were at 80F humid 99% for the first week IDK thats been my problem for months and I cant figure it out. Help me bro anyone.

ive used starter plugs rockwool and soil and ive had great results havent killed a plant yet! i find that imo just putting it in the soil and not letting it dry out works best!...this last time i used starter plugs from the airogarden set up...i put them in a shot glass of water for like a week then i threw it into the soil and a lil while later they wur shootin out new growth
I tried areo cloning and same results, thats crazy its been doing the same thing to me I use rooter plugs rockwool and aero and same results IDK. Well with the aero cloning ppl said it has to be real cool for clones to root and its just to hot in my area and im not tring to buy a water chiller cuz I work I cant keep putting ice in there every hour. Im really stressing guys
Hey reggaerican most of my clones went to mush like always again what cause that? After about a week they get mushy and hallow in the inside of the stem I didnt soak my rooter plugs temps were at 80F humid 99% for the first week IDK thats been my problem for months and I cant figure it out. Help me bro anyone.

what is your technique for cuttings....i had some that died because of this wet and not enough airflow and the stems where mush!!! they need 95% for the first 3 days then you can start to lower to 80% over the next few days....but they need a fresh blast of air at least once or twice a day!!!
Hey lime, you using rootech or any other kind of gels? I love the stuff..

Was using perlite but it would cut into some of the stem which led to some i use the jiffy pucks...i like em. and just a normal "root gel" from home depot...
Since going to the jiffy expanding pellets I have had none die!!!
Was using perlite but it would cut into some of the stem which led to some i use the jiffy pucks...i like em. and just a normal "root gel" from home depot...
Since going to the jiffy expanding pellets I have had none die!!!

Thats what I've been using and they work great! What gel from HD do you use and how much is it? I use the rootech aswell and its like 18 bucks a pop!
Wilson-Roots...liquid root stimulator for like $5 bucks ....and i just dip it in the container after they sit in water for a few minutes from cut.

No shit and is it powder? Have you had good results so far with it? thanks for the info +REP
No... it is a gel....and i find it is great... because there is less handling of the cutting vs powder! just a quick dip and into you med....plugs or whatever you use...

And thank you:bigjoint:
what is your technique for cuttings....i had some that died because of this wet and not enough airflow and the stems where mush!!! they need 95% for the first 3 days then you can start to lower to 80% over the next few days....but they need a fresh blast of air at least once or twice a day!!!
So once a day should I take the dome off and fan the clones once or twice with the dome? And I let the clones get to 99% and maybe beyond, my thermo only goes to 99% And I didnt open my dome only to mist it when it got dry once a day I didnt fan them either. I know its not to wet. Should I open the holes on the top of the dome on the 3rd day for a lil air too? Thanks ya'll
So once a day should I take the dome off and fan the clones once or twice with the dome? And I let the clones get to 99% and maybe beyond, my thermo only goes to 99% And I didnt open my dome only to mist it when it got dry once a day I didnt fan them either. I know its not to wet. Should I open the holes on the top of the dome on the 3rd day for a lil air too? Thanks ya'll

Yes this would help indeed! dome off for at least 15 min to get fresh air in ! Yes slowly decrease humidity after a few days at 95% humidity and give them some fresh air and this should help you man! Hope i helped!
hey lime thanks for helping out don same with the rest of you ... + rep to you all
don you were in good hands it sounds like...
but one thing i didnt see asked is your not still misting them things are you?
hey lime thanks for helping out don same with the rest of you ... + rep to you all
don you were in good hands it sounds like...
but one thing i didnt see asked is your not still misting them things are you?
Nah bro I stop misting them so now your online check this out why I been so unsuccesful is because what do you think? I have never cut my clones at the nodes I always cut from the middle of the steam not near the nod at all they say the steam dosent do anything the roots start from the nod they said the stem is like a popsicle stick with out the nod is that correct? I just found that out now from a friend in my nieghbor hood is that correct? Or is it possible to clone in the middle of the steam or anywhere? What you guys think?